Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm

Friday 8:30am-4:30pm Dawn works remotely

September 13, 2024

Note from Charlotte Lohrenz

Moderator of Whitewater Valley Presbytery


The Presbytery of Whitewater Valley convened on Saturday, September 7, for its quarterly stated assembly. First Presbyterian Church, Bluffton, greeted us with warmth and organization. The grounds and facility were in tip-top shape, ready to celebrate the congregation's 180th anniversary the very next day. Thank you to Stated Clerk Terry Epling, pastor of First, Bluffton, and all the good folks who welcomed us, ran audio, provided music, prepared communion elements, and served us lunch (with homemade ice cream!)


This assembly was the first centered on four themes selected by Transitional Lead Presbyter Erin McGee to guide our presbytery through the next phase of vision and planning: expansive as God's kingdom, collaborative as the priesthood of all believers, creative as the Spirit, and innovative as God's dreams. The meeting was called to worship with a liturgy inviting us to live into each identity. It will be used at each WVP assembly as we explore each theme.


·      Erin's Transitional Lead Presbyter's Report highlighted the connectional nature of our presbytery. She provided a graphic impact report for the first three quarters. Click Here.

·      The order of the day was to hear from the three WVP commissioners to the General Assembly. Each was asked: What Committee did they serve on, and what work was conducted? What was a highlight of their service as a commissioner? What was your highlight or defining moment at this year’s General Assembly? What made you hopeful in this experience? You can also read the GA Brief here Click Here. Thank you to our commissioners: Ruling Elder Carolyn Kendall and Teaching Elders Deb Mitchell and Winterbourne Harrison Jones.

·      The Commission on Ministry presented Tim McNinch to be examined for ordination to the validated ministry of professor at Christian Theological Seminary. The first question for Tim was " Would you please read Romans 15:1-7 and respond to the question: How do you see God’s Kingdom as “expansive”? Tim was approved for ordination as a Minister of Word and Sacrament. Our prayers go with Tim as he prepares for his ordination.

·      The Anti-Racism Policy Working Team presented Policy Statement on Dismantling Racism and Its Structural Legacies for Whitewater Valley Presbytery. Click Here. The Policy will be voted on at the assembly's next meeting.

·      The Committee on Representation led the Assembly through an interactive process of thinking of different qualities, life experiences and interests of ruling elders in their congregations and writing the names of those individuals on cards. COR received those names and will follow up with congregations as they seek to recruit new leadership in the presbytery. Additional Names may be submitted by clicking here.

·      The 2025 budget was presented for its first reading. Click Here. A correction was made: The 2025 per capita is $45.05 total, divided into OGA $10.84, SOLT $3.81; WVP $30.40. The Operations Budget is revenue neutral and remains unchanged by this correction.

·      The assembly approved the 2025 Minimum Compensation recommended by COM. It includes a 4% increase in minimum salary and housing, the Transitional Package from the Board of Pensions for benefits, and a new $2000 HRA requirement for each pastor. Click Here.

·      Patty McKinnon and Sam Frost were commissioned to the Presbytery as Commissioned Ruling Elders. This commissioning sends them out to preach, administer the sacraments, or moderate a Session (as appointed by the current Session moderator) to any congregation in Whitewater Valley Presbytery. This is a new and expansive way of utilizing the gifts and skills of trained CREs. Blessings on Patty and Sam.

·      Commission on Preparation for Ministry also brought Mary Mitchell to be a candidate for Minister of Word and Sacrament. Mary is a member of White Lick Presbyterian Church in Avon and a student at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Mary joined by Zoom to affirm the intentions, hear the support of the presbytery, and receive our prayers.

·      The Synod of Lincoln Trails invited Teaching Elder Dave Crittenden to engage with each Presbytery in conversations regarding the changes in the Board of Pensions. Dave spoke about the importance of having forthright conversations about money and the theology of abundance. You can find the schedule for those WVP conversations here. Click Here..

·      The assembly came to the Lord's Table led by Teaching Elders Carrie Winebrenner and YeIn Park, bracketed by singing Let Us Build a House.

