eNews | Winter 2019
A tribute to a visionary leader

The world lost a pioneer in social gerontology when Bob Atchley, professor emeritus of sociology and anthropology and former director of Miami University's Scripps Gerontology Center, passed away this past November. Colleagues and former students around the country will miss him, and will always remember him for his impact on the field of social gerontology in general and at Miami University in particular.

Bob's legacy is deeply appreciated by his associates here at Miami, some of whom had the privilege of learning from him and working with him. As those of us who knew him shared our memories, there was unanimous praise for Bob's vision as a scholar and a leader. He was among the first generation of academics to articulate the impacts of aging for society, and he was a national leader in making the case for gerontology as a field of study.

Julie Kaminski named 2019 Cottrell Alumni Award recipient

The W. Fred Cottrell Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes Miami University gerontology graduate student alumni for outstanding leadership in the field of aging.

Julie Kaminski earned the Master of Gerontological Studies degree in 2000. Since then she has served as executive director of retirement and housing communities, and CEO of LeadingAge Nebraska, the state association of non-profit providers of senior housing and services.

Miami University to host annual Ohio professional and student conference on aging

On April 4-5, 2019 the Ohio Association of Gerontology and Education (OAGE), in conjunction with Miami University, is hosting the 43rd Annual Ohio Professional and Student Conference on Aging. The conference theme is Faces of Aging: Growth and Opportunities and it will be held on Miami's campus in Oxford, Ohio. The conference provides a unique opportunity for students, professionals in the aging network, and faculty to attend sessions with nationally recognized experts, make presentations on current research and practice issues in aging, and meet informally with others working in the field of aging.

Alumni corner 
Gerontology program alumni are invited to a dinner on the Miami campus on Friday April 5, 2019 during the Ohio Association of Gerontology and Education (OAGE) annual conference. The annual Friday night President's Dinner will have tables reserved for Miami University gerontology program alumni. If you are attending the conference or can come to Oxford for dinner, please plan to join us for this event!

If you are interested in attending, please contact Pam Mayberry at mayberps@MiamiOH.edu or 312-848-5162 for information about registration.

Opening Minds through Art (OMA) for medical school and health sciences students

Alex Waldherr, Miami University Microbiology Alumni '18, currently a student at Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine
As our population ages, an increasing majority of physicians' clients are older adults. Developing person-centered values and skills to communicate with older adults will benefit physicians of all specialties and their patients.

"Based on 10 years of operation at Miami University serving over 2,000 pairs of Miami students and elders with dementia, we are confident that OMA can improve medical students' ability to connect and communicate with older adults living with dementia in person-centered ways," shared Elizabeth "Like" Lokon, OMA's founder and director. In this pilot project, involving ten universities, medical and health sciences students will go through online training followed by the opportunity to engage one-on-one with someone with dementia. The expected outcomes, based on previous evaluation studies, are increased dementia knowledge, increased comfort level in and positive regard toward older adults living with dementia.

Time is running out on OMA funding opportunity

OMA is  an evidence-based intergenerational art-making program for people with dementia developed at Scripps Gerontology Center, an Ohio Center of Excellence at Miami University. OMA is approved by the Ohio Department of Aging as a required Quality Improvement Project (QIP).

As we approach the end of our third year of funding, this is the last round to apply for support to implement the Scripps OMA program.  Select nursing homes will receive $1,500 for art supplies and travel reimbursement.

Applications are open through March 22, 2019.

Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) project partners with Ohio nursing homes to improve residents' quality of life

The Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) is a tool used to assess nursing home residents' preferences. It has been selected by the Ohio Department of Medicaid as one of five quality improvement indicators. The PELI-Can project partners with nursing homes on ways to honor nursing home residents' preferences for daily living by providing education and training for nursing homes on how to use information about residents' preferences to improve care.

The PELI-Can Project team works with nursing home providers to identify barriers to implementing the PELI assessment and develop solutions for long-term sustainability. "We learned from providers that while they are able to assess residents' preferences, communicating this information across care team members and shifts is challenging," said Alexandra Heppner, project manager.

Link to website for Social Entrepreneurship and Aging Online Certificate
  • Stark County Court Angel Program: An Evaluation Report
  • Assessing Participant Satisfaction and the Impact of Senior Centers in Rural Northwestern Ohio Counties 
  • Community-Based Organizations and Health Care Contracting: Building and Strengthening Partnerships
  • Allophilia: Increasing College Students' "Liking" of Older Adults with Dementia Through Arts-Based Intergenerational Experiences
  • Functional Status and Adaptation: Measuring Activities of Daily Living and Device Use in the National Health and Aging Trends Study
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