Special Edition - HVAC Excellence ESCO Show

We look forward to seeing you at ESCO’s HVAC Excellence in Las Vegas in just one week!

Don't miss our latest R-290 propane natural refrigerant

training units, plus a fleet of our most popular units!

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You will learn a lot, plus have a chance to win some of the $1,500 cold hard cash that will be given away to lucky attendees!

($100 per winner, 5 at each presentation.)


Presented by: Jon Vietti

Monday, March 20 • 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Napa Room D

This presentation will provide an introductory overview of every aspect of building automation (BAS/DDC) controls. Topics will include controller types, JACEs, Supervisors, BACnet IP vs. MsTp, Haystack, Niagara, Sedona, Zigbee, Enocean, Remote access, Function Block Programming, Controller setup and Commissioning, etc. Lots of opportunity for open discussion and Q & A so that instructors’ specific questions can be addressed.

How to Teach Different Metering Device Operation and Troubleshooting Simplified

Presented by:  Joey Henderson   

Tuesday, March 21 • 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Sonoma Room D

Learn ideas to best teach these elements, while watching actual training equipment being utilized:

1. The differences between a capillary tube, AEV and TXV metering devices under different loads and air flow.

2. King valve operation.

3. Functions of a dual pressure switch in refrigeration.

Keys to Unlocking Perkins Funding $$ for your Program

Presented by:  Lori Northrup

Tuesday, March 21 • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Sonoma Room C

Have you ever wondered how some HVAC programs have $100,000s from Perkins Grants to spend on their programs? Learn about the Perkins dollars from their source all the way to your school's program budget.

This presentation is designed for the program instructor, and also to take back to their school's administrators. Get 7 great tips on how to maximize your program's position in this annual spend of over $1.3 Billion Dollars!

Click for More Details on these Presentations

Come see our booth #2000! We will have 14 of our top iConnect Training Units, including 2 brand new ones featuring R-290 Propane Refrigerant, and our new Marcraft product line, with Green Energy and Cybersecurity training units.

 Fill out a survey if you might be interested in being chosen as a lucky instructor to come teach at our Bahamas Training Center in 2023 or beyond.
See you soon!
The iConnect Training Team
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Info@NPInnovations.com Customer Service  (716) 699-2031 

Caroline@NPinnovations.com Training Unit Sales - (716) 468-4047

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