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Volume 3, Issue 6
Promise Partner's Meeting

Join us for an engaging day full of best practices on school and employment, success stories from Promise participants, and interactive discussions on how to improve school participation and employment outcomes for Promise families. 

June 24, 2016
9 AM - 3 PM
Italian Community Center
631 E. Chicago Street, Milwaukee, WI

Ellies' Updates

With Promise enrollment underway and services getting started, who are the participants of the program so far? This article highlights some statistics about Wisconsin Promise participants. Be sure to leave a reply if you have any questions.   Article
Promise for Parents

Just getting started with Promise? Here are some key things you can do to learn more about Wisconsin Promise and take advantage of the opportunities we have to offer. Click Here
Recent Success Story

In Northwest Wisconsin: A youth really wanted to work at a summer camp. The Promise counselor connected this youth with a job developer. The job developer worked to connect the youth to do an assessment at a camp and was actually able to connect the youth to a Trial Work Experience (TWE) at the camp this summer which will turn into a permanent summer job for the youth during subsequent summers. The youth will be a Youth Summer Assistant and will be doing a variety of needed jobs for the summer camp, including assisting camp counselors, data entry, and camp maintenance. The youth is super excited he will be working at his dream job! 
Youth With Disabilities Can Work. What Can You Do?

Not Sure What Summer Job is Right for You? Take this Quiz!

Summer is almost here! It's time to think about getting a summer job. A summer job is
a good idea for many reasons:
  • Take a risk by trying something new.
  • Make new friends.
  • You'll learn new things about yourself such as what you are good at and what you like to do.
  • Who doesn't like a little extra money in their pocket?

Quiz: What Summer Job is Right for Me?

Meet Our Family Advocates 

Kim Campion, Northwestern Wisconsin 
Kim has been working with families of youth with disabilities for almost 10 years. As a parent of a child with disabilities, she is passionate about helping families connect and communicate. She has worked with school staff and parents to help facilitate communication at school and throughout the IEP process. She has participated in and facilitated many parent groups and has found that to be one of the best ways to share resources and for parents to realize they are not alone on this journey. Kim believes that with personal support, families can become empowered to help their kids succeed. She is very excited to be helping more families in Northwestern Wisconsin! 
Steering Committee Profile Members and Emails

The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Cooperative Agreement H418P130004.However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. 
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