Olive Tree Reviews
Daily Headlines


9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Eden Prairie, MN
(Southwest suburb of Minneapolis)

* Amir Tsarfati
* Pastor J.D. Farag
* Dr. Mark Hitchcock
* Michele Bachmann

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Jan Markell
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PO Box 1452
 Maple Grove, MN  55311-6452

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Our suburban Minneapolis office is open M - F, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST.

We  had 6,000 in attendance for our one-day event October 15. We have complete sets of CDs and DVDs. DVDs have valuable high-definition PowerPoint.
There are two messages by
Amir Tsarfati and one by Anne Graham Lotz, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, and Bill Koenig.

Find the DVD set for $35 + S/H and CD set for $30 + S/H here.

Bible Prophecy Answer Book

New book from Ron Rhodes

This book provides concise answers to your questions about Bible prophecy and the end times. Understand the blessings of prophecy, Revelation, the Rapture, Tribulation, Antichrist, Israel, America in prophecy, the Millennial Kingdom, the New Heavens, New Earth, New Jerusalem, the Eternal State and much more! It is an encyclopedia in just 250 pages. Learn why we must be aware of the signs of the times.

Find it here for $15 + S/H.

Or call us M - F CST at 763-559-4444.

Written by Olive Tree Ministries

This twelve chapter study guide covers many of the essentials of Bible prophecy. Learn about the Rapture, Millennium, Tribulation, Antichrist, the Second Coming, Israel's important role, what Jesus says about prophecy, and more. Discussion questions are contained in the guide. You don't need to be an expert to either lead or participate. This study will lead you to a deeper walk with the Lord as we see His glorious appearing draw near. If current events don't make sense and the headlines of the day are daunting, gain comfort from the words of the Bible that take about these issues and also put them into perspective.

A reader writes: This is a great tool for all of us. It helps us explain the time and also motivates us to be about the Father's business.--Paula, Oklahoma

Find one for $9 or 10 for $60 here.

Or call us M - F CST at 763-559-4444.


When the Spirit of the Age Has a Cosmic Tantrum

By Jill Martin Rische

March 16, 2017

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NOTE FROM JAN: The Bible says that in the last days evil will wax worse and worse (II Timothy 3:13). I have been an occult watcher since the movement deceived me as a young college student. Fortunately I saw the disaster with which I was flirting and was set free. But today's dark world is proliferating and is frightfully dangerous.  I guarantee you that it is trying to encroach on your life. 

Now witches are uniting to do their incantations and rid the world of President Trump. They meet again on March 26, April 24, and May 23 to do their demonic rituals. Christians should band together and pray against the entire Antichrist agenda.

 I asked paranormal expert Jill Martin Rische to be my guest columnist with the cutting-edge article that follows. She is the daughter of Dr. Walter Martin. You can find her 700-page book, "The Kingdom of the Occult," at www.waltermartin.com

Whoever thought an entire country could disappear down the rabbit hole? If only we were headed to Wonderland, like Alice and her rabbit! But America is going someplace far darker. The spirit of this age is furious and we are seeing a cosmic tantrum.

Hatred Off the Charts

Who could imagine that witches cursing Trump would be a top headline on Fox News or that media outlets would actually print the spell, with handy hints on how to curse your President? In what reality does assassination lunacy go mainstream?
America -- and now the world -- has lost its collective mind because the prince of this world is enraged. Satan unleashed all his wealth and power, and he lost the battle for America. The result is a level of hatred most of us have never seen in our lifetimes. It is off the charts, foul-mouthed, irrational, and violent. 

We are living a preview of Revelations 12:12, "Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!"

God's Stunning Intervention

Satan's plan for America was globalism, humiliation, and defeat.  Forces were aligned to take Israel out after the U.S. betrayed her and the United Nations voted to condemn her.
Only God knew that eight years of careful Obama sabotage would be rolled back in an instant. There is no doubt that on November 8, 2016, God intervened in a stunning way, reminding all of us that He raises up kings. (Daniel 2:21) Satan's agenda was seriously harmed by the November election results but he is not going quietly into the night.

How Evil is Manifesting

Make no mistake -- this is war. It will not get better, it will not go away, and we are all in it.  The spirit of the age cannot be ignored. " This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God" (2 Timothy 3:1-4).

