Weekly eBulletin - April 18th, 2021
Third Sunday of Easter
Towards the end of Luke’s account of the Emmaus story, Jesus said: “You are witnesses to all of these,” - God’s love for all of humanity. Easter reminds us of God’s faithfulness, commitment, and love for all of us. But should we just be a passive witness to Christ resurrection in our present days? Read more...
Please join us for Mass. Read on for more details and other events.
God Bless,
Fr. Ritche
Diocesan Priests’ Retirement Appeal
During these unprecedented times, many are hurting and need our assistance, including our elderly priests. As we approach the annual Diocesan Priest Retirement Appeal collection on Good Shepherd Sunday (April 24-25, 2021), we encourage your continued support of this vital appeal which cares for those Catholic Priests who have served for decades in the Diocese of San Jose in their later years. To donate, click here.
Mass Times: 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm (livestreamed)
Confession: 4:00pm-4:45pm
9:30am (livestreamed) and 11:30am
Eucharistic Adoration
- The first Friday of the month after 8:30 Mass in-person and Livestream
We are on our final weeks of the 2021 Annual Diocesan Appeal and we are in need of your help. If you have not yet made your pledge, please prayerfully doing so. We have collected $279,180 which is 105% of the Diocesan goal and 97% of our parish goal with the support of 419 pledges. Gifts can be made through our parish office or the parish and diocesan website here. To donate via text, text ADA to 408-317-0990. To donate via QR code, open your camera app and focus on the image on the right. If you are unable to pledge, please pray for the success of the campaign. Thank you so much for your generous support!
The Exsultet: Christ Our Light
The Easter Proclamation – also known as the Exsultet, is intone by the deacon (or a priest, or a lay cantor if need be) and is one of the most evocative and poetic hymns of praise in all liturgy, i.e. words and music are used to praise and thank God: God’s saving activity throughout human history, culminating in Christ’s defeat of death and Resurrection from the dead. Read more...
CRS Rice Bowl Thanks You! On behalf of the Diocesan CRS Rice Bowl Team we thank you for including CRS Rice Bowl as a part of your Lenten journey. Your sacrifices and contributions are changing the lives of the marginalized in your community. Please submit your donations online here or drop off your Rice Bowls at one of our Masses by May 2nd.
LIKE : A Documentary on Social Media
We invite you to attend the free showing of LIKE, a documentary about the impact of social media on our lives. The screening will happen on April 26 at 5:30pm online and will be followed by an interactive Q&A panel discussion. This film is suitable for ages 10+. The film will include Spanish subtitles and there will be an interpreter available during the panel discussion. Please click here to learn more and register.
Please pray for:
George Kenneth Johnson, Sharon Pleu
Recently died:
Hana Atoule, Arturo de Guzman, William Van Dorn
3sixty High School Ministry
We had a great in-person gathering last Sunday. It was nice to see youth that we have not seen since the previous year. We will continue to rotate and offer in-person gatherings.
Our next 3sixty is this Sunday, April 18th virtually on Zoom. We will start at 7:00pm.
Edge Middle School Ministry
As the ministry year draws to an end, we are looking at offering an in-person Edge gathering next month. Stay tuned for more information for the date and for safe protocols.
Our next Edge in the meantime will be on Wednesday, May 5th on Zoom.
Sacred Heart Reverse Collection Thank you!
Dear Holy Spirit Parishioners,
As the Reverse Collection comes to a close, we would first off like to say thank you for your generous donations. We are pleased to say that we received more than double the amount of donations we received last fall for the Canned Food Drive, which was successful itself. This success would not have been possible without all of you and for this we cannot thank you enough. We know it was especially difficult to donate this year because of the pandemic, but your donations will truly make a difference. The volunteers at Sacred Heart were extremely happy with our donations, and we hope to continue this successful partnership in the future. Thanks again, and we look forward to organizing another donation drive soon.
Jack Werle and Nick Elliott
The great weather has provided opportunities for our science lessons to move outdoors! We are grateful for the weather, for our teachers, and for the continued health of our community that makes these "rainbow finding" lessons possible.
Learn more about Holy Spirit School here.
Married Singles Lifestyle
The Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that may have lost a sense of closeness they once had as marriage partners. Retrouvaille teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages. For information about or to register for the April Virtual Marriage Program starting on April 22-25, 2021 call 408-605-4998, email: SanJose@RetroCA.com or visit the web site at www.HelpOurMarriage.org
Vaccine Informational Handout: Here are more information on the ethics and science of vaccines: View Information
Holy Spirit Parish
1200 Redmond Avenue
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 997-5101