Born for Victory  
8:30 am-9:30 am Chapel Worship service (in person only)
9:00 am-10:00 am Connexion Worship service (in person and live-streamed)
10:10 am-11:00 am Sunday School (in person)
11:10 am-12:10 pm Sanctuary Worship service (in person, live-streamed and radio)
This schedule will allow all three services to take place without interfering with Sunday School. Sunday School classes for all ages will begin this Sunday, May 9. Now that we have livestreaming of our two worship services, we cannot have those two services at the same time. The chapel service will not be livestreamed. There will be one preaching pastor for each Sunday, allowing the pastor not preaching to spend time on strategic development of ministry.
As with all changes, the new schedule will take some adjustment. We tried to portion out the adjustments equally. Questions or feedback may be directed to any of the pastors and is most welcome. 
8:30 am Chapel
In Person
Rev. RoyBeth Kelley
Prelude: “Blessings in the Night”
Offertory: “Consolation, No. 3”
Katherine Apple, Vivian Apple, Piano Soloists
Nancy W. Vernon, Organist
9:00 am Connexion
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube
Rev. RoyBeth Kelley
“See A Victory”
“In Christ Alone”
“You Say”
“Agnus Dei”
11:10 am Sanctuary
In Person, Facebook Live (only 11:00am), YouTube, and FM 96.7
Rev. RoyBeth Kelley
Anthem: “Thee Will I Love ”
Anthem: “To Christ Be the Glory ”
Keely Sattazahn, Rylee Norton, Gaye Mings, Soloists
Nancy W. Vernon, Organist
In Encompass
  • Kim Friery
Loss of loved ones and friends:
  • Carroll West –Father of Cynthia (Tom) Hansen, Stephen (Debbie) West, John (Carolyn) West
  • Toka Beall—Wife of Bill Beall, sister of Ruth Davis
Sunday, May 9
8:30 am Chapel Service
9:00 am Connexion Worship, In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube
10:10 Fellowship Meeting, Fireside Room
10:10 am Believers Class, 2720 Lela Street, Outside
10:10 am Friends Class
10:10 am Cornerstone Class, Room 303
10:10 am Roundtable Class, Parlor
11:10 am Sanctuary Worship, In Person, Facebook Live, YouTube & FM 96.7
5:00 pm Youth, Loft, in person

Tuesday, May 11
10:00 am UMW Circle—Naomi, M201 Parlor
10:00 am UMW Circle—Ruth, Aldersgate Room
Wednesday, May 12
4:00 pm 10 Brave Christians, Rev DeeDee, Friends Classroom
5:30 pm Evening Prayer, In Person and Facebook Live
6:15 pm Chapel Class, Roebuck Chapel
6:30 pm Club 56, Zoom
Thursday, May 13
10:00 am WDS Kindergarten Practice
6:00 pm Meet and Greet Ashley McNeal, Zoom
7:00 pm College Ministry, Zoom
Small Groups are meeting again in person.
Contact FSFUMC office for more information
I am so excited that we will be starting back with our new Sunday schedule and Sunday small groups for children, youth, and adults this Sunday! It has been a long time coming. Lately, as people have been coming back to in-person worship, it has been like a reunion of long-lost friends. It has been so good to see folks I haven’t seen in person for a year or more. Soon the choir will be filling the loft in the sanctuary again. It’s like a fresh breath of life coming into the church. As we begin to open up again, there are several things I need to share with the church.

