December 2020 | Volume XIX, Issue 3 |
View as Webpage - Advisers, please use this link to distribute the WFeB to your local members. Members may subscribe to receive future publications by selecting the Join Our Mailing List link above or may added automatically by Wisconsin FBLA when you register a member with an email address through the national membership system.
Hello Wisconsin FBLA and
Welcome to the December Issue of the WFeB!

I hope you are having a great holiday season!

I would like to begin by congratulating our Member of the Month winners for the months of October and November. We are proud of you for going above and beyond in your local chapters! Congratulations to Kiara Lamb from Seymour Community High School, Soukeyna Dale from Oak Creek High School, Maggie Schneider from Mayville High School, and Elise Waltenburg from Nekoosa High School. If you would like to nominate someone from your chapter visit our WuFoo Form!

It’s not too late for you and your chapter to complete your Business Achievement Awards, Community Service Awards, and the Outstanding Chapter Award. Registration for these programs is available on the National FBLA Website

We look forward to providing our members with a unique virtual experience for the Regional Leadership Conference. Make sure that the members in your chapter are looking into what competitive events they plan to do in order to have ample to prepare. Also, check your Regional Vice President’s Website for updates from your region. Keep an eye out for future announcements regarding activities, competition, and campaign information!

If you or your chapter have any questions or concerns at all throughout the year, do not hesitate to email me at president@wifbla.org.

Best regards,

Brooke Allemann
Brooke Allemann
State President,
Cochrane-Fountain City High School

Important Deadlines & Upcoming Events:
Full WI FBLA calendar linked here
Full National calendar linked here
  • December 1 - RLC Registration opens (closes at 4 PM on December 11)
  • December 2 - WI Local Program of Work Due
  • December 4 - Fall Stock Market Game ends
  • December 10 - Non-Stop November Deadline
  • December 11 - Regional Vice President (2021-2022) Application Deadline
  • December 18 - RLC Event Cancellation Deadline

  • Prematurity Awareness Month
  • January 1 - Action Awareness opens
  • January 8 - State Officer (2021-2022) Application Due
  • January 5-15 - SKILL EVENT Testing Window (Computer Apps, Database Design, Spreadsheet Apps, Word Processing)
  • January 5-22 - ONLINE EVENT Testing Window (Procotor Forms Also Due)
  • January 15
  • Presentation & Demonstration Videos Due (includes 14 events)
  • Contact Form Due for Live Performance Events (Client Service, Future Business Leader, Impromput Speaking, & Job Interview)
  • PDF Report Submissions Due (Business Plan & Business Financial Plan)
  • Statement of Assurance Form Due for Digital Video Production
  • Local Adviser Procedures & Responsibilities Deadline
  • Regional Community Service Award Deadline
  • National March of Dimes Grant Application Deadline
  • Lorraine Missling Scholarship Submission Deadline
The State Officer team is excited to share some updates with you regarding the upcoming virtual Regional Leadership Conference!

December 1 marks the first day that advisors will be able to register members for the Regional Leadership Conference. Registration for virtual RLC will last through December 11 for high school chapters.

Based upon feedback from middle level advisers, Wisconsin FBLA will not be hosting our traditional regional competitive event opportunities for middle level members. We remain committed to providing middle level members the opportunity to engage in all competitive event experiences later this year as part of our state conference. As an alternative, Wisconsin FBLA encourages all middle level chapter to participate in our new Virtual MINI Business World Challenge in partnership with the Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Education Foundation.

On January 4, advisers will receive online testing materials for objective tests and skill production events. By January 15, all prejudged materials and videos for performance and demonstration events will need to be submitted. The testing period for objective testing is January 5 - January 22. Please be advised that objective tests will be proctored by advisers or advisers may designate support to other proctors for students who are remotely attending school.

The opening session of the 2021 RLC will be held virtually on Sunday, January 31. Features will include a message from the state officer team, keynote speaker, and detailed information about the activities and events planned for RLC, concluding on Saturday February 6 in each high school region. Regional Vice President candidates will be permitted to campaign after the opening session and utilize social media throughout the week. We promote that all interactions be positive in nature while providing a supportive environment for all candidates. Elections will take place that week with ballots being sent directly to advisers. Each chapter will have rights for two voting delegates to submit a ballot. February 6 will also be the date for members participating in live events to compete. The closing session will also be posted by 3:00 pm CST on February 6. Current Region VP’s will give farewell speeches and the candidates for Region VPs to be part of Team 68 will be announced. Winners of each event will be posted on the WI FBLA state website. 

This year’s RLC will look different, but we are certain that through the hard work and dedication of our members and advisers, this will be a RLC to remember! Advisers, please continue to check your inboxes for further updates from your regional host and Dave Thomas, State Adviser. Student and advisers should visit the Regional Leadership Conference link for more information posted to regional websites, event submission procedures, and access links for event submissions.
Sara Booher
Menomonee Falls High School
Region Vice President Websites:
Check out updates regarding your Region Vice President's work regarding RLC.

As many students and advisers are well aware, the March of Dimes is FBLA’s national service partner! This powerful alliance has catalyzed and inspired change and advocacy at an unprecedented rate over the past 45 years, raising well over $500,000 annually and millions of dollars total. By focusing on a morally integral cause, students in FBLA can work with their local and state chapters to make a difference while incorporating the goals of FBLA and servitude into their chapter program of work.

Last month was a big month for March of Dimes, November serves as Prematurity Awareness Month, culminating on November 17 for World Prematurity Day. This global commemoration symbolizes the strength in advocacy and power of progress as FBLA helps propel March of Dimes and the world to a place with less premature birth. Though PAM has passed, that does not mean you can no longer host fundraisers or advocate! In fact there is plenty that your chapter can do to make their mark, such as purple take-overs at school, miracle minutes, fundraising walks (march for babies), or utilizing the March of Dimes grants. These examples are just the beginning of an incredibly long list of what you can do with FBLA to create change. For more information, I would highly recommend checking out the national FBLA March of Dimes page or even better you can read through the official March of Dimes Guide which is a publication created for you by myself and other members on the National Parliamentarian’s council last year. Definitely check it out!
Brenen Skalitzky, Vice President
State Vice President, Waterloo High School

Kari Kelly
State Reporter, Oak Creek High School

Working cohesively is immensely important for each and every chapter, and we are so proud to see so many of our Wisconsin local chapters striving and accomplishing various state and national level opportunities. Wisconsin earned the top-tenth national spot for Super Sweeps completion. 

Engaging in chapter awards ignites your local officer team to gain more involvement, recruitment, and active participation from members and prospecting members. Additionally, your chapter is able to be recognized on the state and national level.

Non-Stop November is a great time to work on tightening the connection in your local chapter community by completing the ten tasks focused on membership involvement. The deadline for Non-Stop November is December 10. The final part of Chapter Challenge, Action Awareness, will launch on January 1. By holding a second semester recruitment drive, celebrating FBLA-PBL Week, and engaging your chapter in excitement for RLC, you’ll be able to accomplish the ten tasks focused on FBLA awareness.

The Outstanding Chapter Award, or OCA, is another national award for all high school chapters that we encourage you complete. Work to accomplish the activities throughout the year in order to be recognized. Additionally, the Wisconsin FBLA-PBL Foundation even provides grant money to every chapter who completes the Outstanding Chapter Award. It’s a win win for everyone!

Amazing job to all members, local officers, and advisers working to achieve more even in unfavorable settings. Let’s keep working hard to see what we can all achieve this year! Make sure to continue to stay organized and tackle those OCA & Chapter Challenge activities before the given deadlines.
Jacob Crave
Region V Vice President, Watertown High School

As we head further into the year, advisers and chapter officers may have questions surrounding opportunities and chapter management. Whether you are trying to boost membership or just become more involved at a local, state, or national level, the National FBLA-PBL website has tons of information for chapters and advisers. Advisers can see insights from local advisers across the country and access the library of support materials shared by the National office in a new local community to support your chapter leadership.

This past month, the five executive state officers released a series of Chapter Resource Guides as part of the 2020 Wisconsin FBLA Fall Leadership Experience. Utilize these helpful tips and tricks coming first-hand from FBLA student leaders in order to manage and organize your chapter.

CTE Month and FBLA week are great ways to celebrate and engage in career-focused activities with your chapter. Activities could range from having a Monopoly tournament, to wearing professional attire to school on a designated day. Pay attention to the WI FBLA Calendar as well as the National Calendar to stay up to date on all FBLA-PBL events.

You and your chapter will continue to have a successful year with the help of the National resources. We encourage members and advisers to explore these opportunities sooner than later!
Are you interested in holding a position on the Wisconsin FBLA state officer team? You should run for the position of Region Vice President in your respective region. In this position, you will perform duties such as the planning and hosting of the Regional Leadership Conference, creating and presenting workshops at various conferences, and more! Serving on the state executive board is a privilege that very few high school students get to experience, and it could be you! 

If you are considering running for this position, here is some information you will need to know. 
As this is a virtual conference, social media will be allowed for campaigning. The specific social media rules will be included on the state website as well as their respective regional websites for all regional candidates. 

Candidates are required to submit a 1 to 2 page PDF digital flyer, recorded speech, answers to questions from the Election Committee, and links to all social media pages being used for the campaign. Please prepare these materials in advance in order to have the most successful campaign. Voting will be conducted in the ranked choice voting method. 

Please reference the Wisconsin FBLA website as well as your respective regional website (see above) in order to follow the dates and deadlines associated with running for the position of regional vice president. Please contact the state office or your current region vice president with any campaign specific questions or concerns. Good luck!
Faith Kierzek,
State Secretary-Treasurer, Muskego High School
Wisconsin FBLA wishes you all a happy and safe holiday season. Please continue to reach out to your respective Region VP and other executive officers for questions and assistance, as well as stay tuned to all WI FBLA social media pages for the newest updates.