Friends of Minute Man National Park
Preserving the Birthplace of the American Revolution
Winter Birding
Birds can be social or solitary, showy or stealth, and short-tailed or long. There are an abundance of birds at Minute Man National Historical Park - over 100 species of birds reside or pass through the Park throughout the year.

The annual Christmas Bird Count, hosted by Mass Audubon and now in its 120th year, includes inventorying birds in the Minute Man National Historical Park. On Sunday, December 29, 2019 several groups of citizen scientists began in the pre-dawn hours by searching the woods for owls. As the sun inched above the horizon, vocal birds including the very social male Carolina Wrens filled the forest with their "teakettle" call. . . Read more

Click on the button below to view the winter birds photo album and to read more.
Thank you for supporting our annual appeal!

On behalf of the Friends of Minute Man National Park and the Minute Man National Historical Park, we'd like to thank our members and friends for their generous support this year. Our annual appeal is wrapping up and we are delighted that so many people donated! At a time of year that many organizations are asking for your support, we appreciate you thinking of us.
Collections Corner
Did you know that Minute Man National Historical Park has over 500,000 museum objects? These artifacts range from archives to furniture to art to archeology! Since not all of it can be displayed, it is safely housed onsite at the Park in a collection storage area. The National Park Service uses archival quality boxes, bags, and folders to help preserve these treasures.
Winter Lecture Series
Save the Date!
“Can You Dig It? 60 Years of Archaeology at Minute Man National Historical Park”

Sunday, February 23, 2020
2:00 – 3:30 pm
Bemis Hall, 2nd floor
15 Bedford Road, Lincoln
Free and open to the public

Join National Park Service Museum Specialist Nikki Walsh for a lecture about the history of excavation at the Minute Man National Historical Park. This talk will offer a glimpse into some of the hundreds of thousands of archaeological artifacts that represent thousands of years of history in Concord, Lexington, and Lincoln. 
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Lincoln Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
Thank You to our Patriot's Day Sponsors
Preparations have already begun for Patriots' Day 2020! Minute Man National Historical Park will welcome over 24,000 visitors and hundreds of reenactors this April. Hosting Patriots' Day is an expensive undertaking and the Friends of Minute Man National Park would like to thank the following sponsors for their support.
Would your business or organization like to become a Patriots' Day sponsor? Click on the link below for more information.
Friends of Minute Man National Park
Old North Bridge Visitor's Center
174 Liberty Street
Concord, MA 01742
P: 978-318-7822
The Friends of Minute Man National Park is an independent, member-based non-profit 501(c)(3) organization supporting the Park's mission of
preserving and protecting the historic sites, structures, properties, and landscapes associated with the opening battles of the American Revolution.