White Collar Week Newsletter Sept. 2023

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White Collar Support Group

377th Meeting Online on Zoom

Mon. Sept. 11, 2023

7 pm ET, 6 pm CT, 5 pm MT, 4 pm PT

7 1/2 Years of Support!

We meet every Monday.

We are a community of individuals, families and groups with white collar justice issues who have a desire to take responsibility for our actions and the wreckage we caused, make amends, and move forward in new way of life centered on hope, care, compassion, tolerance and empathy. Our experience shows us that many of us are suffering in silence with shame, remorse, and deep regret. Many of us have been stigmatized by our own families, friends and communities, and the business community. Our goal is to learn and evolve into a new spiritual way of life and to reach out in service to others. 

Over 750 Fellow Travelers have participated in our support group meetings from Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming - and Canada, South America, Israel. Mexico, Europe, Scandinavia, and the Caribbean. All have agreed this has been a valuable, important experience in which everyone feels less alone, and gratified in the opportunity to talk about things in a safe space only we could understand.

WCSG members have access to our private on-line community which features peer and mentoring support, our white collar job and career board, news and events relevant to our community, advocacy initiatives and partnerships with other nonprofits, and a wide array of other resources. We sponsor a monthly newsletter, a Tuesday Night Speaker Series (open to family and friends), social media channels, and our website hosts our widely-read blog with over ten years of important content. All freely offered on a volunteer basis by group members at no cost to our members and their families!

Thank you for referring justice-impacted people and families: info@prisonist.org

For press/media inquiries: press@grantlaw.com

IMPORTANT!: If you are currently on supervised release, probation or parole, it is important that you first discuss this with your P.O. To assist in this regard, information about our ministry is available on prisonist.org.

For details, invitation or to make referrals...

Also, White Collar Week Podcast: An Evening with Our White Collar Support Group. 16 support group members share their stories. Link here.

White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series 

On Zoom, Tues., Sept. 12, 2023, 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT

Glenn E. Martin, Entrepreneur, Activist

& Founder/ Former CEO

of JustLeadershipUSA

We are honored to have Glenn E. Martin as the September speaker in our White Collar Support Group Tuesday Speaker Series. Open to all!

Link to register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErcu2rrTItHdL8Q32ZZ1J6iynbFD2rg7fj

Information about our White Collar Support Group: http://prisonist.org

For over two decades, Glenn E. Martin successfully founded and directed a handful of national organizations in the non-profit sector. Glenn has occupied the role of “visionary”, while developing a strong track record in the more pragmatic aspects of building and running successful organizations, including fundraising, operations, administration, and communications.

Before launching both GEMrealestate and GEMtrainers, a multi-state real estate investment company and a successful non-profit consultancy, respectively, Glenn founded and served as President of JustLeadershipUSA, an organization he built as a tribute to his son Joshua, dedicated to cutting the U.S. correctional population in half by 2030. For over 20 years, since leaving prison, he’s been a part of the vanguard of successful reform advocates in America. Glenn has a quote that he coined in prison in 2000 that guides the work of GEMtrainers:

“People closest to the problem are closest to the solution but furthest from POWER and RESOURCES.”

Since launching GEMtrainers, Glenn has served as a confidential, trusted advisor and strategic thought partner to leaders driving social justice change. From fundraising, organizational development, and crisis management to the development and implementation of multi-year strategic plans, Glenn brings almost 25 years of leadership and operational experience to the table.

His leadership has been recognized with multiple honors, including the 2016 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award, the 2017 Brooke Astor Award, and the 2014 Echoing Green Fellowship. He is also a Founding Member of the Council on Criminal Justice. Prior to founding JustLeadershipUSA, Glenn was the Vice President of The Fortune Society, where he founded and led the David Rothenberg Center for Public Policy. He also served as the Co-Director of the National HIRE Network at the Legal Action Center, and co-founded the Education from the Inside Out Coalition. He’s also the founder and visionary behind the #CLOSErikers campaign in NYC.

Glenn has served as a public speaker and has been a media guest appearing on national news outlets such as NPR, MSNBC, Fox News, CNN, Al Jazeera and CSPAN. You can follow him at @glennEmartin on Twitter.

To reach Glenn E. Martin: gemtrainers.com

YouTube Video: White Collar Week

Tuesday Speaker Series

Margaret Love, Former U.S. Pardon Attorney

& Executive Director, 

Collateral Consequences Resource Center 


Tues., August 8, 2023

We were honored to have Margaret Love as the August speaker in our White Collar Support Group Tuesday Speaker Series.

