Winter 2021/2022
The Innovation Collaborative is a national transdisciplinary forum to foster creativity, innovation, and equity in teaching and learning.
Research Thought Leader
The Collaborative’s Research Thought Leaders help provide the strong research foundation upon which the Collaborative’s work rests. Each Thought Leader is nationally and internationally recognized in their own field and brings an extensive depth of experience and expertise. They also are adept at working across disciplines. Read More...
Innovation Collaborative News
In the Innovation Collaborative’s recently concluded virtual K-12 teacher and administrator professional development (PD) project, all teachers who completed the course reported improvement in their teaching practice. This project was made possible in part by support from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Read more...
The Collaborative is building on successes and lessons learned from three previous cohorts of K-12 STEAM teacher professional development (PD) funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. It is now conducting a three-year teacher professional development (PD) project for Rowlett Middle Academy in Bradenton, Florida. Read More...
From the Field
This past September, the Museum of Science, Boston, hosted a nine-day online convening of STEM researchers, practitioners, and professionals to examine the use of imagination in STEM. Funded by the National Science Foundation, “Unpacking the STEM Imagination” focused on imagination in STEM at the intersections of research and practice in informal (out-of-school-time) learning settings. Read more...
“Necessity is the mother of invention”, as they say. And the resurgence of COVID variants, especially as they affect younger children, has encouraged educators to greater cooperation and forced the re-examination of ways to connect. Here are just a few of the initiatives in recent journals and conferences. Read More...
Despite concerns about remaining COVID outbreaks, several exciting in-person meetings have been scheduled for 2022. Read More...
Lucinda Presley, Chair and Executive Director | Jonathan Katz, Strategic Advisor |
Amanda Upton, Secretary | Kathi Levin, Treasurer

Jeff Allen | Donna DiBartolomeo | Deborah Gaston | Wendy Hancock | Michael Jay |
Kathi Levin | Roger Malina | Lucinda Presley | Juliana Texley | Amanda Upton |
Andrew D. Watson | Hope E. Wilson