Annual report clarification:
The NC Pork Council asked for clarification regarding whether or not the annual report would be required for 2019 since the permit was only in effect for the last three months. This is the response: "...Regarding the request for clarification for Permit Condition III.18 of the 2019 Swine Waste Management System General Permit: The annual report should cover the enter calendar year for 2019. DEQ will be notifiying the permittees that due to the COVID-19 virus and associated disruptions, the agency will accept an annual report for 2019 under Permit Condition III.18 for a covered facility as timely if the report is received by June 1, 2020."  See official letter

Waste Analysis Sample waiver due to COVID-19:
The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services requested a temporary waiver of the monitoring and reporting requirement for permitted animal waste systems due to the threat of COVID-19 exposure to laboratory workers. DEQ granted a waiver requirement until June 1, 2020. Between now and June 1, you have 90 days instead of 60 to submit a representative waste analysis sample.