Week of October 17, 2021
Emergency Grants
Students can receive up to $500 for emergency needs such as: food insecurity, housing, transportation, utilities, childcare, medical, financial holds, books/supplies.

Apply today!

If you have any questions, email rspurlock@wvncc.edu
Wheeling Campus Payments
Please note that all payments on the Wheeling Campus can be made at the Service Center (currently located in the Student Union).
Student Activities
Upcoming Events
Healthy Relationships
Mon., Oct. 18
noon - 1pm

Join us on Zoom to learn more about Healthy Relationships, using Relationship Smarts PLUS 4.0, a lively, 13-lesson, evidence-based relationship skills curriculum.

Narcan Training
Tues., Oct. 19
noon - 1pm

Join WVNCC Wheeling Campus Liaison Officer RJ Faldowski by Zoom to learn about intranasal Naloxone and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a narcotic overdose.

Bystander Intervention
Weds., Oct. 20
noon - 1pm

Join us on Zoom to educate yourself to be proactive in helping others. Develop skills and confidence when responding to problems or concerns, and ensure the safety and well-being of self and others.

Zoom Yoga Night
Thurs., Oct. 21
5pm - 6pm

Join Julie Markel, RYT 200 and owner of Peace of Mind Yoga, for a welcoming yoga foundations class.
This flow is intended for beginners and will combine basic poses with breath for mindful movement.

Sign up for Secret Santa
Students needing financial assistance around the holidays may sign their children up for the WVNCC Secret Santa Assistance Program before November 12!

Are you ready for Halloween?
Come see what's crackin' at our 1970's inspired Halloween Party - sure to be full of freaky deaky fun!
Students are encouraged to dress in 70’s themed costumes to celebrate our 50th anniversary as a college.
Prizes, costumes, and more!
To keep up with all of our upcoming events, download our app or check our calendar!
Transfer Tuesdays with Wheeling University
Plan for this month's Transfer Tuesdays! Each month, representatives from 4-year colleges will be meeting with WVNCC students.

During the month of October, Wheeling University will be available to talk with WVNCC students about any questions regarding Wheeling University, transferability, graduation, careers, and more. 

WU staff will be available on Zoom and WVNCC's ACTion Center Director, Lisa Soly, will be visiting each campus to meet with students. You can stop by in person or attend over Zoom!

10am - 11am

If you have questions and want to talk about advising, careers, or transfer options, please reach out to:
 Lisa Soly, Director of the ACTion Center at lsoly@wvncc.edu or 304-214-8817.
Meet Your Librarian
Julie Kloss

How long have you worked in the WVNCC library? 
2 years

What are the best resources the WVNCC library has to offer?
The Librarians & the databases are the best resources in the LRC. The databases can be accessed from anywhere. Don't be afraid to ask if you have a question, we are always here to help! 
What is the best resource for nursing students completing a research paper?
The OVID database: it gives access to 60 full text journals. 

Who is your favorite author?
Tom Clancy

If you could be any character in a book, who would it be and why?
Jack Ryan from the Tom Clancy series books. He is smart, levelheaded, and gets the job done.
Your campus library Hours: 
Mon. - Thurs.: 9am - 5pm 
Fri.: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Virtual Job Fair

  • FREE to Participate
  • Explore your career opportunities 
  • Instant interviews
  • Speak with multiple employers one-on-one 
Sponsored by
NPWDB, Inc./WIOA funded programs are equal opportunity employer programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY/TDD 304-233-8091 - The NPWDB, Inc. programs and services are 100% WIOA funded. No programs or services have been funded by non-government sources. 
The fastest way to stay connected!
Feedback Form
Have feedback you'd like to share with the college? We now have an easy way to submit that! You can find our Student Feedback Form on our website, under the Current Student links.
Download our App!