Information about our White Collar Support Group: http://prisonist.org


Margaret Love specializes in executive clemency and restoration of rights, sentencing and corrections policy, and legal and government ethics. She has written and lectured widely on pardon policy and practice, and on the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction, and is recognized as one of the nation’s leading authorities on clemency and related relief issues.


Ms. Love served as U.S. Pardon Attorney between 1990 and 1997, and currently serves as the Executive Director of the Collateral Consequences Resource Center, a non-profit organization established in 2014 to promote public engagement on the myriad issues raised by the legal restrictions and societal stigma that burden people with a criminal record long after their criminal case is closed.


Since leaving public office, she has successfully represented numerous individuals with federal convictions in the clemency process. She also advises individuals with state convictions who are interested in avoiding or mitigating the collateral consequences of conviction.


Ms. Love also represents clients seeking other types of clemency, including reduction (commutation) of a prison sentence. With the abolition of parole for federal sentences imposed after 1987, commutation is virtually the only way to reduce a prison term.


To reach Margaret Love: pardonlaw.commargaretlove@pardonlaw.com

Watch the Video:

The World’s First Support Group

Devoted to Those Navigating

The White Collar Criminal Justice System

Greenwich CT & Nationwide

It's the isolation that destroys us.

The solution is in community.

Visit our Website

How Do First Step Act (FSA)

Earned Time Credits Work?

By Fellow Traveler William Livolsi

Bill Livolsi is a member of our White Collar Support Group that meets on Zoom on Monday evenings

For an individual facing prosecution for a first time, white collar/non-violent offense, the First Step Act introduces a significant provision called “Time Credits“, granting individuals in federal prisons the opportunity to reduce their incarceration period. This reduction is achieved by actively engaging in “Evidence-Based Recidivism Reduction programming” (EBRR programs) and participating in BOP sanctioned “Productive Activities.”

By participating in these Productive Activities and EBRR programs, incarcerated individuals can earn Time Credits that have the power to shorten their overall prison sentence. Rather than remaining in a BOP facility, participants who accumulate these credits gain the opportunity to transition to home confinement or a Residential Reentry Center (RRC, aka Half-Way House) sooner, and on to Supervised Release sooner, than before the FSA was enacted.

The potential for sentence reduction can be substantial. According to the law, participants can earn up to 15 days in Time Credits for every 30 days of active involvement in the designated programs and activities. This is very good news for an individual facing prosecution for a first time, white collar/non-violent offense who could see their total sentence cut by up to 365 days, which is the maximum allowed under the Act.

Read Bill's full article here...

Repairing Search Results

Following White Collar Legal Trouble

by Fellow Traveler Andrew Chapin

Andrew J. Chapin is a technology entrepreneur specializing in product discovery, a writer, and a member of our White Collar Support group that meets on Zoom on Monday evenings. He can be reached at andrewjchapin.com.


After you’ve been involved in a legal case, your Google search results may be overwhelming to the point where you wonder if your online reputation will ever recover. 

You may have had conversations with search specialists who promise the moon in exchange for an exorbitant fee, or spent serious time watching supposedly-instructional YouTube videos. And on the other side of either of those things, you’re probably still left without solutions.

When I found myself in this position following my arrest in 2020, I leaned on my experience having worked with search engines to drive e-commerce product discovery throughout my career. I knew the good news: there is a lot that you can do to repair and restore your personal search engine results page. And most of these things can be done at no or low cost...

Read Andrew's blog post here...


Holidays in Federal Prison

by Fellow Traveler Craig Stanland

Craig Stanland is a member of our White Collar Support Group that meets on Zoom on Monday evenings

"There’s a sadness in the air. It’s not just mine; it belongs to all of us. None of us complains.

What’s the point? We’re all in the same boat, all wishing we weren’t. We keep our wishes to ourselves, doing our best to maintain our routines, all the while struggling with what we should be doing, not what our reality is. There’s no reason to say it because we’re all thinking the same exact thing.

We all wish we were home with our families doing whatever each of us does on Christmas Day. There is a collective, unspoken desire that Christmas disappears just for the time we are in prison. We’d like to skip the day or at least be unaware of it..."

Read Craig's blog post here...

Video: Jeff Grant Interviewed

on the Financial Clarity Podcast

with Hannah Smolinski

Aug. 2, 2023

“From Law Practice to Prison and Back Again.”

In the high-stakes world of law and finance, missteps can lead to drastic consequences. How do professionals pick themselves up after such fallouts? Can a tainted reputation ever be restored?

