Inspire Every Student, Every Day

Thank you to all our staff!

Thank you to all our staff for encouraging an environment wherein each student's potential can thrive, and for transforming challenges into pathways for growth. Your tireless efforts and genuine connections with our students make our schools shine. The NLS School Board sincerely appreciates the entire NLS staff for your invaluable contributions to our student's lives. Thank you for making a difference every day.

Lucinda Dahlberg, NLS School Board Chair







  • Tuesday, May 7 - Senior Art Show/Fundraiser 
  • Wednesday, May 8 - Fine Arts Awards Night
  • Wednesday, May 8 - Grade 6 Field Trip to the State Capitol/MOA 
  • Thurs. May 9 - Sat. May 11 - FFA Plant Sale
  • Thursday, May 9 - MS Band/Choir Pops Concert
  • Friday, May 10 - HS Band/Choir Pops Concert
  • Sunday, May 12 - Baccalaureate
  • Monday, May 13 - Senior Class Trip
  • Wednesday, May 15 - Seniors Check Out    
  • Wednesday, May 15Athletic Awards Ceremony
  • Thursday, May 16 - Last Day for Seniors
  • Sunday, May 19 - Graduation
  • Monday, May 20 - Grade 6 Field Trip to Big Kahuna 
  • Thursday, May 23Grade 6 Field Trip to the Beach
  • Thursday, May 23 - Last Day of School

Summer EBT Cards

Summer EBT cards will be issued for this coming summer.  In order to benefit from this you must be enrolled in one of the following programs through the state of Minnesota;  

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)
  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
  • Foster care, migrants, homeless
  • Medicaid

Or have an approved Application for Educational Benefits for free and reduced meals on file with the School. Please complete one of the criteria to receive this benefit. Here is the 2023-24 Application for Educational Benefits for your convenience. This information is needed before the school year ends. Applications should be returned ASAP to Vicki Mickelson, FNS Accountant/Clerk,​ | (320) 354-2252 ext. 2607.

Peterson-Schabach Outstanding Leadership

Congratulations to Tracy Detloff on being awarded the Peterson-Schabach Outstanding Leadership Award at the Education MN Representative Convention on Friday, April 19, 2024. This award is given annually to an Education MN leader who has made outstanding contributions to their local and the state organization. Recipients of this award must demonstrate Education Minnesota's Statements of Principle; commitment to members, the profession, the learners; commitment to public education and the community; commitment to the organization; commitment to the Labor Movement; and a commitment to racial equity and social justice. 

Tracy was nominated by Tammy Knapper, a teacher in the Willmar school district who also serves on the Education MN Governing Board. Tammy said, "The award is given to an extraordinary leader in Education MN. Tracy exemplifies what a great leader is. Tracy's commitment to Education MN's statements of principles is why she was nominated and received this award. Overall, Tracy earned this award for the everyday things she does to promote the union." Click here to continue reading.

High School - Principal Bonnie Spohn

Our National Honor Society students completed their Suicide Awareness Walk on Sunday, April 21. An official count of participants was not taken but they estimated around 60 people came together to spread awareness and raise funds. Exactly $500 was raised to be donated to Duck Cup Memorial. Each year, Duck Cup sends a speaker to our school district to talk with our students about mental health - at no cost to our schools. Thank you to all our Suicide Awareness Walkers!

The end of the 2023-24 school year is approaching and with that comes a variety of lasts for our seniors. Please be sure to mark your calendars with our Class of 2024 events. To view the full schedule click here. Please note: We will have a live stream available for those who are unable to watch our Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony in person. Live stream:

Wildcat Activities

New London-Spicer Schools is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Hall of Fame induction. Nomination forms must be returned to Thayne Johnson, Activities Director, no later than June 1, 2024. There are 3 nomination categories;

  • Player: An athlete that has excelled in athletics and has been out of school a minimum of ten years.
  • Coach: A coach that has made a positive impact on Wildcat Athletic Tradition and is no longer a varsity head coach.
  • At Large: A member of the school or community member that has made a significant contribution to New London-Spicer Athletics.

Each nomination will require a maximum of three (3) letters of recommendation (ONE type-written page) explaining why you think this individual is worthy of this honor and a current photograph of the nominee. All information submitted shall be retained by the Selection Committee. Click here for a nomination form.

