October 2016
How TV Manufacturers Can Get to an OLED Future
Recent trends indicate that large-screen televisions based on OLED technology are in for significant revenue and unit growth as multiple vendors enter the market. New OLED production technologies are gearing up to present more affordable alternative supply sources for large OLED screens. Yet, despite the activity, OLED's share of the overall TV market is likely to remain small. Learn about the challenges TV manufacturers face. 
OLEDs Aplenty at IFA 
Nearly every TV maker at IFA showcased UHD OLED sets with panels sourced from LG. LG, though, may be tempering its licensing decisions. None of the non-LG-branded UHD OLED sets on display at IFA are due for the U.S. market. Most are or will be sold in 4K-manic China and OLED-hungry Germany. Even more surprising, though was that LG, the panel source for all these new models, didn't introduce any new OLED models of its own. Learn more about the OLED development, the OLED holdouts and other licensing activities.  
What the Olympics Told Us about Broadcast TV
The Olympics were full of winners and losers. The big question is: How did broadcast TV ratings fare in the games? The short answer: They were far from a gold medal performance for NBC and Comcast, NBC's parent company. The Olympics saw a steep decline in linear viewership. According to Bloomberg, the prime-time broadcast ratings were down 17 percent from the London games as many sought news and Olympic thrills online. Learn how the mixed-bag performance impacts the future of broadcast TV.   
Case Study: TV Spectrum Repack
Earlier this year, DTC released an extensive repack transition study, laying out a blueprint for what it will take for hundreds of broadcasters to move to new channel assignments. DTC's research concludes it may take up to 11 years and cost $2-3 billion to complete this complicated and expensive transition. Our DTV Transition Team is uniquely prepared to help broadcasters, MVPDs and mobile carriers design and implement channel-transition plans.

Download case study.
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