Volume 8 Issue 10 December 2021
A monthly newsletter published by MKSA LLC
Best Wishes for the Holiday Season
From our MKSA family to yours, we wish you a wonderful holiday season,
full of health and happiness. Happy New Year!
Traveling With Children With Autism
Holiday vacations are coming up quickly! Many families will take to the skies to visit family and friends, and for families of children with autism, there are additional challenges involved. We've gathered some resources that may be helpful in your travel planning. Wherever you're off to--be safe and have fun!
Holidays for Children with Sensory Needs
Lights. Music. Crowds. These elements of the holiday season can be especially difficult for children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). SPD may affect a single sense, such as taste, touch or hearing, or it may affect multiple senses. What this does mean is that some fundamental aspects of this season can be very frustrating for some children. We are sharing a past blog post covering this topic, with suggestions for navigating this time of year.
What are YOU reading?
Our list of recommended books continues with a theme of gratitude and relaxation:
-Gratitude is My Superpower by Alicia Ortego
-Meditation for Kids by Tejal V. Patel
-The Giving Snowman by Julia Zheng and Graziella Miligi
December is...
Bingo Month, Safe Toys and Gifts Month and Write a Friend Month. So...play some good old fashioned (non-electronic!) games and be sure to put pen to paper afterwards. Enjoy.
We're very social!
We are enjoying sharing on social media and we value all of our friends and followers. If you don't already follow us, we hope you will! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We welcome your input and feedback and look forward to seeing you!
MKSA LLC | 516-731-5588| Email | Website