Capitol Update
March 11, 2019Like us on Facebook
Contents Include:
1.  WCC Resumes Publication of Capitol Update
2.  Governor Evers' State Budget
3.  2019-20 Legislature and Citizen Resources
4.  Register for Catholics at the Capitol, April 30, 2019
5.  WCC 2019 Public Policy Positions
WCC Resumes Publication of Capitol Update
With the start of the new legislative session, WCC staff will resume regular publication of the Capitol Update every two weeks, with special updates as events warrant.  Additional updated information is also regularly posted on the WCC website,  www.wisconsincatholic.org .
Governor Evers' State Budget
Governor Evers delivered his budget address on February 28, 2019.  The Legislature then introduced the budget as companion bills ( Senate Bill 59 and  Assembly Bill 56 ) and referred them to the Legislature's Joint Committee on Finance (JCF).  The JCF will first hold informational budget hearings and invite testimony from state agency representatives, and then, starting early to mid-April, hold public hearings, usually in various locations statewide.  Later in the spring, the JCF will hold executive sessions, advancing budget proposals section by section.  When finished, the JCF will forward the bill to the full Legislature.  Once passed in final form, the bill will be sent to the Governor, who may veto parts of the bill prior to signing it.
The WCC will summarize items of interest in the Governor's budget proposal in future editions of the Capitol Update, as well as report on items of interest as the proposal advances through the Legislature.  The current state budget expires on June 30, 2019. 
2019-20 Legislature and Citizen Resources
The 104th State Legislature was inaugurated on January 7, 2019.  The Republicans retained majorities in both houses, with 19 Republicans and 14 Democrats in the Senate and 63 Republicans, 35 Democrats, and one vacant seat in the Assembly (District 64).  The Legislature's early work is the 2019-20 state budget bill. 
To find out who your legislators are, go to the Wisconsin State Legislature's home page and type your address in the top right hand corner above "Find Your Legislator ."  Other resources on the website include:

Citizens can also follow state government by tuning in to  WisconsinEye , the independent, nonpartisan news service that provides uncut video coverage of state government proceedings.  The Wisconsin Ethics Commission's Eye on Lobbying lists who is lobbying on legislation and administrative rules.
Register for Catholics at the Capitol, April 30, 2019
Please join the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center in Madison on Tuesday, April 30, 2019, for Catholics at the Capitol 2019, celebrating the WCC's 50-year anniversary!  This biennial event is a day of prayer, formation, and advocacy.
The conference begins with registration at 8:30 am, followed by a morning general session featuring a keynote address by Vincent Noth and Samantha Vosters of Milwaukee's Riverwest Food Pantry.  After the general session, participants will attend one of five breakout sessions focusing on homelessness, immigration, pro-life health care, criminal justice, and Catholic social teaching.
Following a lunch and general session, participants will travel to the State Capitol for an anniversary presentation and prayer service.  Afterwards, all are encouraged to visit with their legislators at the Capitol until approximately 2 pm, when the day's events will conclude.
The advance registration deadline is Monday, April 22, 2019, with a cost of $40 for non-students and $12 for full-time students.  After April 22, registration is $50 for non-students.  For more information, please visit www.wisconsincatholic.org or contact the WCC at office@wisconsincatholic.org or 608-257-0004.
Please join the Catholic bishops of Wisconsin for friendship and fellowship at Catholics at the Capitol!
WCC 2019 Public Policy Positions
The WCC has published its 2019 Public Policy Positions  document , which it will share with state legislators, policy makers, and other interested parties.  The document is organized around the seven principles of Catholic social teaching.  Readers are encouraged to review and share it.
Capitol Update is a periodic e-mail on legislative issues from the Wisconsin Catholic Conference.
Wisconsin Catholic Conference
131 W. Wilson St., Suite 1105
Madison, WI 53703