·      The clerk's report noted Shannon Burford has renounced jurisdiction of the church, commended those who have participated in mandated boundaries training, and encouraged participation in a day of prayer and fasting on Sunday, September 22. The day will be to pray for our nation’s leaders and citizens who will be voting in upcoming elections, to pray for an end to division and a new birth of freedom and peace in our nation and world. Click Here for details.

·      Erin introduced the first Mission and Ministry in Whitewater Valley video. This video featured Irvington Presbyterian, Indianapolis. The purpose of these videos is to connect with each other and celebrate the good ministries each congregation is doing, as well as to connect churches doing similar missions or wanting to start similar ministries in a different location. Technology Coordinator Craig Shaw would happily create a video about your congregation.

Click Here for Video.


This was a very full meeting agenda. We appreciate everyone's efforts to be prepared and participate. Until we meet again, we will continue to pray: Lord, lead us to be your expansive, collaborative, creative, and innovative people together as Whitewater Valley Presbytery. Amen.

We are seeking your feedback about our

Presbytery Assembly Meetings!

We have only had 28 responses!

We are currently considering THREE annual Assembly Meetings--one in late January or Early February; one in late May; and one in mid-October.

We are seeking your feedback on the

format, content, and timing

of our Assemblies. 

Please click below to take the survey!!!

Click to take Survey

Hello! My name is Madalyn Sailors, and I am from Carmel, IN. I recently graduated from DePauw University, and I am currently serving as a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) with PCUSA. The YAV program places young adults like me in sites both nationally and internationally, with both Presbyterian and partner congregations. I am fortunate to be serving my year in Irvine, Scotland with the United Church of Irvine. 

My YAV year would not be possible without support: from PCUSA, my home congregation Second Presbyterian Church, and the many faithful individuals in my life. Currently, I am fundraising to support this year of service. I have been asked to raise $5,000, and I wanted to invite fellow members of Whitewater Valley Presbytery to contribute toward this goal. To honor your support, I will be sharing my experience on my blog ( I am also open to giving a summative presentation to any congregation of Whitewater Valley Presbytery upon my return. I aim to recognize those who participate and include them in my reflections on how God shapes this journey. If you would like to contribute use this link through the PCUSA:  Presbyterian Mission Agency Give to YAV, Madalyn Sailors – Scotland Fund | E210104 | Presbyterian Mission Agency

I have embarked on this YAV year because, I believe it will teach me to better serve the Kingdom of God. It is my hope that I will better embody the call of Matthew 25 as a Christian and learn from this practical experience. I am grateful for the Presbyterian Church, which has been instrumental in shaping my call. I humbly ask for your support, whether in contributions or prayers, to promote the work of the YAV program in developing young adults like me. I thank you for your consideration and look forward to sharing more in the future!

direct and compelling headline

Sign up Here

October 1st at Indiana Interchurch Center, 1100 W. 42nd St., Indianapolis, IN

10:00am in Room 145

Register Now!

Register Here!

September Scheduled Meetings of the Presbytery

  • Reid Center Board Meeting September 16th at 2:30pm
  • Retired Pastors Luncheon September 17th at noon MCL Castleton
  • COM Leadership Zoom September 18th 3pm
  • Assembly Planning Meeting September 19th at 10:30am Zoom
  • Commission on Ministry (COM): September 25th @ 10am at Second Presbyterian Indianapolis
  • Council Mission and Partnership: September 25th at 4:30pm Zoom
  • Rev. Greg Steible Installation September 29th at New Hope, Fishers 3:00pm
  • Living Abundantly BOP, September 30, 10am-11am IIC, Dining Room For Finance/Personnel Chairs
Click to Listen

October 2

12–1 PM, Online

Lifelong Learning: Rev. Hipólito Fernández Reina

Webinar: Welcoming the Stranger to Your Church

Skills for Flourishing Congregations

Learn More


This fall, the Princeton Seminar Series invites you on a transformative journey of intellectual and faithful exploration guided by distinguished scholars. Designed for spiritual seekers, church leaders, and humanities enthusiasts alike, these seminars offer a unique combination of theological depth and ethical engagement. Our first seminar explores Augustine’s City of God in the context of today’s world, and our second seminar delves into ecotheology to understand how we can responsibly steward our planet.

