Winter Newsletter
The Spring 2018 Semester unveils the new  Water Studies Online Certificate. This certificate is for  lifelong learners who want to know more about water preservation sustainability. This unique certificate provides introductory level training and skills relevant to a wide range of fields in the nonprofit, corporate, and public sectors, including water industries, conservation, agriculture, construction, engineering, and law. Click Here for more information.
Study Abroad with OWOW!

MSU Denver and OWOW are taking students to Perugia, Italy for a Summer 2018 (June 2-16) class. We encourage students to check out the syllabus, cost and contact Tom Cech with any questions.
Important Dates
February 2nd: Cajun Carnival at Denver Botanic Gardens ( more info )
March 2nd: Kilts and Clovers (more info )
April 21:  Spring River Sweep (more info)
May 16th: Denver Metro Water Festival (volunteers needed )
June 23: South Platte River Fest (more info )
Student Corner
January 16th:  Spring Semester Begins
March 9th:  Summer Registration Opens
March 19th-23rd: Spring Break
April 3rd: Job & Interntship Fair
April 18th & 19th: Spring Fling
May 7th:  Final Exams Week
Trout Tank H2O: Pitch Accelerator
Local, state and federal water concerns are driving the need for innovation to solve issues such as natural disasters, aging infrastructure, variability and uncertainty in supply, and a growing demand from booming population growth. Trout Tank H2O: Pitch Accelerator is a program that wants to highlight entrepreneurs 
and businesses focused on water by giving them opportunities to sharpen their pitching skills, gain exposure, secure funding, and build connections with lenders, investors, decision-makers, and key stakeholders within the Colorado business and water community. Ideas, products, or services that address a water-related challenge, are a fit for this program. Registration is OPEN. T he winner of the Trout Tank H2O Pitch Event will receive a $5,000 cash prize for your business, coaching sessions with entrepreneurial pioneers, and access to key stakeholders in your industry.  Details & Registration Information
Colorado Corridors Project
The Denver Zoo and Rocky Mountain Wild are recommending a series of over passes and underpasses to reduce the effects of I-70 on wildlife and improve human safety. These structures will improve habitat connectivity for the diversity of wildlife and would pay for themselves in a matter of years. The I-70 Wild Byway is the first suggested structure and would be created on the east side of Vail Pass. Cameras are currently set up to identify the animals that need a safe place to cross I-70. For more information or to help identify animals click here.

Clouds With A Silver Lining
With changing climate and growing population, many are looking to "cloud seeding" to boost snowpack and meet water needs. A cloud typically only drops 5% of it's moisture. Inside every droplet or snowflake is a particle of dust that started the process. "Cloud seeding" introduces more dust into the process by using a generator to  burn silver iodide, which goes up in the air to start the growth of a crystal that eventually will turn into a snowflake. Generators are activated by meteorologists remotely based on factors such as wind speed, humidity, and temperature. 
This information is from:  H2O Media.
New Phone Numbers
MSU Denver has upgraded their phone system. This upgrade has changed the phone numbers on campus. Please make a note of our new phone numbers:
Office main line: 303-615-1199
Tom Cech: 303-615-2007 *  Nona Shipman:  303-615-2006 *  Ale Brown:  303-615-2005