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What's the Spiel?

26 Nisan 5784 - May 4, 2024

Shabbat Mevarchim - Parshat Achrei Mot

Rabbi's Reflections

-God is Always With Us: The Holiest Day and Every Other One-

Parshat Achrei-Mot describes the meticulous but mysterious Avodah service that Aharon, the Kohen Gadol, performed on Yom Kippur in order to attain kaparah, atonement, for himself, his family and the whole Jewish people. But Aharon also needed to make atonement for certain items in the Mikdash as well, including the Holy of Holies and the Tent of Assembly, “Which dwells among the people in the midst of their impurity” (Vayikra 16:16). What does this mean? According to the Talmud, “Which dwells among the people in the midst of their impurity” means, “Even when the people are impure, God's presence will still be with them” (B. Talmud, Yoma 56b). 

The Tent of Assembly represented God's presence on earth, it was the emblem of God's abiding faithfulness to reside among His people. And so, the Talmud is telling us that even though we can only be totally pure one day out of the entire year, don't think that God is only with us on Yom Kippur, when we're like the angels. Don't think that God's presence will only abide in our midst when our sins have been totally forgiven. Instead, this passage is teaching us that during the other three hundred and sixty-four days of the year – days when we fail in our commitments, when we don't live up to our resolutions, when we fall short of following through with our promises – God will still be with us through it all. As long as we can feel God's presence planted squarely in our midst, situated firmly at the center of our lives, we can all maintain the conviction, we can all have the strength, the courage and the faith it takes to face the challenges of the real world – to try and fail, to try again and fail again, knowing that God will be there for us, that God will be there with us to help us along on the journeys of our lives, wherever they may lead. 

The ultimate message of Yom Kippur isn't how we can achieve perfection for one day. No. The ultimate message of Yom Kippur is how we can achieve perseverance every day. Thus, Parshat Achrei-Mot teaches us that God will never abandon us. And so, it's up to us to try with all our might not to forget that as we travel down the long road ahead. 


Shabbat Shalom!

- Rabbi Dan

Schedule of Services at B'nai Abraham

Friday, May 3

Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat


Candle Lighting


Saturday, May 4th



Youth Services






Sunday, May 5th



Monday - Thursday



CTI Announcements

Please join us for this year's Yom HaShoah Commemorative Event, in partnership with Shalom Austin and taking place at the Dell JCC Epstein Family Community Hall on Sunday, May 5th at 7 pm. Content is appropriate for children ages 9 and older. 

This year, our program will include a special tribute to the victims of the October 7th, 2023, terror attack. It promises to be an evening of reflection and honor, featuring insightful commentary, live music, and a poignant candle lighting ceremony led by Mike O'Krent.

We would be honored by your presence at this impactful and meaningful occasion of remembrance. To sign up click on link below and please share on Facebook.

For security reasons, it is recommended that you register online by Friday May 3rd.

Register Here!

The sophomore class of San Juan Diego Catholic High School visited CTI for a field trip to learn about Judaism and how they can be supporters of the Jewish community.

Tell America's Leaders to Stand with Israel!

Anti-Israel activists are calling members of Congress. Make your pro-Israel voice heard by calling your elected officials to make clear you stand with our ally Israel against Hamas terrorism!

Support Israel

Shalom Austin Emergency Campaign.


Friends of the Israel Defense Forces

Israel American Council

At War: Heal Israel Now

Ach Gadol for Lone Soldiers





Donation Form.




Thank you Arthur & Barb Altman for sponsoring Kiddush in honor of Arthur's birthday.

Effective with all kiddushes booked after the beginning of Passover (April 22nd), the new prices will be: 

  • $250 for a standard Kiddush
  • $50 more for a cake added to Kiddush 

For all Kiddushes booked and paid for prior to the beginning of Passover, the current prices will remain the same.

Additionally, the Kiddush calendar is opened up for the remainder of 2024 so that you can book as far in advance as you would like this year and still pay the lower prices. 

THANK YOU for supporting CTI and our community with your sponsorship! Also a big thank you to the many people who help with kiddush prep and cleanup!!! Your efforts are very much appreciated! 

Sponsor A Kiddush

Mazel Tov!

