Why is LOGOS important to YOU?

for 400 weeks our goal is to encourage you and your 
church to be more effective witnesses of your faith in



L-  Listen to others...ask meaningful questions and don't talk,  listen intently...he who gives an answer before listening...it is to his folly and shame ...Proverbs 14:3

O- Opinions...as you and I interact with people it is so easy to get on our soap box over a lot of deemed important issues...so often in sharing our opinions on the issues of the day we  let them dominate the interaction time leaving no time for our witness and getting into meaningful dialogue

G- Grow in grace...2 Peter 3:18- as you and I  examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith...grace is such a perfect barometer because our thoughts and speech are a reflection of who we really are inside...to be an ongoing fruitful Christian it is essential to be gracious

O- Open doors abound...after I present my body as a living sacrifice Romans 12:1...it is such a joy to LOOK for His open doors daily...and as we daily look for His open doors...our routines of the day become an adventure because of witnessing to people we naturally encounter

S- Speak humbly, clearly and boldly...political correctness has snuffed out the name of Jesus in many believers' lives...Jesus Christ conquered death so we can have victory over sin and death...and we have an abundant life in serving Him...that's GOOD NEWS...that's worth living for and proclaiming graciously...ask your friends to pray for you to speak up for our Savior 

LOGOS acrostic applied to this witness encounter yesterday:


Met a man named Jerry

...by asking a number of questions and listening to his responses found out he was an engineer


...he enjoyed most college sports but not pro sports (some of his comments were much different than mine but I did not comment because I did not want to get sidetracked away from the Gospel)


...has a family


...discovered we had a mutual friend in Texas named Sam


As a springboard I said "please tell Sam hello for me...here is my business card"

...I pulled off my wristband and said there is a quick story behind the wording on the wristband


The wristband says I am a sinner...I shared my testimony...

After reading a Bible for 2+weeks a Chaplain gave me...I knew I was a sinner and needed a Savior JESUS CHRIST


I claimed Jesus Christ as my Savior on my knees in a Chapel all by myself...my life was changed forever...John 3:16 and other verses were changing my heart and letting me know how much God loved me!


As we parted Jerry wearing his wristband said "lets get together again soon"....I said "Yes for sure" 






How much of the LOGOS ACROSTIC did I use?


Please pray and do the same...where you live, move and have your being...Acts 17:28


Ted Sprague

PS...for further encouragement please go to the new WB website


