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In this update: 

  • Election Updates
  • Administration Updates
  • Legislative Updates

Election Updates

U.S. President

Harris visits Milwaukee

Vice President Kamala Harris visited Milwaukee for the first stop of her Presidential campaign. The visit was planned before President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race last weekend. During the event, which was held at West Allis Central High School, she touted her background as a prosecutor, claiming she knows Donald Trump’s “type” from her experience. “Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So, hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type,” VP Harris said.

Vice President Harris said the election will be “a choice between freedom and chaos,” and believes “in a future where every person has the opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead.” Her Wisconsin stop contrasted President Joe Biden’s last stop in Wisconsin where he was reassuring his supporters of his ability to serve another term.

Wisconsin GOP leaders weighed in on the Vice President’s stop. Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Brian Schimming said, “Kamala Harris’ favorables are as bad as Joe Biden’s. So, they are exchanging one bad candidate for another bad candidate in the hope that the people of this state and this country don’t notice where she actually stands on the issues.”

Watch the rally here.

Wisconsin lawmakers endorse Harris for president

Multiple federal and state Democratic lawmakers endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris following President Joe Biden dropping out of the race. U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D), U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee), and U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Madison) were among other Democratic lawmakers and officials in endorsing VP Harris. Initially, Sen. Baldwin refrained from saying whether or not Pres. Biden should drop out following the first Presidential debate in June. After the president’s announcement last weekend, she said it was an honor to work with him and endorsed VP Harris. “I’m proud to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President. Today is a new beginning for our party and our country—and I'm excited to keep working together to lower costs for Wisconsin families, grow our Made in America economy, and restore our fundamental rights and freedoms,” Sen. Baldwin said.

Governor Tony Evers (D), State Superintendent Jill Underly, state Rep. Francesca Hong (D-Madison), Rep. Clinton Anderson (D-Beloit) and state Sen. Mark Spreitzer (D-Beloit) also endorsed VP Harris along with eight Wisconsin delegates for Democratic Convention, including Rep. Christine Sinicki (D-Milwaukee) and state Elections Commission Chair Ann Jacobs. Gov. Evers’ released a statement on his endorsement, "Vice President Kamala Harris is a tenacious leader who has vigorously defended our democracy, fought to protect the freedoms we hold dear, and worked tirelessly to do the right thing and deliver for us. I’m excited today to endorse Vice President Harris as our nominee for President of the United States. She can beat Donald Trump, and I’m going to do everything I can between now and November 5th to help make sure she does."

Emerson College releases new poll

A new Emerson College poll shows former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris tied in Wisconsin. This is the first poll since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed VP Harris as the Democratic nominee. In a matchup, the poll had Trump and VP Harris tied at 47% each. Emerson College also polled favorability of the two candidates, finding 49% favorability for Harris, with 50% having an unfavorable view. Trump’s favorability/unfavorability was 47-53. Emerson College polled 800 registered voters Monday and Tuesday by text to web, automated calls to landlines and an online panel. The margin of error was +/- 3.3 percentage points. FiveThirtyEight rates Emerson College 2.9 stars out of three. FiveThirtyEight has not yet provided a polling average for the race between Trump and Harris. RealClear Polling has the national polling average with Trump leading by +1.9%. 

U.S. Senate

Emerson College releases new poll

Emerson College released a new poll finding U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin ahead of GOP candidate Eric Hovde. Sen. Baldwin has 49% support while Hovde had 43%. Emerson College released a poll last week that found Sen. Baldwin with the same 49% support but Hovde with 41%. Emerson College polled 800 registered voters Monday and Tuesday by text to web, automated calls to landlines and an online panel. The margin of error was +/- 3.3 percentage points. FiveThirtyEight rates Emerson College 2.9 stars out of three.

Baldwin launches new ad

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin’s (D) campaign released a new ad with a clip of GOP U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde saying farmers don’t work hard because “think of farming, look at the old physical toil that it would take on your body. Now, you’re largely driving around a tractor.” The ad is running statewide.

Watch the ad here.

Hovde releases two new ads

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde launched a series of new ads this week. The first ad asks U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D) a series of questions regarding her knowledge and perception of President Joe Biden’s mental and physical health decline. The ad highlights Pres. Biden’s and Sen. Baldwin’s 25-year relationship and asks questions like, “When was the last time you were in the same room as Joe Biden?” The ad was released prior to Pres. Biden dropping out of the presidential race.

The second ad accuses U.S. Sen Tammy Baldwin of lying about his ties to California and his comments about whether those in nursing homes are in a condition to vote. In the ad, Hovde says that the truth is that he was born and lives in Wisconsin and that “of course [he] believes seniors should vote.” Hovde says in the ad that the false attacks on him will continue because that is what career politicians do.

Watch the first ad here.

Watch the second ad here.

U.S. House of Representatives

3rd CD Race

Shankland releases new ads

State Rep. Katrina Shankland released four new ads. The ads will run across TV and multiple mediums ahead of the 3rd CD Democratic primary election on August 13th. One ad speaks to her work on lowering prescription drug prices. The 15-second ad highlights six passed bills that she co-sponsored or co-authored on the issue while she was in the State Legislature.

Rep. Shankland’s second ad similarly focuses on bills that she passed in the legislature, “Track records matter. My record? I passed laws to make health care more affordable, reduce prescription drug costs, and strengthen clean water laws,” Rep. Shankland says. Another ad featuring her parents with her saying, it’s “high time we give teachers a raise.” The last ad focuses on reproductive rights. “When it comes to your personal health care decisions, you and your family know what’s best for you—not politicians,” Rep. Shankland says.

