425 S. Bowen #1, Longmont
Hours: 10-5 M,W,Th,F and 10-4 Tues
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Whether or not you are an elected PCP, please help get the word out regarding your local candidates and about the Boulder County Republicans.
Have you thought about hosting your own candidate Meet and Greet? You can do this at your home, a local park, even the BCR Office! We need YOU to help our candidates win this November and spread the word about how great the Boulder County Republicans are!
*If you know anyone who would make a GREAT Precinct Committee Person, please plan to bring them to our PCP/Block Captain information session!
Monday August 26 at 7pm (tonight!) in the BCR Office. Please plan to attend this training if you have not already attended one of our prior training sessions we have had this year.
And THANK YOU! Thank you for all you do to help our party here in Boulder County.
THIS Thursday, August 29 at 7pm
BCR Office
Come and ask Commissioner Stolzmann your questions about what the County is doing. She offered to come and speak to her Republican constituents and wants to hear from YOU! Tara has not heard from any other elected representative asking to hear from us Republicans.
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September 2
Louisville Labor Day Parade
The Boulder County Fair parade was tons of fun!!We need to get people to walk in the Louisville Labor Day Parade.
- Check in and pick up # to put on the first vehicle.
- Can you take photos for the candidates for their social media pages?
- Can you drive a convertible or antique vehicle to decorate and be in the parade?
- Does anyone have a trailer we could use to decorate with campaign signs. Only a couple of people need to ride?
Write ldowd@bocogop.org to let Lemoine know that you can be a part of this great event! Also ask if anyone has a trailer we could use to decorate with campaign signs. Only a couple of people need to ride (Tara & Twyla).
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NOW OPEN: Leadership St. Vrain applications for the 2024-2025 school year.
You WANT to fix the schools! Join for a year of learning and collaboration to advance academic and operational excellence for our students and schools.
Please click here to see this year's schedule and complete your application.
Leadership St. Vrain is a program designed to provide parents and other community members the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of our district’s mission, operations and strategic priorities. The program is especially beneficial for those who want to obtain a foundation in district operations and governance and become more active participants in St. Vrain Valley Schools.
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BCR Open House and Candidate Meet and Greet:
Bring your fellow conservative minded friends and neighbors! We will have a prize for the PCP/DC who brings the most people!
September 8, 3pm
BCR Open House
***PLEASE help with food/drinks for this event from our PCP's and DC's. Please sign up to bring something HERE.
We need all hands on deck for this momentous event! Thousands of people are expected to attend!
September 14, All Day
Longmont Airshow
Longmont Airport, Longmont
BCR Will have a booth (Candidates encouraged to attend)
Sign up to volunteer at the airshow HERE
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Come make a loud public statement -
Saturday, August 30 from 10-noon at 28th and Pearl Street in Boulder, rally for this country and Donald Trump.
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Before joining the Rally - you'll want to donate to find the perfect swag!! The BCR office has new inventory, including yard signs.
(Local candidates have provided signs and flyers for you to let others know who you support. Trump signs have a donation request of $10)
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Input sought on Colo. 119 bike project
Boulder County will host an in-person open house on Dec. 13 to discuss the Colo. 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project.
Three online presentation videos are available for the public to get an update on the project, learn more about the safety improvements to the unsignalized intersections and provide feedback on options for a potential pedestrian and bike underpass connecting to Second Avenue in Niwot, according to the release.
Additionally, an in-person open house will be held between 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Dec. 13 at Lefthand Grange at 195 Second Ave. in Niwot.
For more information, visit www.codot.gov/projects/co119-mobility and bouldercounty.gov/transportation/plans-and-projects/highway-119-bikeway-project.
For any questions or concerns, email co119safetyandmobility@gmail.com.
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SEPTEMBER 19, 2024 – Longmont Republican Women’s Meeting 😊.
Melissa Marter’s term as Secretary ends, and she won’t be running for another term. ☹ If you love LRW and want to help Keep LRW Great, please call Peg to discuss and put your name up for nomination.
Join Rally for our Rights and others at Dragonman’s 32nd Annual FRONT RANGE FREEDOM SHOOT!
Saturday & Sunday Sept 7 & 8
Tickets $20/day, $35/weekend, $345/VIP
Tickets are officially on sale, but only at this price for three weeks! Use the links below to select your ticket choice before the price increases.
Learn more and get tickets at www.frontrangefreedomshoot.com
Invest in what you believe in! Your contributions are used for these emails, the office, caucus materials, elections, the website, candidates themselves, the Liberty Road Show and more!
Please share your ideas too! What's the best way to reach your friends?
By becoming a "member" of BCR you are investing in all of this! Join for at least $15/month and receive a few benefits back directly to you too.
Click here to join.
