Hi There, How well is your business telling it's story? Do people remember what you do? Are others telling your story for you? Request a free custom Social Media Score Report or schedule a complimentary 30 minute Consulting Interview with David Mitroff to find out!

PiedmontAve.com   510.761.5895


What's Your Social Media Score?

  Our Social Media Score Report is run to measure your business across the 9 key areas of the social media ecosystem we have defined. Our clients' scores continually increase leading directly to greater marketplace awareness, stronger customer loyalty, and increased revenues.

Get your free score today

Upcoming Client Events:

Starrforce - On Top of The Cloud: Salesforce.com MeetUp
February 9th, 6:00pm
StarrForce helps companies increase revenue and improve efficiency and productivity through the use of Salesforce.com.
San Francisco
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Eleve Restaurant - Valentines Day / Weekend
February 12 - February 14
Located in downtown Walnut Creek, �lev� Restaurant offers an update on classic Vietnamese cuisine. Enjoy a romantic dinner made from the freshest ingredients, while drinking handcrafted cocktails.
Walnut Creek, CA
More Info

Sandler Training - Painless Prospecting &
Closing More Business Workshop

February 25th, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Joe Diliberto
works with companies and individuals across the San Francisco Bay Area to maximize their sales efforts.
Oakland, CA
More Info

Check out our Events Page for more

David Mitroff, PhD


Piedmont Avenue Consulting was founded by David Mitroff, Ph.D., to meet the growing needs of the consulting relationships he has built with organizations and business owners in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond over the last 15 years... More

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Case Studies:

With Ben & Jerry's we turned their summer ice cream corporate catering event program into a year round profitable program. This involved a complete overhaul of their sales and marketing strategy. We created new online Social Media content, along with matching traditional print marketing materials...

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With CitySolve, Piedmont Avenue Consulting first focused on the remaking of their brand. This involved an extremely comprehensive review and implementation of Social Media strategies (Website, Facebook, Google, etc.) to increase their marketplace presence across the entire United States...

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With Eleve Restaurant we are expanding their marketplace presence and creating local awareness that they are a leading restaurant, bar, and event space in the San Francisco Bay Area. We produce and promote large events, oversee print and online advertising, and leverage Social Media...

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Piedmont Avenue Consulting  |  www.PiedmontAve.com  |  510-761-5895  |  Info@PiedmontAve.com

Piedmont Avenue Consulting is a San Francisco Bay Area based business development and marketing consulting firm who creates brand awareness, strengthens customer loyalty, and increases lead generation by leveraging new technologies and streamlining business processes.

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