Friends of Minute Man National Park
Preserving the Birthplace of the American Revolution

Winter Birds

Sustaining Winter Birds at Minute Man National Historical Park

Written by Kiah Walker, Biologist at Minute Man National Historical Park.

Why do birds migrate? Rather than avoiding the cold (like human “snowbirds”), they’re usually searching for more abundant food. While many birds head to South America, New England's resident species and other short-distance migrants have developed specialized feeding strategies to sustain themselves year-round. You may notice birds excavating insects, scrounging seeds, gorging on berries, hunting smaller birds and mammals, scavenging roadkill, or even stashing food for later. . . . Read more.

Image: Birds recently sited at or near Minute Man NHP from left to right clockwise: White-throated Sparrow by Jay Dia, American Goldfinch by Jay Dia, American Tree Sparrow by Cris Van Dyke. 

Please click on the button to read more and view more winter birds.

Winter Birds

Winter Lecture Save the Date

We are delighted to announce that Robert A. Gross will join us for our annual winter lecture on Feb. 26, 2023, at 2:00 pm. We'll meet via zoom this year and discuss his revised and expanded edition of The Minutemen and Their World in conversation with Joel Bohy, J.L. Bell, and Jim Hollister. Click here for more information.

Patriots' Day Planning

The visitor centers might be closed, but the park staff is here all winter and is busy planning for next season. Planning for Patriots' Day 2023 has begun with a preliminary schedule of events. The countdown is on as we prepare for the 250 anniversary of April 19, 1775 in 2025.

To view the preliminary schedule, please click on the button below.

Patriots' Day 2023

Your Park Story

For 2023, the National Park Service has established an overarching year-long messaging theme – #YourParkStory. We want to hear about #YourParkStory! How has Minute Man National Historical Park provided enjoyment, solace, inspiration, education, or other powerful experiences to you or your family? Please send your story and photo to for submission in our social media and 2023 newsletters.

Putting the Garden to Bed

Staff and volunteers finished putting the Buttrick Gardens to bed for the winter in late December. A fresh layer of pine needles will protect the garden's historic irises over the winter as they wait for a bed of snow in the new year. 

Iris respond well to a light mulching of pine needles as it allows moisture and air to circulate and does not promote the rot of the exposed rhizome. We also love that the pine needles are harvested and reused from other parts of the park!

Photo by Kiah Walker, Minute Man National Historical Park's Biologist. Pictured are volunteers Karen and Ed along with Ada Fox, MMNHP's Biological Science Technician.

Check out our Garden Blog to learn more about the iris and the Buttrick Gardens. 

Garden Blog

Species Spotlight: Flying Squirrels

We are jumping with joy to learn there are flying squirrels at Minute Man National Historical Park! We've never actually seen one - probably because they are nocturnal animals. According to a 2007 report, scientists found evidence of both Northern and Southern flying squirrels in the park's forested areas. 

Click here to read more.

Beyond Battle Road
Items of interest outside the Park

Revolution 250 Podcast: William Molineux, Merchant, Smuggler, Patriot with J.L. Bell

Merchant, smuggler & patriot, William Molineux is forgotten now, but was a leading voice among the Boston Sons of Liberty. His hands were in many if not most of the protests that occurred in Boston between the 1765 Stamp Act and the protests of 1774. Click here to listen.

Massachusetts Horticultural Society Blog: Late Winter Garden Chores

There are plenty of winter garden chores to keep you busy including pruning, cutting back roses, sharpening tools, and planning for spring. Click here to read the online article.

Thank you to our newsletter sponsors!

Friends of Minute Man National Park
North Bridge Visitor Center
174 Liberty Street
Concord, MA 01742
P: 978-318-7822
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The Friends of Minute Man National Park is an independent, member-based
non-profit 501(c)(3) organization supporting the Park's mission of
preserving and protecting the historic sites, structures, properties, and landscapes associated with the opening battles of the American Revolution.

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