Merry Christmas

Hello Friends,

We just wanted to say we appreciate you and your support of the Raymon Grace Foundation this year. Whether it was a donation, a kind note or just trying to make the world a better place.

Wishing you a joyful and calm holiday season.

April Grace

Director of Communications, Raymon Grace Foundation

A Note From Raymon

Howdy Folks,
What is really important in life?
This might have fit better in the Thanksgiving newsletter but I guess it fits in most anytime of the year. 
My list would include safety for family and friends, freedom, good health, a good place to live, growing food, good water, clean air, strong/healthy body, ability to work, opportunities and abilities to help people.
Guess the list could continue for many other things but this is a start.
How do you obtain these things? Maybe by giving THANKS for them every morning. Seems to have worked for me—but I also worked for these things. 
On Dec 10 Tom McCarthy interviewed me on film for an upcoming 'Global Energy Healing Summit' to be held in March 2022. I will give more specific details when Tom sends them to me. 
Tom asked sensible questions and the interview went well. He asked why I worked so much on the farm, phone and computer helping people when most people my age were retired, doing what they wanted to do.
My answer was, 'I am doing what I want to do.’ Helping people is important.
As a kid, was told it was important to go to school. So I went to school and learned to read, write and do simple math. This has served me well.
My teacher told me it was important to go to college or I would have to accept a low paying job. Instead of going to college, I went to work and made more money than the teacher. 
Was also told if I did not dress ‘properly’ I would not be accepted by society. Proved that one wrong too as I ignored the advice and now receive more mail than can be answered. 

As of this month, have ridden this planet around the sun 77 times. Have been a sergeant in the Army, a construction foreman building shopping malls, received Resolution #133 from the Virgina Senate, founded a non-profit foundation to further my energy work, reaching 142 countries, lived-in a teepee in an Indian camp in the desert and in Alberta Canada, spent time in a Wilderness survival School in the Pine Barrens, spoken at various events in 40 states and several Canadian Provinces, been a guest on CoasttoCoastam Radio four times and more radio interviews than I remember, wrote three books and made over 70 films, rode horses for hundreds of miles, traveled the Alaskan Highway, assisted the RCMP in lowering crime, performed more exorcisms than I can remember and most important—been married to Nancy for 50 years and have April and two granddaughters, provided for my family and been helpful to my friends. 
May have done more but this is all I can think of now. At NO time did I ever need to use drugs or alcohol or algebra and was never hired to diagram a sentence or quote Shakespeare—and I still don’t own a suit and tie.
So this is my list of what is important…and what ain’t.
Enjoy the Holidays,

Oh, you want some proof of the Senate award? OK, here it is…

senate 2.jpg

Raymon with Senator Jill Holtzman Vogel

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Delegate Israel O’quinn, Senator Bill Carrico and Senator Jill Vogel with Raymon 

Raymon's Website
Raymon Grace Foundation

Class Calendar

  • No classes currently scheduled. Please check out Raymon's YouTube for helpful videos.
Raymon's YouTube

Comments From Our Friends Around The World

  • When we started, my son was in bad shape. His wife--a very dark woman--had left him after she took most of his money, his self-esteem, and destroyed his relationship with his 19-year-old son. For at least 8 years, I had been to dowsers, healers, Tom Brown's inner circle, to get help for him. But he continued to go from one difficult situation to another. Today he is thriving. He has found work he loves, work he has a talent for, he is successful, and he has a new son, an 18-month old. 

His healing started when you removed some entities from him that I believe he had most of his life. And the monthly clearings helped him change his life

  • Hi Raymon, I hope this finds you wonderful!!

Please know you are right on target with the energy of helping families ease into a place of peace, cooperation and acceptance.

It has helped ours tremendously!!

Your work is amazing and contagious!!!

I am so grateful for the work you and April do, and it is an inspiring thread that weaves thru my life daily!!!

Wishing you love, health and dreams that come true!!

Namaste, B

One of my friends grew a field of hemp and VA Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 
If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com