Spring Park Quarterly Newsletter
   Quarterly Newsletter
Holly 1 From Your Mayor
City Hall winter welcome
Happy New Year ~
Thank you to all of the residents who voted for me. I am looking forward to working with the City Council and staff in the coming months. The current staff is very impressive.
As I mentioned during the campaign, one of my goals was to see the Council meeting dates changed. I wanted to consolidate the meetings to two days a month. On January 3, 2017 the City Council voted to change the time of regular meetings to 7 p.m. As a reminder, regular meetings take place on the first and third Monday of the month. In addition, the time and date of all work sessions has changed. City Council work sessions in 2017 will take place on the third Monday of the month at 6 p.m. (before the regular meeting begins at 7 p.m.)
As we begin the new year, please keep in mind your concerns are my concerns. Feel free to call me at 612-310-7095 or email me at jrockvam@ci.spring-park.mn.us if you have a concern.
Thanks again,
Your Mayor,  

Jerry Rockvam

Holly 1From the City Desk~
New City Council for 2017 
The results of the election in November 2016 have brought changes to the City Council: from left to right: Council Members Megan Pavot and Gary Hughes, Mayor Jerry Rockvam, and Council Members Pamela Horton and Catherine Kane Palen.

On January 3, 2017 former Mayor Jerry Rockvam was sworn into office to serve as the City's Mayor once again. Two Council Members were sworn into office that same night. Planning Commissioner Catherine Kane Palen and current City Council Member Megan Pavot were both elected to four year terms on the City Council.

Apply to be a Spring Park Planning Commissioner
There is currently a vacancy on the Planning Commission. Serving on the Planning Commission is a great way to participate in your community. The Planning Commission is a board of five Spring Park residents who meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. and serve in an advisory capacity to the Council on various issues, including the upcoming 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update.

Public Hearing Regarding Outdoor Storage Ordinance Planned for
May 10, 2017
As a result of resident complaints regarding the conditions of a number of properties in the City, the Planning Commission was hard at work in 2016 reviewing the  outdoor storage ordinance. The Commission has drafted nuisance and zoning amendments that address these issues in the City. The goal is to create a workable and enforceable ordinance.

2017 Budget & Tax Levy Approved
The City of Spring Park recently approved its final 2017 budget and property tax levy. The Council adopted a 1.9% property tax levy increase for 2017 bringing the total levy amount to $1,027,143. This is the fourth year in a row that the City has had a levy increase below two percent. The most notable increases to the City's budget were in the areas of public safety and debt service, as the City will start repaying a bond issued in 2015 that helped pay for a number of large infrastructure projects throughout the City.
Here is a visual breakdown of how your tax dollar will be spent in 2017:
Community Garden Expansion & Applications
Beginning March 1, the City will begin accepting new applications for the community garden at Wilkes Park. We currently estimate that there will be approximately five available plots for new gardeners this upcoming season. A plot costs $25 for the season and reservations will be made on a first come, first served basis.
Trail From the Utility Department~
Water Plant Update
The expansion and upgrade of the Spring Park water treatment plant encountered a few delays in 2016, but start-up is scheduled for late January. There will be approximately 1-2 weeks expected for fine-tuning the equipment and troubleshooting. 
Construction will continue in 2017 for smaller "punch list" items, but the water treatment plant will be operational beginning sometime in February.

Bull HornReminders 
Volunteer Opportunities    
The 2040 Comprehensive Plan Committee is an ad hoc group that will meet monthly in 2017 to update the City's 30-year Comprehensive Plan. The committee is looking for approximately five S pring Park residents and other stakeholders (e.g. business owners) to participate in the process. Contact Dan Tolsma at dtolsma@ci.spring-park.mn.us or (952) 471-9051 for more information and an application.
The Westonka History Museum has opportunities for you to participate in preserving local history.  Set your own schedule, volunteer as much as you'd like, and in a variety of ways. Contact Historical Society
aff with your ideas by leaving a message at
(952) 472-9800 or on their website westonkahistoricalsociety.org

Do you have a damaged rec ycling container that needs to be replaced? Or is your recycling container too small for the am ount of bi-weekly recycling that your household produces?
Call City Clerk Theresa Schyma at (952) 471-9051  to have your recycling co ntainer replaced.

Snow Events
It's that time of year again. Please make a note of the following: Move your car off the street or from public parking during or immediately after a snowfall of one or more inches. You may return your vehicle to the street or parking lot after they have been completely plowed. If you are in doubt about how much snow has fallen, we encourage you to move your vehicle regardless to assist our plowing efforts.

Snow Plowing ~

Local Ordinances
Minnesota   state law and many local ordinances prohibit the plowing, blowing, shoveling or placing of snow from sidewalks, driveways and parking lots onto public roadways. This includes ditches, roadsides and boulevards. Violations are misdemeanors and liability can extend to both the property owner and the person or company who placed the snow improperly.
Read more
Winter Trail Use
Winter is here and, as a reminder, the Dakota Trail through Spring Park is not maintained in the winter. The trail can still be used by people at their own risk, but the trail will not be plowed or swept of snow and no salt or sand will be put on the trails if ice forms. Use caution. No motorized vehicles are allowed on the Dakota Rail Trail. This includes ATVs and Snowmobiles.     
Ice Safety
The Lake Minnetonka Winter Rules brochure is available on the LMCD's website at www.lmcd.org under both "Hot Topics" and "Rules and Regulations," within signage drop boxes at most winter public accesses, at the HCSO Water Patrol Unit, or by calling the LMCD office at (952) 745-0789 to have one mailed to you.
Spring Park
City of Spring Park, Minnesota
4349 Warren Ave
Spring Park, MN  55384


Winter 2017
Spring Park
In This Issue
From Your Mayor
City Council Updates
From the Utility Department
Mark Your Calendar 

Council Meetings:     
7 p.m.  Jan 17 (Tues); Feb 6, 21 (Tues); Mar 6, 20
Council Work Sessions:
6 p.m.  Jan 17 (Tues); Feb 21 (Tues); Mar 20

Planning Commission :
7 p.m. Feb 8; Mar 8
No Sort Recycling:
Fridays : Jan 13, 27; Feb 10, 24; Mar 10, 24
Office Closed:
Jan 16; Feb 20
Utility Bills Due:
Thursday, Feb 9
Quick Links 
Community Links
 Permits & Applications
City Codes & Ordinances
 More News
City Officials & Staff  

Mayor: Jerry Rockvam
 Council Members:
Pam Horton
Gary Hughes 
Catherine Kane Palen
Megan Pavot

Chair: Jeff Hoffman
Max Avalos
Pete Kaczanowski  
Michael Mason

Administrator: Dan Tolsma
City Clerk: Theresa Schyma
Public Works:
Dallas Roggeman
Office Assistant/Utility Clerk: Sharon Farniok

About Us 
Post Office
City Parks
 City Facts
 City Water
Contact Us

Spring Park City Hall
4349 Warren Ave
Spring Park, MN  55384
Phone: (952) 471-9051
Fax: (952) 471-9160




Office Hours:
M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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