Watch the first ad here, “Rx.“

Watch the second ad here, “Track Record.“

Watch the third ad here, “Education.“

Watch the fourth ad here, “Healthcare.“

Cooke announces new ad

3rd Congressional District candidate Rebecca Cooke (D-Eau Claire) launched a new TV and digital ad buy. The ad features Cooke with a Jackson County resident who traveled out of Wisconsin for an abortion after learning her baby would not survive because of birth defects. The resident says, “I don’t trust Derrick Van Orden to make decisions around my medical care, period.” Cooke is running for the Democratic nomination to face U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Prairie du Chien). State Rep. Katrina Shankland (D-Stevens Point) and Eric Wilson (D-Eau Claire) are also seeking the Democratic nomination in the August 13th primary.

Watch the ad here.

WelcomePAC releases mailers and digital ad supporting Cooke

WelcomePAC is releasing a mailer and a digital ad to support 3rd CD candidate Rebecca Cooke (D-Eau Claire) in the Democratic primary on August 13th. The mailer says she’s “as independent as Wisconsin,” and features Cooke’s family, her background, healthcare policies, and her reproductive healthcare support. The digital ad says she watched her parents struggle to afford health care, and “It’s why she’ll work to cut the cost of insulin and prescription drugs. And Rebecca will fight for women’s freedom to decide what is best for them and their families. We need more people with common sense in Congress. Rebecca is one of us.”

8th CD Race

8th CD Debate

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for (audience)? Why should they care (benefit)? What do I want them to do (call-to-action)?

Create a great offer by adding words like "free," "personalized," "complimentary," or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"

Roth launches first TV ad

8th CD GOP candidate Roger Roth (R-Appleton) released his first TV ad of his campaign. In the ad, he vows to stand with former President Donald Trump to “rebuild America.” According to the ad, Roth is a “Trump Conservative," despite Trump’s endorsement for businessman Tony Wied (R-Suamico) in the Republican primary against state Sen. Andre Jacque (R-De Pere) and Roth. The ad will run on broadcast TV in Green Bay for a week.

Watch the ad here.

Wied launches new ad

Businessman and 8th CD candidate Tony Wied (R-Suamico) launched his second TV ad. The ad is 30 seconds and will run on broadcast and cable television. Wied says he will “fight to secure the border, finish President Trump’s border wall, crack down on cartels and stop the flow of deadly drugs.” He also highlights his endorsement from former President Donald Trump in the ad.

Watch the ad here.

Administration Updates

Governor’s Workforce and AI task force holds final meeting

The Governor’s Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence held its final meeting at Madison College to review the action plan and receive a final briefing on trends. Dr. Beth Giles, Madison College Provost, started the meeting by highlighting the importance of AI in enhancing the human experience. She used examples in healthcare and data analytics to provide concrete examples of AI benefiting students and workers. Chief Economist at the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Dennis Winters compared Automation exposure with AI exposure within different occupational groups.

Microsoft U.S. Government Affairs Industry Director, Tyler Clark, followed by discussing how to utilize and develop AI innovation for economic growth. Investing in AI infrastructure, transforming businesses, creating a ready workforce, among others, can help spur AI innovation and grow the economy. Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman and Wisconsin Technical College System Provost and Vice President Dr. Colleen McCabe provided an overview of the education policy proposals that were included in the action plan.

Policy proposals from the action plan:

  • Government
  • Incentivizing the Implementation of AI Solutions and Infrastructure to Increase Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Workforce Opportunities
  • Broadband Expansion and Accessibility
  • Office of Data and Privacy
  • Interagency Technology Governance Work Group
  • Workforce Development
  • Enhanced apprenticeship infrastructure to account for technological advancements in trades and industry
  • Worker Connection to increase access to training for workers displaced or otherwise affected by AI in the workplace
  • AI layoff aversion program
  • Wisconsin Fast Forward AI expansion funds for employer-led worker training; workforce retention; community tech hub training; and K-12 technology and training
  • AI workforce talent pipeline
  • AI digital literacy campaign
  • Enhanced statewide data infrastructure to answer WI and workforce related questions
  • Economic Development
  • AI Supports for Wisconsin Businesses
  • AI Innovation Hubs
  • AI Roadmap for Wisconsin Businesses

Legislative Updates

Regulation of AI study committee holds first meeting

The Joint Legislative Council Study Committee on Artificial Intelligence held its first meeting on Wednesday at the Waukesha County Technical College. The committee went over a number of introductory items and introduced committee members.

The committee then received a presentation from Matthew Friedel, a senior lecturer at UW-Milwaukee and the co-founder of the Disruptive Technology Lab. Friedel discussed how the workforce will be disrupted with the expansion of AI, and the need for Wisconsin to be ahead of the curve. He gave the committee an overview of what AI is and some key terms that they will encounter. Following Friedel’s presentation, the committee had a roundtable discussion where they focused on AI and the workforce. The committee discussed how it can position Wisconsin to attract more jobs, how to equip companies to deal with AI development, how to view Wisconsin’s corporate AI utilization rate of 5%, and how to make Wisconsin’s transition to AI smooth for businesses and workers. The committee will next meet in August and will continue to work to define the scope of its work. At the conclusion of the meeting, the committee asked Legislative Council to prepare documents on what bills and protections are being evaluated or exist in Ohio, Indiana, California, and Colorado.

Read more about the meeting in our memo: AI Study Committee Meeting 1.pdf

Be sure to check out Michael Best’s AI Services hub: Michael Best AI Services

Upcoming Events

Michael Best Strategies will be pausing our “Capitol Chats” series and will move forward as “Coffee with the Candidate” at the same time on Fridays after the primaries in August. 


If you would like any additional information about the above topic, or if you would like to find time to discuss the above matter in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact your Michael Best Strategies contact.

Have a great day, 

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