Every week, the activities department recognizes a student as our Wildcat of the Week. These students are recognized not only based on their accomplishments, but also how they display the R.O.A.R principles - Respect, Ownership, Attitude, and Responsibility. Our most recent Wildcats of the Week for 2024 were Allison VanNurden, Grant Henjum, Russell Wieland, Rylan Altermatt, and Abram Snyder (FFA) and Emily Ruter (Softball).

Middle School - Principal Dr. Jenn Fuchs

On Saturday, May 4th, nine NLS middle school band students participated in the 2024 Central MN Band Directors Association’s Honor Band event at Zimmerman high school. The honor band students rehearsed with the guest directors and worked with sectional coaches throughout the day, then performed a concert in the afternoon. New London Spicer was one of 21 schools in central MN that were represented at this event. Audrey Moline, Cameron Monson, Oden Nelson, Jillian Skretvedt, and Rebekah Westby performed with the First Year Band, directed by Scott Sater. Marcus DeJong, Axel Eichhorst, Cayson Plowman, and Caiden Rheaume performed with the Second Year Band, directed by Jonathan Laflamme. Way to go, Wildcats, we are so proud of your hard work and dedication!

GAMMA (math camp) and STEM/Robotics are back this summer!

These programs are available to current NLS 5th, 6th and 7th graders!

What? At GAMMA (math camp) and STEM/Robotics students will be encouraged and challenged to become problem solvers and math detectives during this one-week adventure. It is absolutely FREE and all materials will be provided, including breakfast and lunch! The camp will include an outdoor field trip to Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center. Transportation will be provided by our school district. GAMMA is fully funded through the West Central Achievement and Integration Collaborative.

When and Where? Due to construction, both programs will be held at the Willmar High School.

  • GAMMA (Math Camp): July 15-19 (M-F) from 8:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m.
  • STEM/Robotics: July 22- Aug. 2 (M-F) from 8:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Sign up! Online Registration for both programs ends on May 17th. Limited Space Available so save your spot today!

Click here for GAMMA Registration

Click here for STEM/Robotics Registration >> Watch this promo video <<

Questions? Contact GAMMA Coordinator: Jason Schorn, or STEM Coordinator: Josie Ammerman,

Prairie Woods - Principal Randy Juhl

Mrs. Diane Holmquist arranged for author, Mike Wohnoutka, to come visit Prairie Woods Elementary on Wednesday, May 1. During his visit he spoke with all grade levels about his journey as an author & illustrator.

Mike has illustrated over 30 books for children. He is also the author-illustrator of several picture books, including Ups & Downs, Dad’s First Day, and the Croc & Turtle series. A native of Spicer, Minnesota, Mike currently lives with his family in Minneapolis. Thank you Mike for sharing your talent and expertise with the students of New London-Spicer! This opportunity was funded by the Prairie Woods PTO.

The dates are set for our field days for 1st through 4th grade students. Families are invited to attend to watch their child(ren) participate. It is intended to be a fun event for the students. If a make-up day is needed, we will plan to use May 16 & May 20.

  • May 13: 3rd Grade from 9-10:45 a.m. & 4th Grade 12:45-2:30 p.m.
  • May 14: 2nd Grade from 9-10:45 a.m. & 1st Grade 12:45-2:30 p.m.

Community Education - Director Tricia Lilleberg

Our CE Spring/Summer Activities registration is now open online at 

Summer PALS will be waitlisted starting on Wednesday, May 8th. All kids participating in PALS and Lil' PALS must be registered for all summer recreation activities by Wednesday, May 8th. For 2024 Summer PALS registration click here. Summer PALS is for NLS registered students completing K-4th Grade. 

Prairie Meadows - Coordinator Jennifer Hellickson

Our Cub Kids Preschoolers had an amazing field trip to The Village Children's Museum in Willmar. They were firefighters and paramedics, they painted, sprayed water, jumped in the foam pit, and took many trips down the tube slide! Thank you to The United Way and The Village for a fun day of learning and play!

Miss Marni and Miss Kate finished up our spring ECFE classes with a fire and camp out! Our littlest learners and their parents listened to stories around a fire, painted with marshmallows, and went on a bear hunt.  

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Address: 101 4th Ave SW New London, MN 56273
P: 320-354-2252
F: 320-354-9001