Many of you have been following what is happening in China. In spite of all the changes and difficulties there are many good things happening. Doors continue to open, allowing us to help even more children. Thank you for partnering with us to make the changes positive.
What is Family?
It is the most important influence in a child’s life. Children living in families consistently have better physical, emotional and academic well-being.

The earlier a child is in a family the more profound and longer-lasting the effects.

Knowing this it was DEVASTATING seeing children nationwide taken out of families and returned to institutions.
Then GOOD NEWS- the end of August we were approached by the orphanage where we have the Savannah Project. They had been given permission to be ONE of 18 orphanages allowed to have children in foster families. They asked us for help
  • In training foster families
  • Starting, running and funding the project.

This is an amazing opportunity and we want to do all we can to help them with this. If you are interested you can help by Sponsoring a Child.
Please welcome Thomas who has joined our Savannah Project.

Using Every Skill
The director of the orphanage where the Savannah Project is located is a very good calligrapher. This amazing man also teaches this skill to the older children in the orphanage.
Recently we have been in touch with a charity in the USA that will customize used wheelchairs for our children in the Savannah and Little Deer projects.

Wheelchairs that often cost $7000 new in China can be purchased used and customized for $200 in the USA.

We are so thankful for the opportunity to provide the children with chairs that meet their individual needs. This improves life not only for the children but also the staff.
Mid-Autumn Festival
Cultural awareness and tradition play important roles in helping young children develop a positive sense of identity and build self-esteem. This is why we make sure we celebrate all the holidays with the children.
Training allows employees to strengthen the skills that they need to improve. New Day China regularly conducts a wide range of training programs in government orphanages throughout China. We are excited with the new doors that are opening to do training.
PKU Project
Phenylketonuria ( PKU ) is an inborn error of metabolism. Untreated, it can lead to intellectual disability, seizures, behavioral problems, and mental disorders. 
In September 2019 we signed a contract with the orphanage, thus beginning our first PKU project . To help provide the special formula and medical care- HELP!
Rejoice with us that Ruby , Sophie , and Owen have been adopted.

In other news a number of orphanages have begun to discontinue international adoption.

To insure the children can still have hope of a family, we are investigating opening an adoption agency in China.
How are they Doing?
Recently we were able to see a couple of the children who had been in our Beijing project and had to return back to their orphanage. It was so good to see them again and to get an update on how they are doing.