Dear #Positivity Friends,

If you live anywhere on the path of the total solar eclipse that’s happening on Monday, April 8, you’ve got the hottest ticket in town. From the west coast of Mexico to the east coast of Canada, you’ll be able to see a three-to-four-plus-minute long full eclipse and if you’re lucky, you’ll see some “helmet streamers,” “prominences,” and even a “coronal mass ejection.” These are the colorful plumes, protrusions, and occasional eruptions of solar material that can really make a total eclipse such a thrill.

No matter where you live in the United States, you’ll be able to see at least a partial if not total eclipse. Just don’t forget to wear your protective eclipse glasses to protect your vision. No matter how spectacular a solar eclipse can be, it’ll be no fun at all if you scorch your eyes!

In other news, spring is officially here and our national nonprofit, Neighborhood Farms USA®, is supporting local gardens all over the country to get growing. I hope you’ll visit and join our cause to promote community gardening that improves access to fresh-grown food for everyone. 

As always, I hope that you are enjoying my newsletter. If you miss any edition, you can find it on my website. Pass this newsletter along and encourage your family and friends to sign up.

With hope and positivity,

#Positivity® Stories

Get Their Heads in the Sky

Do you remember looking out the window of your classroom at school when you were a kid, staring at the sky or the trees and falling into a daydream? Unfortunately, many kids don’t have that luxury anymore. Classrooms are increasingly being designed without windows so school seems even more institutional and confining. Ernesto Rodriguez, a former school psychologist, landscape photographer, and park ranger on Southern California’s Catalina Island has found a way to bring nature into the classroom. He prints large photos of tree canopies and affixes them to the ceiling tiles so students can look up and have an instant connection to nature. He has installed these tree canopies in 10 school districts in California and Colorado so far, with plans for many more. Rodriguez says the right mix of trees and sky and the sunshine over a student’s head can change their whole school experience. “The trees help students manage anxiety, boost joy and creativity, and create a sense of community in the classroom.”

Three Wheels to Freedom

Marshall Smith, a 5-year-old boy in Hope Mills, North Carolina, had been dreaming of a tricycle for months. Born with cerebral palsy, Marshall has worked hard to learn to walk and talk. AMBUCS is a national nonprofit organization and owner of AmTryke, LLC, a company that makes adaptive tricycles for children and adults who have disabilities. The local chapter of AMBUCS donated a trike to Marshall that helps develop his coordination and stability. Sherry Smith is thrilled that her son can now ride alongside his two bicycling siblings. “This gives him the opportunity to keep up with them!”

A Superbloom

California is poised to experience something incredible after suffering through all the record rains and snowfall over the winter—a phenomenon known as a superbloom. Spring wildflower blooms of extraordinary proportions are set to flower in higher-elevation deserts after the wet winter, bringing bountiful color to the state parks and reserves in Palm Springs, Anaheim, and areas around Santa Barbara. California poppies, desert sand verbena, sage, and dune evening primrose are some of the most prominent blooms expected from now through May. The golds, purples, reds and oranges of the superblooms are incredible to see in person if you can, in photos if you can’t, and if you’re an extra lucky astronaut, from space.  


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Moshe Means Business

Tip of the Month

It’s hard making business decisions especially when you only have about 70% of the information you feel you need to do so. By the time you have all the information you’re looking for, the opportunity has usually passed. Get comfortable with committing to a decision with without 100% of the information you think you need. Use your expertise and do the absolute best you can with the information you’ve got. 

Check Out Our Web Series

Moshe is passionate about highlighting small businesses and what makes them unique, successful, and fun.

Make sure to subscribe to Moshe’s YouTube channel so you never miss a show. 

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What the Bees See: A Honeybee’s Eye View of the World by Craig P. Burrows

What do honeybees see? Author Craig P. Burrows shows you exactly what they see with stunning ultraviolet-induced visible fluorescence (UVIVF) photographs of flowers and nature. Burrows also explores the ecosystems of honeybees and the history of beekeeping and cultivation, as well as the way bee products are helping advance the medical and wellness fields. You’ll be surprised by all the ways the honeybee has impacted history and their importance to our future and life on the earth. 

If you like our #Positivity® Newsletter...You’ll 💕Our Podcast, Common Denominator. Each week, I have inspiring conversations with great thinkers.

New Episode! The Keys For You To Ace Every Interview

Have you ever been perfect for a job, but choked during the interview? Or maybe you didn’t have great answers to tough questions, like “Why should we hire you?” Anna Papalia is the CEO and bestselling author of “Interviewology” and has expert insight on how to crush any job interview. She’s advised more than ten thousand clients on the science of job interviews and is about to pass along her expertise to you!

Listen Now

Catch up on previous episodes:

  • Unconventional Ways To Make Money In Real Estate with Cherif Medawar
  • Handling Rejection, Being Teachable, and Never Quitting with Travis Chappell
  • How the Samurai Mindset will Change Your Life with Rafa Conde

Listen to Common Denominator on Your Favorite Podcast App & YouTube

Spreading #Positivity®

Thank you, readers, for sending us your photos with your comments. We are so excited that you are helping spread a positive message everywhere you go! Let’s keep spreading #Positivity® together! Send us your photos and stories to and include your name and social media handle. We will feature them in the next newsletter and on Facebook!

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