Summer 2017                                                Vol. 11

As we enjoy the summer months and prepare for a busy Fall, we would like to thank all our supporters for their continued commitment to the Windsor Cancer Research Group's vision: A united community bridging cutting edge research with world-class cancer care. 

WCRG has released its 2016 Impact Report showcasing progress over the past year. It  highlights the different ways that cancer research activities are growing in our region, community support, outreach and education opportunities and the work of the WCRG student volunteers.  
Thank you for supporting WCRG's success as we continue this momentum in 2017. 
WCRG continues to focus on building research collaborations through its Cancer Research Think Tank series that brings pe o p l e together to s hare research ideas in an effort to build projects and increase the number o f cancer research grant submissions. We were recently joined by Diane Marley, a cancer survivor and clinical trial participant. She shared her cancer journey and thanked the researchers for bringing hope to cancer patients through their research efforts. All Think Tank outcomes and updates can be found on our website.  
WCRG's progress is tied to the strong partnerships with the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation
WCRG has partnered with WCCF to build a Cancer Smart Education Program that translates and connects cancer research within the Windsor-Essex community. Details of specific initiatives will be shared in the coming months.

This spring Caesars Windsor kicked off WCRG's Nucleus initiative with a generous $20,000 donation. This allowed for the purchase of a drug screening platform as well as the development of an inventory that will enhance collaboration, reduce duplication, increase usage and allows for strategic planning and purchasing of needed equipment. Find our more about Nucleus.

WCRG continues it's partnership with snapd Windsor by highlighting cancer researchers six times a year in the print edition of snapd.
Be sure to pick up the latest edition! Click here to see all snapdshots.

Thank you to our community minded partners for your continued commitment to supporting innovative cancer research and education in our own community.

WCRG, in partnership with Let's T
alk Science, University of Windsor Alumni Association, Department of Biology Graduate Students Association, Katelyn Bedard Bone Marrow Association, Canadian Blood Services, and UWindsor Science Society held the first Let's Talk Cancer symposium for over 130 high school student. Read more about this event.

May was a busy month for WCRG! Thanks to our student volunteers, we shared information on cancer research at the University of Windsor's Research Showcase, Science Rendezvous and local charitable events - the Relay for Life and the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada's Brain Tumour Walk. New activities were developed by our student volunteers and the public loved them! Check out some great pictures from the event.

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