Jeff Grant, a successful lawyer, found his world turned upside down when he was convicted for a white-collar crime. He lost his license and spent 14 months in federal prison. But this was not the end for Jeff. Remarkably, he rebuilt his life post-incarceration, earning back his law license and turning his past mistakes into a springboard to help others in similar situations.

In this episode of the Financial Clarity podcast, host Hannah Smolinski engages Jeff Grant in a riveting conversation about resilience, redemption, and making the most out of second chances. They discuss Jeff’s life pre- and post-prison, his journey to regain his law license, and how he founded a support group for white-collar criminals. Jeff shares insights on overcoming stigma, navigating the legal system post-incarceration, and leveraging past mistakes as a unique selling point in his new law practice.

Watch the Video:

Center for Justice & Human Dignity

Rewriting the Sentence Summit II 

On Alternatives to Incarceration

Washington, DC, October 16 & 17, 2023

Our friend and White Collar Week podcast guest Christopher Poulos, Executive Director of Center for Justice and Human Dignity , has organized this important conference. It is especially on-point for Fellow Travelers and all members of the white collar justice community. We will be sending a contingent and hope to see you there!

"Join us on October 16-17, 2023 at Rewriting the Sentence II Summit on Alternatives to Incarceration in Washington, D.C. to explore the future of effective innovations in the criminal legal system.

Featured speakers include United States Sentencing Commission Chairman Judge Carlton Reeves, Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Colette Peters, and Dr. Alisha Moreland-Capuia, Founder and Director of the Institute for Trauma-Informed Systems Change at McLean/Harvard."

More information and registration info at cjhd.org/summit

American Bar Association

Criminal Justice Section Fall Institute

Washington, DC, Fri., Nov. 3, 2023

Open to All! It's Free!

Please join us for the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Fall Institute on Friday, November 3, 2023 at the Madison Hotel, 1177 15th Street, Washington, DC. Last year, 15 Fellow Travelers attended this conference together and then we all went out to Carmine's Italian Restaurant for an evening of camaraderie, stories, laughter - and great food! Let's do it again!

I am honored to serve as Co-Chair of the ABA Criminal Justice Section Reentry & Collateral Consequences Committee. – Jeff

Reserve your tickets now: https://web.cvent.com/event/0cc4ea33-bd11-4c71-98a8-66967d69bd2e/summary

Fellow Travelers at the 2022 ABA Criminal Justice Fall Institute,

Washington, DC:

Legal Action Center’s

Arthur Liman Public Interest Awards

Benefit, NYC, Tues., Nov. 7, 2023

Join us for Legal Action Center’s Arthur Liman Public Interest Awards Benefit on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at Tribeca Rooftop. Legal Action Center

I am honored to serve on the Board of Directors of Legal Action Center – Jeff

Reserve your tickets now: https://secure.givelively.org/event/legal-action-center/50th-anniversary-arthur-liman-public-interest-awards-benefit

For over half a century, the Legal Action Center has been the only nonprofit law and policy organization in the United States whose sole mission is to fight discrimination against people with arrest or conviction records, substance use disorders, HIV, and AIDS, and to advocate for sound public policies in those areas.

We hope you’ll join us as we build upon our many accomplishments over the past five decades, and work to expand our capacity to advocate for systemic change, set important legal precedents, and provide legal services, education, and training to help people across the country.

Arthur Liman Public Interest Awards Benefit:

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tribeca Rooftop

10 Desbrosses Street, New York, NY

Cocktail-Style Dinner Reception | 6:00 pm ET

Awards Program | 7:00 pm ET

Business Attire

For more information about our 2023 Arthur Liman Public Interest Awards Benefit, or LAC’s important work, please contact Sang Kim, Deputy Director of Individual & Corporate Giving at skim@lac.org, (212) 243-1313 or email lacbenefit@wingo.nyc.

Watch the Video:

White Collar Week News & Events

1.  White Collar Week Aug. ’23 Newsletter: https://conta.cc/3YjMUQY

2.  WCSG Slack Chat Group: If you are directly justice-impacted, you are invited to join our Slack chat group for 24/7 support. To request link to join: info@prisonist.org.

3.  Career Information Slack Channel: We are dedicated to helping our members to find career opportunities and acquire soft-skills and other training to be successful. All new job listings are posted in real time in the Career Information channel of our WCSG Slack Chat Group. We encourage all members to post on Slack any information you might discover. 

4.  Early Release/ First Step Act/ CARES Act Slack Channel: We have a WCSG Slack Chat Group channel dedicated to sharing early release information. 

