February 27, 2023

by HoofPrints owner Gina Keesling

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UPDATE: Welp, I wrecked the "bus" again. Bad.

Last year, I shared that I'd created a whole new department, where items would exist for only 24 hours, to be replaced with new items the next day, on a daily basis

Enthusiastically, I plunged in and added 8 things! However, I was not paying attention to details, and I errantly listed a brand new, hand-signed-by-the-author hardcover book - for 99 CENTS! Oops. The gal who bought it got an exceptionally good deal, but that kind of deep discount wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I committed to this project.

I kept up with the adding of new things daily, until mid-summer, then, preparations for our son's September wedding eclipsed everything else. I gave up my decluttering cape and instead donned the freaking-out cape. Everything turned out okay, though. You can read about that here. Anyway, I've renewed my resolve to declutter, and some extra weird and obscure items are making their way to HoofPrints' website. In case you missed it, below is the news about the new department and the bus reference.

What else is NEW? How about a whole new department?!

Last year after my rotator cuff surgery, and subsequent restrictions on my activities, my focus has turned (again) to de-cluttering. It's a daunting task, and I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm not doing very well at it. Last year, I watched my 80+ year old parents disperse 50 years' worth of accumulated stuff - in just a few months - downsizing so as to fit into their new, easier-to-take-care-of place.

Because my husband and I still live in our current, hard-to-take-care-of place, I'm having trouble staying the course in my efforts to streamline. Empty spots on warehouse shelves are tempting repositories for that thing that I don't know what to do with. Pretty soon, that thing becomes five things, and then even more, until no empty spots.

To motivate myself to steadily add new items to the website, I've created the New TODAY! department. I don't know if you all are out there waiting for HoofPrints website updates with bated breath, but we're about to find out.

Items exist on this page for ONE DAY ONLY; thus you're sure to see the latest (maybe greatest?) that I've (re)discovered on the warehouse shelves. They'll be replaced the next day by all new things, ad infinitum... until my shelves are once again tidy.

So, like Sandra Bullock driving the bus in the 1994 movie Speed, if I slow down, bad things will happen. Probably we won't blow up, but to a marketer, folks visiting a webpage with nothing on it is as bad as exploding. Stay tuned...

Click to shop NEW TODAY! items

Time to stop clinging to the past! This one-of-a-kind straggler stuff is seriously getting on my nerves.

Part of the task of bringing new products on board involves evaluating old favorites and deciding if they merit replacement. Many times, the decision to replace a customer favorite is not mine; if the manufacturer discontinues it, then I have no choice.

So, I find myself grieving over these losses... for the disappointed customers, and the sales I'll never make. It's silly, really, but I end up doing it anyway.

I need to be looking forward at the paper catalog's potential page contents, instead of reminiscing over a remaining few straggler products, sitting lonely on the shelves.

Those shelves need to be open to receiving NEW stuff! To that end, I made a whole department for items that are almost ready to run out. Each item lists the amount remaining on hand. After that, there will be no more. I'll do my best to keep the counts accurate and updated.

The top twenty items on this page are FARRIER, HOOF and HORSESHOE + ONE OF A KIND, so if it looks different when you click the link, that means someone has already grabbed these unique bargains. Keep checking back! I'm adding more things every day.

Click to shop the ALMOST GONE! Department

No horse? No problem. These items are for ag, farm and ranch women

Up-to-the-minute NEW items added daily - check back often

Don't worry, be Crappy! Fun selection of items pertaining to horse manure

Weird stuff that defies categorization - check back often - more added daily

Not My Circus Not My Monkeys, You're Basically Broke, I Hate Everyone Too

For the Western Rider, cowgirl or lover of the western culture

A unique collection of all things dog; jewelry, art, books and gifts

Christian and spiritual jewelry, books, gifts and more for horse lovers

Cards, Books, Balm, Jewelry and more for Donkey and Mule lovers


Gina Keesling started HoofPrints in 1986 to provide helpful promotional materials for farrier husband Rob. Along the way she added a fun selection of horse and dog products geared toward women of a certain age. This newsletter is emailed to subscribers a few times a month. It's here where you'll learn about fun FREEBIES like the new limited edition collectable magnet A Farrier's Prayer

Featuring artwork from the

#BC15 Custom Business Card. It measures 3.5" w x 2" tall and is FREE with any order placed at HoofPrints.

Not ready to order right now? Click the button below to request one

Click to get a FREE Farriers Prayer Magnet

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I have awesome customer service reps available 24/7 to take your order or answer questions at 765-724-7004, or email gina@hoofprints.com