May 30, 2013



Small Biz Marketing Coach Chala Dincoy video blooper
Small Biz Marketing Coach Chala Dincoy video blooper ( I already look crazy in the shot!)

Here's a blooper I've shared with my social media groups over the last week and I share it now with you. It's a blooper of one of the many videos I make to market my business.

I share it because 1. It's funny (to me) and 2. It reflects my brand character to my audience. Hint: My brand character is closely related to #1. What are you doing to reflect yours in your marketing?

Wishing you and your brand a rocking week!


 When My Husband Cheated!
My sweaty hunky hubby Andy

Wait-my Andy would never cheat on me. But he did cheat on his bootcamp class. Here's the story:

My darling hubby and I had been faithfully going to the same bootcamp fitness class for over 5 years.

That's when things started to go wrong.


New Kid In Town

One week on a break from the classes, my husband tried a new local bootcamp and LOVED it. When asked by his friends back at the old bootcamp what he'd done on his week off, he happened to mention the competitor and how it was a lot more fun, more physically challenging and a good change from routine for him.


Big Mouth Friend

One of his classmates apparently blabbed about this new competitor to the owners of our bootcamp and then it got ugly.

My husband got a call from the owners that same night asking him to cease and desist stealing clients from them.  They never once asked him why he was going somewhere else never wondered what was so great about this new place. They were plain mad about the betrayal.


Turn-Off City

Well, were we ever turned off, ticked off and just off in general when it came time to renew our membership with our bootcamp.  Now, even though we're locked into a contract with the old bootcamp, we often SKIP it to take classes at the new one. We are literally cheating on one with the other and wild horses couldn't hold us there past our contract date.


Experience Your Competition

What would it have been like, if instead of berating us for switching camps, the bootcamp owners asked us about it. Even better, what would stop them from taking a class there to find out what they offered so that they could also enhance their own game?


As a small biz marketing coach, I have hired numerous coaches to learn about their methodology. I regularly subscribe to my competitors' newsletters, webinars and attend their seminars. I've changed some of what I offer or made a bigger deal about my differences as a result.


What's possible for you if YOU spend some time getting to know your competition from the INSIDE?


So go ahead and pay good hard-earned money to your competitors.  Your business may experience a tremendous paradigm shift.



Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn -and let's talk!




Upcoming Events:

Join me for my webinar for Ewomen Network Success Institute

On a recent Twitter Chat I co-hosted, I asked the question: How do you feel when someone's attacking you with their marketing." The responses were all unanimous; everyone hated it and ran from it.


You are not alone, everyone wants to understand the elements of attracting instead of attacking their dream clients with their marketing. Let me share with you, the techniques I've learned from working with the big boys for 20 years and of how I made it happen for my small business and for my clients.



Date and Time: June tbd

To sign up: click here

Investment: EWomen Members $9.95, Non members $19.95

Issue: 58

How to get more Gentle Marketing Advice:


My DVD is now available for purchase!


Based on my upcoming book Gentle Marketing: How To Gently Attract Loads Of New Customers , this 60 minute DVD training teaches you the techniques of gently Attracting instead of Attacking.


Buy Now

Chala Recommends:

click here to download

Get your FREE ebook


Brand Like a Celebrity


Do you want to stand out from your competitors and set YOUR biz apart from others? (and make more money!)

Simply download this free ebook and figure out how you too can have a HUGE brand with a small budget and attract loads of attention!

Where to find Chala this month:


Join me for the

Networking & Marketing, Your Ladder to Success!
 How To Gently Attract Loads Of Customers

Date: June 4

Time:  6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Location: Milestones, Yorkdale Mall 3401 Dufferin St, Toronto 

Cost: $20 online, $25 at the door 


Click here to Register Now!



Join me for my IDRC Webinar

Bulls Eye! How To Target Your Best Customers in 2013! 


Date: June 5, 2013

Time: Noon-1pm EST

Non IDRC members $37
 IDRC Members $15

Click here to register.


Join me for my

Power of Leadership June Expert Call

Gentle Marketing: How To Gently Attract Loads Of Customers


Date: June 4

Time: 1:00 pm ET

Investment: FREE call


 Click here to register.

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Chala Dincoy-Flajnik




phone 416 258 3986