If You Have A Tax Liability And Own Property

You Could Benefit From A Study

Cost Segregation studies have become an increasingly valuable tax strategy that should be considered by virtually every taxpayer who owns, is constructing, renovating or acquiring real estate. By using an engineering-based approach to identify assets within a building that can be reclassified into much shorter depreciation recovery periods than the building itself, significant tax savings can be achieved.

Did you purchase, construct, or renovate a building?

Did the building cost

more than $750,000?

Do you plan to retain the

property for a few years?

If So, Call Us To Get Started: 877.410.5040

A Cost Segregation study should be conducted at the time a property is purchased, renovated or constructed. But, if you placed properties into service in previous years, a Cost Segregation study can still be performed in accordance with Revenue Procedure 2015-13 without amending returns. Any missed depreciation from previous years can be taken in the current year through the filing of IRS Form 3115.

Bonus Depreciation Is Decreasing

Bonus depreciation of 100% expired at the end of 2022. In 2023, when a building is acquired, renovated, and placed into service, bonus depreciation will be reduced to 80%. And percentages will continue to decrease each year:

In 2024 it will drop to 60%

In 2025 it will drop to 40%

In 2026 it will drop to 20%

In 2027 and beyond it will be 0%

Don't delay getting a building into service.

Reserve Your Cost Segregation Team Today

About Scarpello Consulting

Scarpello Consulting provides clients with a variety of cost-savings measures based on tax incentives and regulation such as Cost Segregation Studies and §45L Reports. Through a sister company, Scarpello Group, the team can provide clients with turn-key data analytics. In the years to come, both teams strive to create the answers to unique business problems, focusing on identifying break-through cost-savings measures that allow businesses to operate more efficiently.