Winter News   February 2024   Vol.15 No. 4

In this Issue

  • Sustainability Report
  • From Trash to Art
  • We’re opening a Store!
  • Back in stocks!
  • Winter Blues Blog 
  • David Winston's Students: Where are they now?
  • Local Herb Day Celebration
  • Media Update
  • What's New? Label Changes
  • What's Selling?
  • What's Discontinued?
  • Sales, Deals, Rewards and More!
  • Herbal Jeopardy Contest
  • 2024 Herbal Salon Schedule
  • FREE Herbal Education Series
  • Herbalist Training Program Information

Sustainability Report

We are pleased to share our latest Sustainability Report. As sustainability is such an important component of all our decisions, it was front and center in planning and executing our move to the larger facility last year.

While developing this report, it became clear that the story of our journey from a company practicing conscious botanical sourcing to one that is hard core committed to zero waste environmental impact in all of our operations should be shared.

Read full report...

From Trash to Art

Enjoyed the photos of Aurora Robson’s art using waste materials we send her?

Check out the brief curator's chat about her Herbalist & Alchemist piece at the Brattleboro Museum.

Watch this brief video about Aurora's artwork...

We're opening a Store!

Thanks to our new larger home,

we now have room for a Store/Education Center

Browse our products - Pick up orders

Look for a Spring opening!

David wants to get back to in person classes in combination with online, and our new space will be great for that.

We also plan to hold occasional community classes.

A few months ago, we launched the option for local customers to pick up their orders, which has been well-received.

Interested in picking up your order? Click here...

Back in Stocks!

The following products are now back in stock

Solid Extracts:

Hawthorn Solid Extract, Blueberry Solid Extract,

Pomegranate/Goji Berry Solid Extract


Restorative Cleansing Protocol™ Kit, Bitters Spray Sampler Kit


Sinus Support Compound, Kid's Tummy Relief, Healthy Kid's Compound, Grief Relief, Ultimate Echinacea, Ginkgo/Horse Chestnut Compound

Single Extracts: 

Goldenseal, Rhodiola, Butternut, Cat’s Claw, Calendula

Thank you for your patience as we worked to get back up to full production capacity after moving to the larger facility. Our priority has been making sure formulas, and high demand basics, are in stock first. We are making progress every week, so if you are looking for something that isn’t available now, keep checking our website, which we update regularly.

Chasing the Winter Blues...

Deep in the heart of winter it can be more of a challenge to take care of our bodies and souls, which seems more effortless when the sun is shining and flowers are blooming.

Good News! We have the gifts of herbs that flourished last season to help us get through and support us in staying healthy and feeling positive.

Delve deeper into using Herbal Support for the Winter Blues...

Browse our Library of Blog Posts 
David Winston’s Students: Where Are They Now?

Dr. Ping Jian Zhao came to the U.S. in 1995 as part of a scholar exchange program. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, a Master's in Business Administration, and a Doctorate in Naturopathy. Dr. Zhao co-founded Authentic Eastern Health L.L.C. in 1999 in Bethlehem, PA and offers Iridology Analysis, Homeopathic Medicine, Herbal Consultations, Acupressure and Health & Wellness classes.

Read how Ping went from studying physics to naturopathy...

Check out interviews with past students

Local Herb Day Celebration May 4th

Save the date!

2nd Annual Herb Day Celebration at

Well Sweep Herb Farm, Port Murray, NJ

Saturday May 4th from 9 am – 5 pm

Vendors - Music - Food - Live Plants - Raffles

Held in conjunction with the

New Jersey chapter of the American Herbalist Guild,

there will be multiple herbal medicine presentations and plant walks throughout the day. Teachers will include our own

David Winston RH(AHG) and Kerry Adams RH(AHG).

Admission is free.

Media update

David Winston RH(AHG) was one of the experts interviewed for a WholeFoods Magazine article on stress and sleep:  

Read the article...

Click Here for more H&A in the News...

What's New?

Updated H&A Logo

& BCorp Logo added

Don't be surprised if you notice small differences on our product label.

Many more people now know what being a BCorp says about a business and we're proud to say we became the first herbal products BCorp in 2010. 

What's Selling?

CEO Beth Lambert reports that we are seeing an increase in time-honored remedies for immune support like Echinacea. We’re also seeing increased demand for women’s stress formulas.

What's Discontinued?

We have had to make the tough decision to discontinue Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis). After an extensive search over many months, we have not been able to locate a source that meets identity confirmation through HPTLC testing by a qualified 3rd party lab. All have been found to be adulterated with other material. Our remaining supply of confirmed material will be used in our Sinus Support Compound™.

We have decided to stop making Bloodroot extract. Because there is very little demand for it, it makes more sense to use production capacity on extracts more people want.

Sales, Deals & More
My H&A Wellness Rewards
(Wholesale Accounts Not Eligible)
Find out about our popular REWARDS PROGRAM
New Awards were recently placed on accounts.
Check your Active Promotions to see if you earned a discount!
Log in / Check Active Promos

Herbal Jeopardy Contest - Winter Edition   

Answer correctly & you will be entered into a drawing to win an H&A "Coupon" worth $50.00 towards future purchases of our quality products.  


Our Fall Contest Winner was Samantha T., but Congrats to all who answered Marshmallow, botanical name "Althaea officinalis"

David Winston's Herbal Salon 2024 Schedule*   

Wholesale customers: Want to deepen your herbal knowledge but don't have much time? Spend an hour a month in David Winston's Herbal Salon. 


An exclusive educational opportunity for Practitioners, David Winston takes on a topic and provides in-depth information on the effects of various herbs. You have the opportunity to ask questions as he teaches. 

  • Open to Herbalist & Alchemist wholesale accounts
  • Online once a month on Wednesday at Noon - Eastern time
  • Practitioners or health food store employees who wish to receive an invitation, contact

2024 schedule:

MAR 6 - Managing Stress

APR 3 - Root of Impaired GI Function

MAY 1 - Improving Sleep

JUN 5 - Slowing Progression of Alzheimers

JUL 3 - Travel Woes

AUG 7 - Genito-urinary Health

SEP 4 - Liver Health

OCT 2 - Bone Health


DEC 4 - 3rd Annual Ask the Herbalist

*Dates and Topics are subject to change 

More Free Herbal Education

The teachers at David Winston's Center for Herbal Studies are offering a series of free classes to kick off registration for the 2024-2026 Two Year Herbalist Training Program:


Buds and Twigs! Winter Botany for the Herbalist - Richard Mandelbaum, RH (AHG)

Thursday, February 15, 2024 - 6:30–8:00pm ET (Recorded!)


Spring Detox: Myths and Practical Approach - Andrew Appello, DACM, MSN, L.Ac., APN, RH(AHG)

Thursday, March 14, 2024 - 6:30–8:00pm ET


A Toast to Herbalism - Spring Mocktails with Amanda Crooke

All teachers will participate in an Introduction to DWCHS 2-year Clinical Herbalist Training Program-- bring your questions!

Thursday, April 11, 2024 - 6:30–8:00pm ET

Register for FREE Herbal Education Series

Important Details:

· All classes will be recorded.

· You don't have to sign up for individual classes: sign up for the whole series and you'll get links to each class.

· Classes will be taught live over Zoom.

Click here for information on David Winston's Center for Herbal Studies 2-Year Herbalist Training Program

Herbalist & Alchemist
401 E Washington Ave. Washington, NJ 07882
800-611-8235 | Fax 908-689-9020
First Herbal Supplement Company to become a Certified B Corporation

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