If you are caring for or working with a young adult who is currently in high school or who just started post-secondary education, the free, Within Reach Conference will be a great resource for you to learn about post-secondary education resources available to students with foster care backgrounds.
Attendees will learn about resources available to students with foster care backgrounds at ASU, GCU, the Maricopa Community Colleges, NAU, and UA.
Additionally, attendees will learn about resources offered by the Department of Child Safety (DCS), Foster Success Education Services (Education and Training Voucher funds), Foster Ed, First Star, and Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation (AFFCF).
The conference is for supportive adults only, please click below to register!
Who: Supportive Adults in the lives of youth and young adults with foster care backgrounds
What: Within Reach Post-Secondary Education conference
Where: ASU's Tempe Campus Memorial Union (301 E. Orange Street, Room 221 Tempe, AZ 85281)
When: Saturday, 10/5/24 8:30am - 4:00pm
Why: To provide supportive adults with more resources to support students with foster care backgrounds in post-secondary education