  • Arthur Altman May 5th, Birthday
  • Meredith Clifford May 7th, Birthday
  • Paz Goldberg May 7th, Birthday
  • David Feder May 10th, Birthday
  • Adeena Reitberger May 10th, Birthday

*Please update your shulcloud account with birthdays, anniversaries, and Yahrtzeits to make sure they're highlighted in the Spiel. If you have any questions on how to do so email*

Yahrtzeit Remembrances

  • Esther Fichtner, Grandmother of Eric Shapiro, on Sunday 27 Nissan
  • Goldie Klein, Mother of Rosemary Klein-Robbins, on Friday 2 Iyyar

*Please update your shulcloud account with birthdays, anniversaries, and Yahrtzeits to make sure they're highlighted in the Spiel. If you have any questions on how to do so email*

Torah Classes at CTI

Take Your Tanakh Series

Tuesday Night | 7:00pm - The Book of Isaiah

Wednesday Morning | 8:15am - The Song of Songs

Click Here for more information on how to join these exciting classes.


Thank you to Reuven and Rosemary Robbins for their Maot Chitin donation.

Thank you to Rick Goldberg and Eddie Selig for their aliyah donations.

Thank you to Offer and Ilana Shavit and to Yuval Shavit

for their donations to the Torah Fund.

Thank you to Mark and Rhonda Kamen for their Yizkor donation.

Thank you to our anonymous donors.

Make a Donation

Contact Us!

Rabbi Dan Millner: 

Phone: 512-410-0336 X101

For more contact numbers and emails, visit our website.

Refuah Shelayma To:

  • Allene Novy-Portnoy; Hannah Bassa bat Sarah Osnat 
  • Avshalom ben Hannah Bassa
  • Cindy Newman 
  • Janet Goldberg; Shayna Masha bat Chasha Mina
  • Ken Friedman
  • Rebecca Millner; Rivkah bat Shoshana
  • Sheina Ruchel bat Henya Leah
  • Tzvi David ben Rivka Golda
  • Yoel Simcha ben Chaya Risha 
  • Sulta bat Nedgma
  • Zvi Aharon ben Bayla
  • Yaira bat Sarah
  • Tamar bat Chaya
  • Ilana bat Gheita
  • HaRav Avram Meir ben Eli Yosef v'Shira Chanah.
  • Rabbi Harold Liebowitz, HaRav Chaim Alter ben Necha. 
  • Baruch Akiva Ben Rivka
  • Miriam bat Helen
  • Rivka Michal bat Sarah Chana
  • Lori Garza 
  • Yisroel Natan ben Sarah
  • Masha Gitil bas Chaya Yita
  • Allen Levinson; Avraham Yitzchak ben Gittel
  • Moshe ben Reizel
  • Avigail Malkah bat Devorah
  • David Moshe ben Sylvia
  • Shoshana bat Yocheved
  • Miriam bat Rachel v'Mordechai
  • Alta Shoshana bat Shulamit
  • Meir Psachia ben Tziril
  • Geni Berman Abitbol
  • Beilya Golda bat Leah
  • Yosef Yehoshua ben Sarah
  • Jonathan Malawer (Yosef ben Bracha)
  • Fivel ben Sarah HaLevi
  • Adam ben Chanah
  • Rafael ben Sheindal Leah
  • Aharon Asher ben Chaya Naomi
  • Esther Malka Fraida bat Serel Chaya Raiza
  • Esther Reva bat Malka
  • Avraham ben Rut
  • Sheva Eva bat Bella.
  • Moshe ben Rut
  • Shulkah Malka bat Tziporah
  • Chandal bat Basia
  • Shmuel Dovid bat Malka
  • Anthony Ben Devorah
  • Shayna Leah bat Yehudit
  • Reuven ben Shira
  • Batyah bat Sara
  • Rachel Tzivia bat Malka
  • Chava Golda bat Leah
  • David Yosef ben Aga
  • Layla Tzohara bat Naomi Rivkeh
  • Shimon Yaakov ben Sarah
  • Shalom Ephraim ben Esther Breindel

 Wishing all Cholei Yisrael a Refuah Shlayma. 

Dear Tiferet Friends, 

If you placed a name on the Refuah Shelayma list and G-d willing the person is well, 

please let us know. Also, if you have a friend or family member who needs 

prayers for healing, again please let us know at  

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