"If someone comes to you and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted..." then "...let them be cursed..."

(2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:8).

Dear Ronald,,

What if you had never heard of "the real Jesus"? How would you know if the one talking to you was fake? This was where David found himself: in the middle of a cult. In his village, everyone was following a false Jesus, a false gospel. But, through the outreach of UCSS, David heard the truth and was exposed to the real power of the life-giving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He was born again, and the darkness fled from him, but so did his family; he and his wife were ostracized. To make this long, but miraculous story short enough for this email update, let me tell you this: He never looked back. Instead, he was trained and mentored by a UCSS pastor, and now he is Pastor David, serving at the newly planted Nakalama Christ Love Community Church!

This is Pastor David sharing the gospel to these young athletes before they hit the field. His is one of the many transformation stories that are made possible because friends like you allow God to use you as His hands and feet here in Eastern Uganda.

Change continues to happen thanks to you! Last week we had a powerful "send off" of more ministers, trained in the gospel and ready to go into the "highways and hedges" of some of the darkest parts of Uganda. I can only say, praise God, and thank you dear friends.

Discipleship, healing, education, economic growth and mental health counseling can only happen because you are here reading this email, praying big prayers, and sharing your resources for the kingdom of God in Uganda. From one church, made from a lean-to of poles and branches 11 years ago, to 20 churches today: Look what the Lord has done! The Real Jesus has come to Uganda thanks to you.

Now, as summer comes to a close, won't you go into the next season with us and help us continue transforming Uganda one village at a time? Pray for us and let me hear from you soon.

Become a UCSS Lifer Today with Your Monthly Gift of any Amount

God's Continue Blessings,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya

Founder/Executive Director:

Uganda Counselling and Support Services