So you find yourself homeschooling. While this may be familiar and welcome for some, others may be navigating uncharted territories. For all of us (parents and children alike), we find ourselves in uncertain times that trigger anxiety and alarm; naturally, both learning and teaching become challenging under these circumstances. We may be feeling the pressure to “school” at home - and trying to figure out what that looks like. We may fear our children will fall behind, or doubt our own ability to “teach” effectively.

In this webinar, Tamara Strijack will explore important things to consider right now, as we attempt to maintain some normalcy in the midst of a world crisis. And we will look at practical ideas around what learning at home under these conditions might look like - whether our children are 5, 10, 15 or 20.
Tamara's webinar was presented live on the Neufeld Institute virtual campus on April 2, 2020 and is now available on our YouTube channel by clicking on the video link image.
For more on this subject: Tamara will be offering a group consult (maximum 8 people) to address questions and scenarios related to learning at home through the Artisol Centre for Emotional Health on April 24th at 10 am Pacific (Zoom platform). For more information, visit the Artisol website .

There is a plethora of advice these days emerging on HOW to turn one's home into a school. The underlying assumption is that it is indeed in a child's best interest for this to happen. In many cases this could be true. For some children the cost could be too much. 
The most important reason for thinking twice before turning home into school is that they would lose their sense of feeling at home with their family. Every child needs a home – that is, a relational place of safety, rest and invitation where their acceptance and value is not based on their achievements. It is true that not every child has this kind of home, but if they do, we would not want to spoil that. And if they don't, providing that kind of home should be our first priority. Even if the parent could somehow manage to multi-task, it doesn't mean that the child can still find the mother or father they need once the parent has turned into a teacher. Certainly this was true for one of our own children when we attempted to school him at home while we were on a family sabbatical overseas. This six year old was quite succinct about the impossibility of what we were trying to do. As he exclaimed to his mother at one point:  "You can't be my teacher. You're my mother!".  In our case, his mother was a professional teacher and quite capable of the multi-tasking required in serving a dual role. But the reality for our son was that his relational home with his mother was threatened when learning became the agenda.  ... READ THE REST OF DR. NEUFELD'S EDITORIAL HERE

Children are more anxious, aggressive, and shut down than ever - and this epidemic of emotional health crises and behavioural problems will only intensify in light of COVID-19. Teachers and parents were already asking themselves what has gone wrong. Now, as we navigate this crisis, it is more important than ever to understand the critical link between our children's emotional health, the behavioural problems that crop up in learning environments, and what we can do to support their growth and ability to learn.

The Neufeld Institute's academic dean, Tamara Strijack, has joined forces with celebrated educator Hannah Beach to co-author a timely guide to creating the conditions for change in learning environments of all kinds. With a foreword written by Dr. Gordon Neufeld and based on his groundbreaking relational developmental approach, Reclaiming Our Students empowers readers with relationship-based strategies to restore their leadership role and build the emotional safety that will help kids get ready to learn - no matter what is happening in the world around them." 

Available now at

Thursdays, starting April 23, 2020
7:00-8:00 pm Pacific
We're excited to announce a new initiative at the Neufeld Institute! 

The PARENTING IN A PANDEMIC Q&A PANEL will be available via livestream, FREE to the public on a weekly basis launching on Thursday, April 23rd, 7-8 pm Pacific time .

Join Gordon Neufeld, Deborah MacNamara and Tamara Strijack as they address your questions from an attachment-based developmental approach.

Our livestream platform is a ZOOM webinar. How do you join?

Follow these easy steps and you're in!
Once registered, each attendee will receive an email with a unique join link. To join the webinar on April 23rd, click the unique join link. That's it!

Attendees will not be on video or audio during the webinar, but will have access to a chat box.

In the meantime, if you have a question you'd like us to address during the Q&A Panel, you're invited to send it ahead of time via email using the link below.
Pre-recorded Q&A Panel
from April 9, 2020

Wondering what to expect during our Q&A Panel on April 23rd?

Enjoy this recording of our "test run".
For those looking for online learning...
Thursdays, starting April 30
10:00-11:00 am Pacific
Runs for 5 weeks
Facilitated by Jule Epp

Play is not what we will spontaneously think of in alarming times as these! And yet, it is precisely in times like these, when we are facing so much separation, so many futilities and so much uncertainty, that play is meant to come to the rescue. So how can we open the door to play – for us, for our children – when life seems to have us by the throat? In this special edition of Play 101, we will use the support sessions to explore specifically and practically how Dr. Neufeld’s material applies to our present crisis. The support sessions will aim to make sense of what we are seeing in ourselves and in our children and inspire us to find solutions in play to the problems we are presently facing.
Wednesdays, starting May 6
11 am - 12 pm Pacific
Runs for 6 weeks
Facilitated by Heather Ferguson

Emotion, long dismissed as a nuisance factor, is now confirmed to be at the core of development and well-being. During these uncertain times when so much focus is on our physical health, a key question is how we weather the emotional storms that are part and parcel of the pandemic experience. Whether facing everyday difficulties, or challenges such as the current crisis, the resilience response is a critical player in the alchemy of healing, transformation, and recovery. During this special edition of the Resilience course, we will focus on the conditions needed in this unprecedented time to restore emotional health for ourselves and our loved ones.
▶️ Live Stream: April 27 & 28, 2020

▶️ Live Stream: April 29, 2020
Join Dr. Gordon Neufeld in this special three-part online series. Each part consists of 6 hours of online course materials. This series is hosted by Jack Hirose & Associates, Inc.
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