Offering HeART and SoulCollage® workshops to inspire your creative spirit
Shhh! The Earth is listening...
...we must tell Her how beautiful She is.


This is an invitation to let your earth love flag fly and come join me in March at the Down to Earth Studio to create shrines or banners for the Earth Love Art Show (details below). Our work will be featured at the Art Department Store in downtown Salem during the month of April. There are still a few spots left and I'd love to fill them up. By the way, if you have an Earth-related art piece (painting, fiber art, or assemblage, etc.) that you'd like to include in the Earth Love Art Show, please let me know! Let's jam the Concrete Gallery with expressions of our love for Mother Earth.
What inspired me to host this art show is a quote I recently read in Trebbe Johnson's newsletter. Trebbe is a brilliant activist, writer, questing guide, and the founder of Radical Joy for Hard Times. Here is the excerpt from her newsletter:

"How do we revitalize the Earth? Although it's important to plant trees, cut down on driving, and refrain from buying goods from places on the other side of the world, there is another thing we can do every day, no matter where we are.
Charles Lawrence, a teacher and visionary of mixed European and Blackfoot descent who has worked for decades to interweave teachings and shamanic practices of First Nations people around the world, recounts the advice of a 92-year-old Siberian shaman, Mikhail Duvan of the Ulchi tribe. On a trip to Washington state in 1995, 'Grandfather Misha' became upset when attendees at a ceremony complained about pollution, mining, and other depredations on the land.
'In Siberia,' he said, 'there is mercury in the streams from gold mining. The fish are dying. But we don’t dare say how awful it is, because the Earth is listening and she will be upset. We must tell the Earth how beautiful she is.' ” 

This quote stirs my heart because it shifts my attention to seeing everything that is still here to love and cherish on our amazing planet. Instead focusing on all that's going wrong, I can remember that She is a living entity—a being who needs love and affirmation from her kin.

I live in a bungalow eight blocks from downtown Salem. My front yard is all planted in colorful perenials, no lawn. Lots of people walk by and admire my yard as they travel to and from the large apartment complex at the end of the street.
"I really enjoy your beautiful yard," they say.
"Thank you," I say. "I think the plants and trees thrives because they appreciate your compliments." I always get a smile, a nod, and sometimes a chuckle, in return.

One of my favorite quotes is,The Earth says much to those who listen (author unknown). Perhaps a follow up quote to that might be, The Earth listens much to those who say "you are beautiful and I love you." Spring is coming. Let's go on out and tell the green buds how beautiful they are!

And here is a link to one of my latest favorite songs "Beautiful World," by Coldplay, for your listening pleasure. The accompanying video was made by a 14 year old boy.
Art and SoulCollage® Gatherings at the Down to Earth Studio
SoulCollage® Card Making Gatherings

3rd Fridays - Morning and Afternoon Sessions
Morning sessions: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Afternoon sessions: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
GG's Down to Earth Studio

If a sessions is full, you can email GG to get on the wait list.

March 17 - All Things Green!
Morning session: Space available
Afternoon session: Full

April 21 - Sunlight and Shadow
Space is available in both sessions.

May 19 - Animal Medicine Cards
Space is available in both sessions.

Sliding scale fee: $25 - $40. Fee includes all supplies and the 3-hour session.

New Request: Please pay* in advance to secure your spot. Venmo (Glenda-Goodrich), Paypal ( or mail me a check to 240 Bush Street S., Salem, OR 97302. Thank you!

Those new to SoulCollage® can come one hour early for an overview. Newcomer Fee for the one-hour introductory overview + all supplies + three-hour gathering is $65. 
Email GG to register.

*Refund policy: Full refund if you cancel 7 days or more before the gathering; If you cancel less than 7 days before the gathering, I will issue a refund if I can fill your spot.
SoulCollage® Card Reading Gathering

Friday, April 28th, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
GG's Down to Earth Studio

What other treasures await you in your SoulCollage® deck? Let's find out! Come join me for a gathering where we will explore different ways of reading our cards. Whether you have 10 cards or 100 cards, there is so much more to discover within the imagery your soul has chosen. If you are new to SoulCollage and only have a handful of cards, come anyway for a surprise!

By donation.
Email GG to register
Earth Shrines & Banners Workshops and Local Art Show

2 Workshop Options at GG's Down to Earth Studio:
Saturday, March 11, 2023 10:00 am to 4:00 pm,
or Sunday, March 19, 2023 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Workshop fee: $65.00 Workshop fee includes all supplies and instruction. Half of the fee will go to 1,000 Friends of Oregon for habitat restoration.