Sept 22 join the Longmont Republican Women, Sunday Patriot's Movie Matinee from 2-4:30pm to watch Reagan. You can see the trailer below.
All films will follow the same agenda (see below for later films):
Date: September 22, 2024
Where: BCR Headquarters, 425 South Bowen Street #1, Longmont, CO 80501
Time: 2:00 - 4:30 p.m.
RSVP: By Saturday, September 21 to sandraholloway2010@gmail.com or by text at (303) 241-9709
Donation: A $5.00 admittance and a nominal donation are requested for pizza, popcorn, sweets, and beverages
Please note: September will be their last film feature of the year as they continue to prepare for the major MAGA-GREAT upcoming presidential election!
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November 5, 2024 - General Election
Poll watchers and election judges will be needed by the 100s!! Please consider this. If you would like to join the team, let me know (for now) and I'll get your name to the right people.
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I know this story about Republicans in CO not certifying elections is supposed to be a negative, but I believe ANY attention we can get to the problems in Colorado is a huge win. Thank you for representing John (sic)! | |
(taken from an email by the ColoGOP)
Dan Woog served as State Representative of HD-63 for one term, beginning in 2021, and he was then redistricted into the new HD-19. He lost that election by just three points in 2022 to Jennifer Parenti, a radical Democrat.
Due to the weight of her own conscience, Parenti announced this week that she would drop out of the HD-19 race. Parenti cites a lack of ethics in the Democrat party as her reason for not seeking re-election. Jillaire McMillan has been appointed in her place.
Dan Woog served faithfully as an elected State Representative for HD-63, and he stood against radical Democrats who passed the “Vote without Fear Act,” another desperate attempt to squash our Second Amendment rights via a solution in search of a problem. There are no known cases of ballot box intimidation with firearms in Colorado, a feigned issue the bill sets out to solve by banning more firearms…this time near voting centers. Dan Woog will continue to fight anti 2A bills in the legislature.
Former Representative Woog also sponsored a bill to protect natural gas usage from the out of control Democrats pushing their climate change agenda.
We must reclaim House District 19 from the progressive left, and we need to rid HD-19 of leaders who assault our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights while pushing dangerous gender ideology across Colorado. Dan had already out-raised Parenti by three to one, contributing to her decision to drop out. We need to keep up the momentum in HD-19 to flip back to Red!
In the coming weeks, the Dems will install another radical progressive into Parenti’s vacant primary slot. The left wants this seat badly; and we cannot let them have it.
Dan Woog needs walkers, callers, and donations to fuel Republicans to the finish line in HD-19. Please respond to this email if you are able to help Dan.
The link to donate to Dan Woog for HD-19 is above and below the body of this email. All donations go straight to Dan, so please chip in and help take back HD-19. Check out Dan’s Website for more information on him, and let’s claim HD-19 for Republicans in 2024!
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Regular Government Meetings |
Boulder County Commissioners Meeting
Usually Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30am
Click here to confirm and to see if an agenda is available.
1325 Pearl Street
City of Boulder
Usually meets the first and 3rd Tuesday.
Click here for their calendar
Click here for their online agendas (look to the bottom of the page)
City of Lafayette
5:30pm every 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at City Hall. Click here to find online agendas.
City of Longmont
Tuesdays at 7pm 3-4 weeks per month. Click here to find online agendas and make certain they are meeting. All public invited to be heard this week.
City of Louisville
Generally the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm. They meet at 951 Spruce Street in the Library meeting room. Click here for where you may find the agenda each session.
Town of Erie
The Erie Board of Trustees meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall Board Room located at 645 Holbrook Street. Click here for agendas.
Town of Nederland
The Board of Trustees for Nederland meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Click here for an agenda when available.
Town of Superior
6:00 pm, Second and Fourth Mondays of each month at 124 E Coal Creek Dr (Superior Town Hall)
Click here for agendas.
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- These Calls to Action are not sanctioned by anyone. Not the RNC and not the BOCOGOP either, though they give me this platform to use and will kick me off if I misuse it.
- I create this. If you send me items to post, I may edit it, or I may not. I appreciate it when things are sent because I cannot keep track of all that goes on in Boulder County!
- The amount and thoroughness of these has only to do with how much time I have to spend on it and has nothing to do with the importance of an event. Half the time I send this out and then notice 3 more items that you might have been interested in as well.
- I assume this is not your only place to retrieve this sort of information.
- And finally – I write conversationally – in other words, not well. ;-)
Thank you for your time – and thank you for your continued support for everything that goes on in Boulder County!
Terri Goon
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If you prefer to just get the monthly newsletter and not these weekly calls, please just write back and I can take you off of just this list.
Thank you to
Tara Menza
Twyla Barrett
Lemoine Dowd
Dan Woog
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