June 2022
Why choose BBCetc?

Simple. We’re the premier resource to help secure and manage non-dilutive funding like SBIR/STTR. We also help you create a successful, sustainable company that can deliver your innovation to market.

We’ve been doing this for 20 years.

Our team has deep expertise with all 11 participating government agencies.

We offer 1 to 1 assistance — but we have the whole team ready to help.

We provide a customized approach. No cookie-cutter solutions.

Post-award management expertise to help you solidify your company.

If you want to know more, you should talk with us.
Should you work with an
That’s a lot of acronyms but it means you can partner with a Federally Funded Research and Development Center to help you better understand how your innovation fits a particular branch of the DOD. FFRDCs conduct research and development on behalf of the DOD, focusing on the development and prototyping of new technologies and capabilities to meet DOD needs. They’re now allowed to participate as a research institute on an STTR or a subcontractor on an SBIR. As a research partner, they may be able to help you fill your resource gap in equipment, facilities, experience, and customer knowledge. Learn more at both of the links below.
Do you qualify for the NIH
Small Business Transition Grant?
This hybrid FastTrack grant is meant to foster entrepreneurship training for early career scientists interested in transitioning to being an entrepreneur while also supporting the transfer of technology from academic laboratories to small businesses.
Find out more at the link below.
From The Sources' Mouth – June
June 21
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT

 Hear directly from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Program Manager April Richards in a 1-hour overview of the EPA SBIR program where you can learn what technologies they are looking for and what’s needed to submit a successful proposal.
Q&A time with the presenter follows the presentation.

Save The Date for July 28: Department of Energy
Post-Award Grant Management
Winning your SBIR award is the first step.
Now you need to stay compliant.

Here are a few things you need to put in place:

Accounting system that separates cost types (direct, indirect and unallowable)
and grants from other projects

Financial policies and procedures – internal controls (travel, employee policies)

Timekeeping system – completed by employees and approved by supervisor

File reports required – FFR reports file quarterly/Interim Progress report/
Final Technical report/Invention Disclosure 

Other requirements like supporting documentation: actual vs budget tracking, agreements, etc.

You don’t know what you don’t know. And what you don’t know could hurt your company. Get in touch with BBCetc for advice and assistance on setting up compliant grant management and other post-award services.
BBCetc Training for May
June 9 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm EDT
Live Virtual Workshop

A Specific Aims page is the most important page in your NIH SBIR/STTR proposal.
Join this virtual clinic and discover how to craft the strongest possible Aims page to make the best impression on your reviewers. In this interactive 2-hour clinic our expert will review NIH Specific Aims page examples and use actual reviewer feedback
to help you develop a successful Aims page.
June 21 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EDT
Live Virtual Workshop

Commercialization and transition plans can be a key differentiator in the SBIR/STTR programs. It's important to know what agencies are looking for and how to develop a good plan. This session will review requirements and show you where to start, what to include, and how to show your best self. We’ll review Agency expectations for commercialization plans in your Phase I & II projects Where to find cost-effective market research and more.
Join us at TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo
BBCetc will be there June 13-15 in Washington, D.C. You’ll hear an incredible array of speakers, including our own Jerry Hollister. You can talk about your innovation with Jerry and Shannon Bass and enter the “What Should BBCetc Stand For” contest again (assuming you enter from the newsletter) to win a $25 Amazon gift card.
Want to win a $25 Amazon gift card?
Tell us what BBCetc should mean.

Tell us what you think the acronym BBCetc should stand for. It can be appropriate or funny or both. We don’t care. Whoever comes up with the best entry in the humble estimation of our team wins a $25 Amazon gift card. Contest ends Wednesday, June 15.

PLUS – If you join us at TechConnect, you can get a second chance to win!
Look who’s talking about BBCetc
I cannot speak highly enough about Baindu Bayon’s professionalism, expertise, and the empathy, patience and discernment with which she guides and advises. I’d like to thank the BBC and Baindu in particular with helping AdvoCath to move forward in bringing life-saving technology to the massesI believe that it is difficult in this day and age to find someone so credentialed and yet so human in sharing their talent and knowledge. We here at AdvoCath have found that in Baindu.”

Christine McDunnough
SBIR/STTR funding opportunities
About BBCetc
BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting, LLC (BBCetc) works with technology-based entrepreneurs and companies across the U.S. on strategies to advance their R&D efforts to commercialization. The BBCetc team is nationally recognized for its success in helping clients secure federal funding through the SBIR and STTR programs. BBCetc services include research grant assistance, SBIR/STTR training and proposal development assistance, and grants and contract management.

Contact us: www.bbcetc.com / 734.930.9741 / info@bbcetc.com