September 2020 | Volume XIX, Issue 1 |
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Hello Wisconsin Future Business Leaders of America!

My name is Brooke Allemann and I am serving as your 2020-21 State President. I cannot believe the school year is already starting, and schools across the state are learning how to adapt to our new normal. Recently, the Wisconsin FBLA-PBL Foundation has yet again provided our organization with the support we need to be successful, especially during these unprecedented times. 

This year, our officer team looks forward to promoting the Business Achievement Awards, Outstanding Chapter Award, Community Service Awards, and the Middle-Level LEAD program and our Member of the Month program. The state officers are dedicated to persevering and providing the best experience possible for our members.

Additionally, Wisconsin FBLA is committed to provide both high school and middle level competitive event experiences. The national office just released the event guidelines and topics. The national event rubrics and format guide are coming soon. Visit our Wisconsin FBLA Competitive Event webpage for updates later this fall for your specific participation at regional and state levels. The membership deadline is November 15 for students who would like to participate in competitive events at the Regional Leadership Conference scheduled for February 2021. To help get advisers started, we encourage all advisers to view the national Adviser Membership Database Boot Camp. Spread the word, and start recruiting! Check out the Wisconsin FBLA calendar for more important dates.

Best of luck to you all the coming year, and I hope you make the best of every opportunity you are given! 
Brooke Allemann
State President,
Cochrane-Fountain City High School

Faith Kierzek
State Secretary/Treasurer, Muskego High School

Wisconsin FBLA chapters and members did an incredible job in the 2020 FBLA National Leadership Experience (NLE). Check out the event highlights in the National FBLA-PBL Special Edition of Tomorrow's Business Leader. Although the circumstances were different than the typical National Leadership Conference, our members enjoyed the opening and closing sessions, online campaigns, 100x workshops and online networking! In addition to the conference sessions, our Wisconsin members competed successfully! We thank all the advisers who worked to provide this opportunity for your members.

Wisconsin had over 300 middle school, high school and collegiate student members participate in the NLE. The conference as a whole was run at the end of June through the beginning of July for over 11,500 national attendees.  

In addition to our attendees and competitors, Wisconsin had two candidates for National Office. The first, Faith Kierzek, for FBLA National President and the second, Brenen Skalitzky, for National Parliamentarian. Unfortunately, neither candidate secured the position. However, they worked extremely hard on their campaigns and represented Wisconsin great! 

Special National Recognition
for Wisconsin:

Wisconsin had the highest number of schools in the nation recognized for providing quality non-competitive event student activity experiences.

The National Outstanding Chapter Recognition program requires schools to complete at least twenty (20) membership, community service, and education activities. A complete list of chapters who received this award can be viewed on our 2020 State Recognition Awards webpage.

Additional Awards: 

Honorary Lifetime Award – Daryl Bratz, retired from Thorp High School (video feature of 23rd person ever recognized nationally)

Wisconsin Business Person of the Year – Dee Strom, Fastenal nominated by Cochrane-Fountain City

Wisconsin Adviser of the Year – Michael Carpenter, Sauk Prairie High School

Wisconsin Who’s Who Student Member of the Year – Hannah Ness, Portage High School

Collegiate Division elected to National VP of Financial Development – Isaac Wiengard, Milwaukee School of Engineering

Muskego High School received a $500 grant in collaboration with Lead4Change to implement a community service project titled “Blanket Boosters.”

Westosha Central High School received a $1000 grant in collaboration with the March of Dimes to support local community service activities.
Competitive Event Top 10 National Finalists from Wisconsin:

Middle Level Division
  • Elevator Speech – 10th Julia Boisen, Cashton
  • Multimedia & Website Design – 10th Jermyn Balk, Cashton

High School Division
  • Banking & Financial Systems – 6th Alex McAndrew & Andrew Spence, Sun Prairie
  • Business Communication – 3rd Francesca Pica, Cameron
  • Business Communications - 8th Paul Capelli, Westosha Central
  • Business Ethics – 2nd Josephine Schall, Dodgeland
  • Business Plan – 5th Olivia Miller & Kelsey Schneider, River Falls
  • Client Service – 2nd Olivia Lemanski, Waunakee
  • Coding & Programming – 10th Allie Bacholl, Marshfield
  • Graphic Design – 7th Garrett Ver Velde, Oconto Falls
  • Graphic Design – 8th Camille Simmons, Monona Grove
  • Help Desk – 4th Kiara Lamb, Seymour
  • Introduction to Business – 6th Ankit Janamanchi, Sun Prairie
  • LifeSmarts Financial Literacy – 4th place Adam Putz & Mitchell Salentine, Muskego
  • LifeSmarts Financial Literacy – 8th Andrew Battenberg & Brenen Skalitzky, Waterloo
  • Marketing – 9th Parker Blumentritt, LaCrosse Central
  • Public Speaking – 7th Faith Kierzek, Muskego
  • Publication Design – 2nd Saffron Mears & Elizabeth Kallies, Oconto Falls
  • Virtual Business Finance Challenge – 1st Carter Lindrus, Muskego
  • Virtual Business Finance Challenge – 4th Makenna Holzhueter & Brenen Skalitzky, Waterloo
  • Virtual Business Management Challenge – 3rd Adam Putz, Muskego
  • Virtual Business Management Challenge – 6th Matthew Redlinger & Mason Lobner & Mollie Kinter, Muskego
  • Website Design – 6th John McHugh & Owen Ruhl, Big Foot

