
Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

Ephesians 6:12 is so current today. We are wrestling with principalities and powers. Amidst the drag show porn show at the opening of the Olympics, and the rude way VP Harris treated Prime Minister Netanyahu, this sharing below of a key dream by a brother in Christ in New Zealand is an additional wakeup call for personal and national repentance----in every nation.

It starts with you and me! Please check with the indwelling Holy Spirit His call on your life: John 15:16,17. As you begin to walk that out, you will be strengthened by His Spirit; you will be "bearing fruit worthy of repentance." Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Here is the dream, sent by our friend Mary, a key participant in Australia Kneels:

To: Zarb, Mary <mprzar03@gmail.com>

HI Mary


Here is the text from Paul, about Brad's dream.


Love Roberta 


Morena tatou te whanau. 

I submit this dream in obedience to the Lord. 

In all honesty, I had no interest in this woman until the Lord brought it to my attention.

And please be encouraged to share with others to pray into it.

In the dream I was lifted up over Aotearoa NZ. The Lord pointed to America and I saw a woman hovering in the air over America. The Lord said; this woman's name is Kamala Harris. What stood out to me was the garment she was wearing. It was a purple garment but the Lord showed its true colors. He said to me; "Look with the supernatural eyes I have given you". I looked and her garment was interchanging from green to red then to white and to black. Then the Lord showed the spirit on the garment. It was anti christ and anti Israel. 

She opened her mouth and spoke. War was released from out of her mouth and it came out like a raging storm. It invaded the sea and the lands. Then the Lord said; 

"If the nations continue in the way of Baal then Kamala Harris will be their ruler but if they humble themselves I will bring forth the one whom I have reserved for the nations and he will be like a trumpet to blow against her and destroy her wicked ways". 

I asked, what does this have to do with NZ? He replied and said; 

"It has everything to do with Aotearoa NZ. Not only will she rule America, she will rule every nation in the world including the nation of NZ".

He added and said;

"If she becomes ruler it will have a major impact on the world, but for Israel it will be worse. This will affect every generation especially your children. Understand this", said the Lord; 

"She will open the gate for Anti Christ (Islam) to invade all nations".

I felt a yoke being placed on my neck and it was absolutely heavy. I couldn't stand and I had to deep breathe. I asked the Lord;

β€œWhat is this?”

He said;

"This is my burden and I have called My people to be My burden bearers. Now understand this; As I said before, the Church needs to get into alignment. If the church does not get into alignment with me, then the nation will not come into alignment with me. And if that alignment does not happen, then the nation will bear the weight of what's to come and I am telling you, this nation will not be able to stand under her rulership and it will collapse. Remember also, the impact it will have on all generations".

He revealed the colours of the garment and they are written in Revelation 6 and they are in fact the colors that represent Palestine.

This is a warning of what could come to be and it is weighing heavy on God's heart. We must fight says the Lord. But our fight is in prayer. Prayer is the only way God can move and intervene. I understand now, why the Lord has been calling for prayer houses to arise. This is a serious matter the Lord has shared with us. Let's not take this lightly because God does not take this matter lightly. He knows the plans he has for us, but we must do our part and go into deep prayer and intercession regarding this matter.

Again; Seek first the kingdom of God (God's kingdom purposes, righteousness, matters and heart issues) and we can be sure that He himself will give to us everything we need (natural and supernatural) to accomplish his will on earth.

Naku nei te mihi Kia koutou katoa. 

[29/7, 10:37] Brad Haami: For prayer

Note: Brad Haami is a close friend who regularly stays with Shulamit and me when he is in Auckland for ministry engagements. He is an intercessory leader who travels widely within NZ and abroad on assignments from the Lord. Shulamit accompanied him on one such assignment to Inner Mongolia and Israel. 


Paul Ataya. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


My dear friend, John Parsons, Countdown Radio, has also a key segment on this VP Harris, including her wicked pursuit of David Daleidon, the man who shot the video showing Planned Parenthood selling body parts of aborted infants:

This is his latest show:


Please sow into this repentance movement, donating below, whatever the amount. Thank you for your prayers, support and participation.

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance






The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's a NDR video on this key scripture:  https://youtu.be/oT15XrDvv9c

and this video on ETERNITY: https://youtu.be/evrL-H29908

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance | www.repentday.com