When Complacency Misses Opportunity
Sometimes we get comfortable with our lives and a routine becomes, well you know, routine. You don't think about it you just do it. Other things come up and there is never a shortage of distractions to grab your attention.
But at what cost? Are you missing out on a great opportunity? Personal or business, it doesn't matter. Do we get complacent and miss accomplishing something greater?
Is there a cost to being complacent?
You likely have a short list of things you'd like to do or business opportunities you could take advantage of but you don't.
So here is the challenge. Pick one personal item and or one business thought on your list. Write out the next steps and clearly state the reward. Read and reread the first step until you realize how simple it is to take it. Then get started.
Get others involved and once the ideas are on their way, go back to the lists and pick some more. The secret is to engage others in the process. They can encourage you and or do the work. As long as you take action.
Want to talk about any missed opportunities? I'm here for you.
Eric Gilboord
Ask me about the WarrenBDC Transition Coach program coming this Fall.