5. Fellow Travelers in Prison: If you would like to send letters and/or books from a major bookseller (e.g. Amazon, Barnes & Noble) to Fellow Travelers currently in prison, we now have a Slack Channel with updated contact information. 

6.  Family Support Group: Sponsored by Evolution Reentry, Hosted by Bill Livolsi, Online on Zoom, Thursdays, 7 pm ET, for info: info@prisonist.org

7.  Midweek 1/2 Hour Mini Meeting, Online on Zoom, Thursdays, 9:30 am ET, 6:30 am PT: Please join us for a 1/2 hour midweek check in. Open to friends and family members too!: https://zoom.us/j/397962564

8. Open to All! Free! American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section Fall Institute, Washington, DC, Nov. 3, 2023: https://web.cvent.com/event/0cc4ea33-bd11-4c71-98a8-66967d69bd2e/summary

9. Podcast: Jeff Grant on the Nightmare Success Podcast with Brent Cassity, May 25, 2023https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nightmare-success-in-and-out-guest-jeff-grant/id1588287560?i=1000614452639

10.Podcast: Bill Livolsi on the Nightmare Success Podcast with Brent Cassity: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nightmare-success-in-and-out-guest-bill-livolsi/id1588287560?i=1000621006702

11. YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series - Sam Patten, "Russiagate" Defendant, Political Advisor & Author July 18, 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar-e0YIiJd0&t=3451s

12. YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series - Elizabeth Kelley, Criminal Defense Attorney for People with Mental Health Disabilities, Jan. 10, 2023, 2023https://youtu.be/s6FL5CjyEkI?si=VNnn7psaxguO9tYI

13. YouTube Video: We Presented at the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section Fall Conference,  Washington, DC, Nov. 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGFKuSAHBY8&t=330s

14.YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series: Jim Campbell, Author of "Madoff Talks" The book that Inspired the Netflix Documentary "Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street": Feb. 21, 2023: https://youtu.be/FQvajoxLZ-M?si=6ew7EuszG93vGoM0

15.YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series: Scott Semple, Former Connecticut Commissioner of Correction:

Mar. 21, 2023: https://youtu.be/ymyLPryc3T8?si=jWfIDyq4e5cExitp

16. YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series - David B. Smith, Esq., Federal Restitution & Forfeiture Collection Expert, June 20, 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfZweg0EL6s

17. Entrepreneur: I Went to Prison for SBA Loan Fraud – 7 Things to Know When Taking Disaster Relief Money: by Fellow Traveler Jeff Grant: https://www.grantlaw.com/hurricane-ian-fraud-alert-entrepreneur-article-redux-i-went-to-prison-for-sba-loan-fraud-7-things-to-know-when-taking-covid-19-relief-money-by-jeff-grant-j-d-m-div/

18. Entrepreneur: 9 Things to Know when Hiring a White Collar Criminal Defense Attorney, by Fellow Traveler Jeff Grant: https://www.grantlaw.com/entrepreneur-9-things-to-know-when-hiring-a-white-collar-criminal-defense-lawyer-by-jeff-grant-esq/

19. Donations: Thank you for your generosity in supporting Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc. and our White Collar Support Group. Please make your check payable to "Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc.," a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and send to our mailing address: 516 S. Dixie Hwy., Box 222, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401. Or, please make your online donation here: http://bit.ly/donate35T9kMZ. All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

We have no dues or fees but we do have expenses!

Please make your check payable to "Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc.," a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and send to our mailing address: 516 S. Dixie Hwy, Box 222, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Thank you for your support! 

Or, please make your online donation here:

Newsletter Sponsored By

GrantLaw, PLLC

Jeffrey D. Grant, Esq. 

Private General Counsel/

White Collar Attorney

43 West 43rd Street, Suite 108

New York, New York 10036-7424

(212) 859-3512


Visit our Website
More Information

Rev. Jeff Grant, J.D., M.Div. (he, him, his) 

Co-founder, Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc.

Greenwich CT & Nationwide

Mailing: 516 S. Dixie Hwy, Box 222, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Website: prisonist.org

Email: info@prisonist.org

Office: 212-859-3512

Donations (501c3): http://bit.ly/donate35T9kMZ

Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/jeff-grant-woodbury-ct/731344

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/revjeffgrant

not a prison coach, not a prison consultant

Media Relations: press@grantlaw.com

Speaking Engagements: https://www.espeakers.com/marketplace/profile/39107

Newsletter Contains Attorney Advertising.

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

© Copyright 2023, Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc., All rights reserved.