
Welcome to the Wheelock MAP Program! We are excited to start the year and welcome our 2nd and 3rd grade friends into our space! We look forward to spending afternoons with you!

Below you will find the more important things to know as a Parent in the Program. Like how the kids are spending the first few days at school and MAP getting the lay of the land and learning rules and routines, this newsletter will serve the same purpose for parents! The more fun filled, picture heavy newsletters will start coming monthly :)

Communication with the Program

If your child is absent, or has a change in plan afterschool, please let MAP know in addition to updating School Dismissal Manager. Both MAP and the Wheelock Office Staff want to ensure that children are going to the proper place after school, it is incredibly helpful for us both to have the same information. Please email alex.23map@gmail.com or call 508.359.8513 to report an absense or change in dismissal.

Save Alex's Email To Your Contacts
Save Our Number To Your Phone!

Pick Up Procedure

Feel free to pick up whenever throughout the MAP day. Please follow the above route to access the building! Our main parent enterance will be the first ramp you come across that comes behind the building by Alex's office.

For the first few pick ups please have your ID with you! We are learning a ton of new faces and it will take us some time to learn who everyone's parent is! Thank you for being patient with us as we work on learning not just your child but you too!

Our signout book is located between the bathroom doors under the clock. Please ensure to Time and Sign your child out each night! This year due to the number imbalance between grades the groupings are divided A-H and I-Z. Each night we have a dedicated greeter person to call for your child and see them off with you!


Each day we will be having Snack around 3:30pm. We do encourage you to send your child with a snack for MAP. We do have snacks on hand, and often times kids are hungry enough to eat both!


Here is our typical MAP day - assuming we have good weather!

3pm: Dismissal from School - MAP kids are met in the Big Gym.

3ish-3:30pm- All MAPsters outside for recess/Homework is offered (more on Homework to follow!).

3:30ishpm: Group Snacks. 1 group of children goes to the Cafeteria, the other eats in the Main Room.

4pm: Choice time. All MAPstemeet in the gym to hear about the choices they can make for the next half hour.

  • Main Room Project
  • Structured Activtiy in the Gym or Outside
  • Freeplay Outside

4pm starting in October: Club kids will begin club at this point!

4:30pm: Freeplay. Children can float between areas as they so choose.

5pm: Clubs generally wrap up for the day.

6pm: MAP closes.

While speaking about schedule...Please check out our MAP Calendar!

But Alex...What About Half and Non-School Days?

Great question! For half days if your child normally attends on the day that the early release falls, we do plan on having them in the MAP line at dismissal. For instance, if a half day falls on a Friday (Like tomorrow 9,1!) and your child normally attends MAP on Friday they are all set! Please let us know if you have a change in plan after school and we should not expect them! If your child does not normally go to MAP on a day that a half-day falls on and you need coverage, please email me! I do my very best to keep a waitlist going. It can't hurt to try!

For the Full-Day openings on say non-school days or vacation days, a special sign up will be sent out via constant contact. Unlike the Half-Days, if you normally attend on the day the sign up is for you are not automatically on the attendance. You will still need to sign up!


If you are dropping off a check, it will not be going to me! There is a mailbox outside of Annette and Kelly's office that has a neon pink background - you can drop it off there!

Speaking of Kelly - any billing questions should be directed towards her at mapofficebilling@gmail.com

Billing Questions

In Closing...

You made it! I know this isn't the most fun email to read and lacks all the fun pictures and things but that will change soon!

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me! One of the best parts about working in after school is that we get to see you each day. In addition to building relationships with your child, we also want to build one with you! If my door is open feel free to stop in and say hi! My email inbox is also always open :)

We're looking forward to working with you and your families this year!

Alex Sakash

Program Director



Annette Gallagher

Executive Director



Kelly Meisner