I'm so excited to announce that The Down to Earth Studio is teaming up with The Art Department Supply Store for an art show titled "Earth Love," just in time for Earth Day! The show will be held in the Concrete Gallery (back of the Art Department Supply Store in downtown Salem) from April 7th to 28th.

Come to the Down to Earth Studio on one of the dates in March and make a shrine or a banner for the show. Harvest images, fabric, ribbons, doo-dads, beads, bones, and bouquets from the Down to Earth Studio stash. Adorn your creation with metallic bling, dried flora from the garden, beads and bamboo branches. Show your love for the Earth through creativity.

Why not give this workshop as a gift to someone and the two of you come and create together? Not crafty? No worries. GG will guide you through step by step.

Your finished piece will grace planet Earth with love and healing power. A perfect way to celebrate Earth Day and the beginning of Spring! Register with GG here.
Fun With Frisket!

2 Day Workshop: Saturday, May 6th, 10:30 am to 3:30 pm and
Sunday, May 7th, 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm
Art Department Supply Store, Salem
Workshop fee: $145.00

This relaxed playful workshop combines the techniques of collage, painting, frisket resist, and vibrant spray inks to create fascinating layered artwork. Come and learn another super fun tool for your art toolkit. Cut, tear, brush, mark, apply, spray....and voila!..a finished work of art. Beginners are welcome.

On day one we will make a series of collaged and/or painted backgrounds. On day two we will apply frisket resist (a water-based latex fluid) and spray inks. Then...the big reveal when we peel off the frisket!

Register at the Art Department Suppy Store. Supply list provided upon registration. All regular-priced supplies are available at 20% off from Art Dept for this class.  
Other Announcements from The Down to Earth Studio
Earth Love Shrine and Banner Art Show at the Art Department Supply Store
April 7 - 30, 2023
This is the first year of what I hope will be an annual show, and you can be a part of it! Contact GG if you'd like to have your Earth-related art added to the show. Or you can let your earth love flag fly joining me at the Down to Earth Studio on either March 11th or 19th (Details above).
SCHOLARSHIPS rainbow letters banner
SCHOLARSHIPS rainbow letters banner
Announcing The Down to Earth Studio Scholarship Fund

Yes, that's right. The Studio now has a scholarship fund with dollars donated by kind and thoughtful individuals who support the arts! If you are under financial hardship and not able to afford a workshop fee, please contact GG to apply.
Solo Passage: 13 Quests, 13 Questions is now available for pre-order

"Glenda’s story is a celebration of interconnectedness and belonging, a wild sacrament, a love song to Mother Earth.Through her stories, the reader is shown a path to transformation that anyone who is drawn to can follow." Sara Harris, Co-Founder of EarthWays LLC, Wilderness Rites of Passage Guide

My book is now available for pre-order on Bookshop (every purchase supports local bookstores), Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Thank you in advance for pre-ordering! Pre-orders help build buzz, which in turn can build momentum for getting my book into the hands of those who might benefit from reading it. The publishing date is 9/26/2023.
Art Prints For Sale
"Being Held in Deep Grief and Unbearable Beauty" art print for sale.
12" h x 16" w $85 plus postage. Contact GG
Beyond the Veil" art print for sale.
16" h x 12" w $85 plus postage. Contact GG
"Dreaming of Iris" art print for sale.
16" h x 20" w $85 plus postage.
"Bird Whisperer" art print for sale.
12" x 12" or 16" h x 16"
$85 plus postage.

Gift Certificates for GG's Down to Earth Studio for SoulCollage(r) baby showers, birthday parties, products, classes, or art doula services. Email GG for more info.
from my creative heart to yours,
The Art Doula is here for you!

I am thrilled to be working with several art mentoring clients and we are having a fabulous time in the studio! I love being an Art Doula : )

Come and explore, discover, and birth your unique creativity.

Are you a tentative artist, or maybe a wanna-be? Do you feel the call to create something but don't know where to start? Have you heard yourself say the words “I’m not a creative person?” Or, maybe you think of yourself as only a painter, or only a crafter.
Let’s debunk those myths! I am an Art Doula, here to help you explore, discover, and birth more of your unique creativity. I'd so love to work with you to help your creative life blossom. Zoom or in-person doula services available. Contact me for a free 30-minute preliminary consult. More information on my website here.