Thinking Politically with Augustine

Faithful Political Engagement in Difficult Times

In this pivotal election year, explore Augustine's (354 - 430 C.E.) perspectives on citizenship, political humility, and the Christian journey as a pilgrimage. Dr. Heather C. Ohaneson, a passionate advocate of the Great Books tradition, leads this seminar, diving into City of God, Augustine's sermons, and contemporary scholarship. This series offers a unique lens to understand political engagement through historical and theological insights.

Seminar Highlights:

  • Develop familiarity with Augustine: Explore the historical and theological aspects of Augustine’s political thought, focusing on his lesser-known sermons.
  • Deepen articulation: Understand the "two cities" schema foundational to City of God.
  • Refine a faithful framework: Approach modern political challenges with insights drawn from Augustine's thought, including contemporary interpretations by scholars like Eric Gregory.

Program Details:

  • Duration: Mondays, Sept. 16 - Oct. 7 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. ET
  • Format: Virtual Live Sessions
  • Cost: $399 for four sessionsINTO AUGUSTINE


Dive into Augustine

        Bread For The World in Indiana is having a public event October 3 entitled, “Nourish Our Future: Seeds of Hope for Indiana’s Children.” The purpose of this event is to secure Senator Todd Young’s support of the Child Tax Credit. The CTC has been demonstrated to reduce child hunger. During the pandemic, the CTC was actually increased and seriously lowered child hunger rates, but that temporary increase has now been ended and some actually want to decrease CTC from its pre-pandemic levels, which is certain to raise the incidence of child hunger in Indiana. Our goal is to get at least 400 people out for this meeting to demonstrate to Senator Young our support for maintaining the Child Tax Credit at current levels and increasing it if possible.

              Anything you can do as a Bread Ambassador to encourage the congregations of your tribe to participate would be greatly appreciated! This may be putting an ad or ads in your judicatory news, writing and calling selected pastors among your colleagues to push for attendance of at least 5-10 members from their individual congregations (especially those who have held Offerings of Letters), or both.

              The gathering will be October 3, 6:30 (concluding no later than 8:00 pm) at Light of The World Christian Church (Disciples), 4646 Michigan Rd., Indianapolis.



Register Today!!!

Are you Celebrating a Milestone in your church? Please let us know!!!

Northminster Indianapolis Presbyterian Church

Northminster was recently honored by Exodus Refugee Immigration as the 2024 Community Support Team of the Year! Pastor Karen Herbst-Kim joined members Bo and Mary Walker to accept the award at last week's Gala.

Prayers for the Presbytery

God surrounded by glory: you notice the people we walk past, and journey with them, wherever they are going. You speak out for the voiceless, and open our ears to their cries. Jesus, Healer of the hopeless, Converser with the outsider: in you, faith and works skip hand in hand down the streets of the kingdom. In you, the have-a-lots and the have-nothings find themselves sitting side by side at your Table, passing grace to one another.

from Lectionary Liturgies

Please Hold in Prayer: 

Jim Crismore who has been diagnosed with brain cancer. He is currently at rehab hospital on the west side. Lisa has set up a Caring Bridge account to provide updates. Decisions on treatment will be made shortly. Crismore address :5817 Jamestown Square Lane, Indianapolis IN 46234

Our Whitewater Valley Presbytery churches in pastoral search or transition:

  • Grace, Fort Wayne
  • Kingston and Springhill, Greensburg
  • Korean, Indianapolis
  • Orchard Park, Indianapolis
  • Tabernacle, Indianapolis
  • First, New Castle
  • First, Rushville
  • First, Shelbyville
  • CrossRoads, Westfield


Hear our prayers, O Lord!



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Whitewater Valley Presbytery