Let's consider how Lucifer is demonstrating his cosmic tantrum:
  • The rise of the Satanic Temple, carefully cloaked in atheism and designed to gut Christianity in the schools and courts of America, now gloats in mainstream media stories. Who could have imagined after school Satan clubs?
  • UFOs and huge, floating "orbs" are spotted regularly outside the International Space Station. It's become so common, they turn off the cameras until the phenomena stops.
  • Occult "Spirit Cooking" dinners  are hosted by Hillary Clinton's Satanist friend, Marina Abramovic, and attended by John Podesta. If you think they are the only ones doing it -- think again. Hollywood loves "Spirit Cooking." This is very dark occult. Don't even look it up if you are sensitive. 
  • Satanists at Clemson University just had a shocking ritual. Read about it here.
The spirit of this age is everything the Bible warned us it would be.

How Should We Then Live?

Dr. Walter Martin puts it in perspective, "It is imperative that we return to the biblical standard of righteousness. It is righteous to preach Jesus Christ. It is righteous to reprove, to rebuke, to exhort. It is righteous, it is holy, it is just, and it is good to stand against the prince of darkness. And Christians, if they're going to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might are going to have to recognize that challenge and respond to it."
 We've crossed the threshold of spiritual warfare on a global scale. Get ready to see the world rocked in a big way.

The Good News
The good news is that Jesus is coming back for us! We don't know when but we know that all these things are birth pangs -- and they hurt. It's hard to live in the swamp and keep your life free of the dirt and smell of evil. It's scary to think our families are targets. It's depressing to live in a vale of tears, but God is greater. As Pastor J.D. Farag said on our March 4-5 radio program, these very events are indicators that our Lord's return is very near. Listen here.

We are the winners. We carry the flag of the King on the battlefield, rallying the troops to Him. In the face of the enemy's rage, it is vital to put on the whole armor of God, get out there, and fight.

A Call to Action: What You Can Do
There is much we can do. We should never miss an opportunity to make our voices heard. Volunteer in a ministry at your church. Join a Bible study. Turn out -- armed with prayer -- at town hall meetings near you. If you're a pastor, ask to open with prayer. The sound of howling from the audience might be deafening, as one pastor found out recently at his town hall meeting, but God will use the name of Jesus for His glory. God gave a victory to Christians and to Israel in this last election, and we do not want to lose one inch of ground.
Start a Good News Club in one or more of your local schools. Remember, the Satanic Temple is targeting schools with their Satan clubs -- we don't want to be missing in action!
Stock local food shelves, support community thrift stores or visit the lonely in nursing homes near you.
Social media is a powerful tool and you can use it. Get on Facebook and set-up a new page targeting some kind of evil you hate. Approach people with love and a good measure of biblical wisdom, and tell God you can't wait to see what He will do. There is something for everyone -- some action you can take -- and you will be fighting the good fight, blessing others, and obeying Jesus.
Don't fall for the satanic lie that you are weak or a failure or too sinful to do anything for God. He loves you, forgives you, and will use you today. Go forward and don't look back.
Prayer is the key to strength, courage and victory. The Word of God is the sword that will drive evil back, and that includes the wisdom that comes from studying it. We are stuck here, for now, fighting the spirit of the age -- the prince of this world and all his forces -- but we are not alone. " I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.... Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:18, 27)

Learn more about this article's author, Jill Martin Rische, at www.waltermartin.com.

A great complement to this article is Todd Strandberg's March 12 article at Rapture Ready, "The Left Turns to Satan for Help." Listen to the warnings! 
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We had 6,000 attendees at our one-day Understanding the Times Conference last October. Speakers included Amir Tsarfati, Anne Graham Lotz, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, and Bill Koenig. Find CDs or DVDs here.
  This year we meet on Saturday, October 7. Featured speakers include Amir Tsarfati, Pastor J.D. Farag, Michele Bachmann, and Dr. Mark Hitchcock.
We meet just outside of Minneapolis.

NOTE: We surf the Internet and post current headlines each morning. Find them   here 
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We read all e-mails but due to volume, we cannot reply to all.


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Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

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Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311-6452
763-559-4444 or 763-210-8291