Collegiate Division
  • Computer Animation – 1st Kaitlin Foley, St Norbert College
  • Computer Concepts – 3rd Joshua Navin, Milwaukee School of Engineering
  • Contemporary Sports Issues – 9th Megan Pankow, St Norbert College
  • Cyber Security – 3rd Brett Diedrich, Milwaukee School of Engineering
  • Desktop Publishing - 7th Kaitlin Foley, St Norbert College
  • Global Analysis & Decision Making - 1st Felix Krause, Milwaukee School of Engineering
  • Job Interview – 5th Isaac Wiegand, Milwaukee School of Engineering
  • Personal Finance – 8th Isaac Wiegand, Milwaukee School of Engineering
  • Programming Concepts – 8th Benjamin Kraft, Milwaukee School of Engineering
  • Sales Presentation – 2nd Felix Krause, Milwaukee School of Engineering
  • Sports Management & Marketing – 10th Megan Pankow, St Norbert College

Your 2020-2021 WI FBLA State Officer Team:
As we enter the 2020-2021 school year, I am enthralled to introduce and outline our Fall Leadership Experience for all of our members. This opportunity to learn and grow as leaders will be extended across the entirety of fall with each month bringing new content for both student, adviser, and community growth.

In September, we encourage all advisers to complete the Local Chapter Survey and consider signing up your local officers to receive free leadership coaching support with Sydney Wilcox, WI FBLA's new Executive Board Leadership Director. Local officers and advisers will receive access to both the 100x Leader on-demand leadership portal in partnership with TeamTri and a new collaborative online community where local leaders can connect with each other along with the state officer team.

September will also mark the beginning of the Inquire and Aspire video series, an online Q&A forum provided directly from our officer team to you. You will find these videos on our social media accounts, or streamed on our Wisconsin FBLA YouTube Channel, and will hopefully be an energetic and fun way to begin the year.

October will bring an online workshop series with 6 different detailed and prepared lessons for both high school and middle level students. Advisers will be able to engage their members about varying FBLA and leadership topics during the month.

Lastly, come November, the Executive Board will have 5 different FBLA resource guides for chapter leadership to keep for years to come. These guides are being made in conjunction with information and resources provided by the National Office and will hopefully benefit every chapter in some way. Possible topics range from member recruitment, networking, FBLA history, and many more that will pair effectively with the October workshops. We are working hard to provide the best experience possible for our members, and we are ecstatic to share more with you soon! 

Brenen Skalitzky
State Vice President, Waterloo High School
The Business Achievement Awards (BAAs) and Community Service Awards (CSAs), and LEAD Awards (for FBLA-Middle Level) are fantastic programs to enhance the FBLA experience, offered nationally to all members.

For the BAAs, members engage in career-based, leadership development through a variety of tasks and activities guided towards increasing knowledge of FBLA and business ventures. The four levels of the BAAs, named Future, Business, Leader, and America, become more intensive with each level, culminating with recognition at the National Leadership Conference with completion of the America level. The deadline for completion of the Future, Business, and Leader levels is March 1st, while the deadline for the America level is April 25.

The CSAs are a way for members to receive recognition for their community service activities, simply by recording their service hours throughout a member’s FBLA career. The Community award is achieved at 50 hours, the Service award is achieved at 200 hours, and the Achievement award is achieved at 500 hours and recognized at the National Leadership Conference. This is an incredible opportunity for members to be recognized for the community service they may be doing both in and out of FBLA. The deadline for Community and Service awards is March 1, and April 25 for the Achievement award. 

The LEAD awards allow FBLA-ML members the opportunity to expand their involvement in FBLA. At each level—Bronze, Silver, or Gold—members complete 10, 12, or 15 activities of their choice respectively. Members who complete the Gold level will receive recognition at the National Leadership Conference. These activities, focused on leadership, education, and service, improve member’s FBLA experience at the Middle Level and beyond, inspiring the next FBLA leaders. The deadline for all levels of the LEAD awards is April 30th.

Advisers must register members through the FBLA national website, as well as submit the awards upon completion. 

To learn more about the BAAs, visit: https://www.fbla-pbl.org/fbla/programs/education/baa/, To learn more about the CSAs, visit: https://www.fbla-pbl.org/fbla/programs/recognition-awards/csa/,
To learn more about the LEAD awards, visit: https://www.fbla-pbl.org/middle-level/recognition-awards/lead/

We look forward to seeing all the amazing things Wisconsin FBLA members will accomplish through these National Awards!
Sara Booher
State Parlimentarian, Menomonee Falls High School
Member of the Month is a great way to showcase all of the amazing student leaders throughout Wisconsin FBLA. This program supports members and the hard work and dedication they put towards FBLA. Members who win are recognized at the regional and state level! If you would like to be considered for Member of the Month or are an advisor who wants to acknowledge one of your amazing members, applying is very easy! Simply have an advisor fill out this form to be nominated as Member of the Month. To be considered for the upcoming month, please fill out the form by the 15th of each month. Wisconsin FBLA is thrilled to recognize its amazing members throughout 2020-2021 through the Member of the Month program!
Stephanie Gavin
Region VI Vice President, Hartford Union High School
NEW THIS YEAR: Regional VPs Take On Instagram!
Make sure to follow your school's Region Vice President on Instagram. They'll be posting local chapters, members, regional updates, and more, so make sure to stay connected within your area! The five executive board officers will maintain active accounts on Twitter. Visit our Wisconsin FBLA Contact Us webpage or your Regional website linked below for information on how to connect to our officer team.
Kari Kelly
State Reporter,
Oak Creek High School
Region Vice President Websites: