Capitol Update

March 12, 2018Like us on Facebook

Contents Include:
1. Rent-to-Own Action Alert
2. USCCB Conscience Protection Action Alert
3. Upcoming Hearings of Interest

Rent-to-Own Action Alert
On February 20, by a vote of 59 to 35 , the Assembly passed Assembly Bill 759, which exempts rent-to-own (RTO) transactions from the Wisconsin Consumer Act (WCA). The bill's companion, Senate Bill 637, will now receive a committee vote in the Senate this Wednesday, March 14, and, if passed, could be voted on by the full Senate at its March 20 floor session.

Please take action TODAY or TOMMOROW , ahead of Wednesday's vote:
  • Call your State Senator and explain that you oppose AB 759/SB 637 for the following reasons:
    1. It exempts RTOs from the Wisconsin Consumer Act and the Uniform Commercial Code, both of which provide many consumer protections, including those involving RTO fraud or misrepresentation.
    2. It removes federal Truth-in-Lending Act disclosures, including interest rate disclosures, that enable consumers to make wise financial decisions. 
    3. It entitles RTOs to immediate possession of the property if customers are late on payments. The Wisconsin Consumer Act currently requires 15 days before repossession and the opportunity to cure the default.
To contact your State Senator, visit the Wisconsin State Legislature website at http://legis.wisconsin.gov and click on "Find My Legislators," or call the State Legislative Hotline, 1-800-362-9472. Questions? Read the WCC testimony or contact us at 608-257-0004 or office@wisconsincatholic.org.

USCCB Conscience Protection Action Alert
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and Human Life Action (HLA) are again urging individuals to contact members of Congress and ask them to support the Conscience Protection Act (CPA) of 2017 (H.R. 644 and S. 301).

The CPA turns the Hyde-Weldon amendment into permanent law, thereby prohibiting federal, state and local governments that receive federal funds from discriminating against those who decline to take part in abortion or abortion coverage. It also provides a right to take legal action to ensure that those who object to abortion can defend their conscience rights in a court of law - a remedy that has long been available to victims of other civil rights violations. Congress is currently considering whether to include the CPA in must-pass government funding legislation, and a decision on its inclusion will be made prior to March 23, 2018.

Please contact your Members of Congress immediately and urge them to protect conscience rights.

Members of Congress can be reached by calling the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121  and asking to be connected with your representative or senator.  Or you can email and call your Members of Congress quickly and easily at www.bit.ly/support-cpa .  The USCCB has also created a video   available on its YouTube channel and Facebook.com/USCCB .

For additional information and videos featuring nurses who were forced by their employers to choose between their jobs and participating in abortions, go to www.usccb.org/conscience .

Upcoming Hearings of Interest
(N.B. Only bills of interest are flagged. In most cases, committees will be considering other bills as well.)

Blue Ribbon Commission On School Funding, 1:30 pm, Mon, Mar 19, North Woods International School, N2541 Sable, La Crosse, WI 54601
The Blue Ribbon Commission will hear testimony from invited speakers including representatives from the following: Sparta Public School District, Onalaska Public School District, and CESA 4. Following the presentations, members of the public are invited to speak and share their thoughts. To ensure all of those in attendance are able to be heard, public testimony will be limited to 5 minutes. The hearing will conclude at 6 p.m.

Blue Ribbon Commission On School Funding, 2:00 pm, Mon, Mar 26, Foth, 2121 Innovation Court, De Pere, WI 54115
The Blue Ribbon Commission will hear testimony from invited speakers including representatives from the following: Chamber of Commerce- Partners in Education, and CESA 7. Following the presentations, members of the public are invited to speak and share their thoughts. To ensure all of those in attendance are able to be heard, public testimony will be limited to 5 minutes. The hearing will conclude at 6 p.m.
Websites of Interest
WisconsinEye - Independent, nonpartisan news service that provides uncut video coverage of state government proceedings, as well as interviews with lawmakers and policy experts.
To find out who your legislators are, go to the Wisconsin State Legislature's home page  and type your address in the top right hand corner under "Find My Legislators."

Capitol Update is a periodic e-mail on legislative issues from the Wisconsin Catholic Conference.
Wisconsin Catholic Conference
131 W. Wilson St., Suite 1105
Madison, WI 53703