First, the Pandemic is not over. In some parts of the world (and we’re all interconnected), the cases and deaths from COVID-19 are worse than ever. We will still be taking precautions as long as they are recommended by the CDC and our bishop. Less than a third of Arkansans are currently vaccinated. As the numbers go up, I am sure the precautions will be relaxed, and maybe by the fall, barring any more setbacks, we will be back to normal. In the meantime, we will try to strike a reasonable balance between openness and caution.
The new Sunday schedule may not be perfect. In fact, I know it’s not. But we have put much thought and prayer and discussion into it, and it’s a start. Everyone will have to adjust a little. But primarily because a large part of our worship attendance is now online, we cannot simply go back to the way things were. If it doesn’t work, we will adjust some more.
Our online experience will continue. We will continue to livestream worship, have classes and meetings over Zoom, and develop our online campus on FaceBook. The pandemic propelled us into a new world of online ministry, and we can’t go back if we want to stay relevant and connected with people. We now have to think differently about many things. One of them is our attendance patterns. I don’t know what our in-person attendance will look like down the road. But I know that we are reaching more people using online resources, and our ministry is no longer limited by geography.
The next six months will be critical for our church. Many of us have lost the church habit in the last year. Even if we watched online faithfully, it was not like getting up and going to church. I’m calling everyone back to church--to worship, small groups, classes, children, youth, choir, missions. The online experience will be available when you can’t make it in person, but the in-person experience is vital to your growth as a disciple and the health of the church. It’s just different--and better--being together. I call the church to renew your invitations to those you know who need a church home. Invite, invite, invite! In our society, in which church is not the experience of the majority of people any more, the churches that continue to thrive are churches that have a strong culture of invitation. People come to church because they were invited by someone they trust. That could be you.
On one hand, I don’t want to pressure anyone to come back to in-person activities before you are comfortable and ready. On the other hand, if you are leaving home regularly, going to the grocery store, the hair salon, the barber shop, restaurants, and retail stores--especially if you have been vaccinated--there is no reason to avoid coming back to church. With the precautions we are still taking, church is one of the safest environments you will encounter outside of your home.
As we rev the engine of ministry back up, we will continue to depend on your faithful financial support. So far this year, we are doing well. The first quarter, contributions exceeded expenses by a little over $17,000. Soon--we hope--our expenses will increase as we begin to have more activities. Thank God, and thank you for your support!
The pandemic forced the church into some unprecedented areas of adaptation, but we adapted and did great ministry. The post-pandemic experience will also be unprecedented, as we continue to embark into new territory. How will it look? Who knows? All I can say is we will continue to adapt and adjust and do great ministry, making disciples of Jesus Christ. These are exciting times to be the church. God is giving us new challenges and opportunities, and I believe God will supply the human and financial resources to do what God calls us to do. Parts of the coming days will be uncomfortable, because there will be more change. But in the history of humankind, as far as I can tell, nothing significant ever grew out of comfort.
Let’s remember who we are: We are a community empowered by the Holy Spirit, growing together in God’s grace, sharing the love of Christ with the world.
And what we’re about: When we believe, love, and obey God, lives, communities, and the world will be transformed. And we’ll be fine.
Words of Wisdom
On April 25 FUMC honored seven high school seniors who are graduating with the class of 2021: Remington Weiler, Hailey Thames, Kyla Oler, Alex Dart, Emma Cobb, Matt Cobb and Brittlyn Burris.
Our prayers and well-wishes go with these students as they begin the next part of their life journeys. As part of the celebration, the FSFUMC Online Campus facebook group shared their best advice for the graduates. And I have to say that the advice was profound:

  • Choices made today affect all of your tomorrows.
  • Enjoy your days. Fully live life! Breathe it in, touch it, smell it, see it. No regrets!
  • Don’t be paralyzed about making a mistake!
  • Be watching for the ways God is working in your life.
  • Be kind. Always.
  • When in doubt, don’t. Ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?”
  • You do not exist solely to live a life that looks good on paper.
  • Life isn't perfect. The best laid plans do fall through. Do your best, keep God first, and enjoy the journey, come what may.
  • There are things we do not get to understand in this journey. Some people waste their time here and are miserable trying to understand a disappointment or loss. Embrace each day and experience, knowing God is with you always.

What words of advice would you add? What do you wish you had known at the age of 18? I have to say that reading these words of wisdom to the seniors became profound for me, too. It was a great time to be reminded of what is really important in life.
Graduates (and all y'all) please remember that in good times and bad, God loves you and your church does, too. Graduates (and all y'all) please remember that God is with you and your church is, too!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Roy Beth
Jesus reminded his disciples: “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20
The Road Ahead
My Lord God,
I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think that I am following your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please you does, in fact, please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear, for you are ever with me,
and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.
— Thomas Merton
If you would like to join our Online Campus, simply open the camera on your phone, hold it up to the QR code above, and then click the link that appears. It’s that easy!
Greetings, all!
Summer is upon us! Praise God! Summer is my favorite season in youth ministry because our students have the freedom to strengthen our bonds, serve our community, and take part in fun, life-giving activities. We will be offering a variety of opportunities for students and parents to plug into our church’s youth ministry, so come along for the ride! Here’s what we’ve got cooking at FIRST YOUTH this summer:
Summer Kick-Off
We will be having our summer kick-off at Torraine Lake on the east side of town! We’ll be grilling out, chilling out, and casting some lines! 
Torraine Lake has a beautiful new bike path running the perimeter, with plenty of great fishing spots to access along the banks. It’ll be a great evening, and the whole family is welcome! More information can be found on our FIRST YOUTH family email list, as well as our social media platforms!

The Pilgrimage
Have you ever wanted to know what the Bible has to say about God, our world, and yourself? We’ve got good news: you don’t have to try and figure it all out on your own! The Pilgrimage is a journey for high schoolers who are looking to dive deeper into God’s Word alongside one another. We will be meeting on Wednesday evenings starting in the summer and continuing through the fall and spring (typical Wednesday Night Life meeting times). Our meetings will be a time to fellowship, discuss the Scriptures, and ask any questions that might arise. Not sure if The Pilgrimage is for you? Our first month of The Pilgrimage is open to anyone who wants to dip their toes into the waters before making the jump. If you’re interested in signing up, contact me at and I’ll be happy to send you our registration link! See family emails and social media for our schedule!
Love the Fort
We take Christ’s call to “love our neighbor” seriously. Love the Fort is the perfect opportunity for our youth to live into this calling! For one week, we will be partnering with initiatives around Fort Smith to love and care for our community and the people that make it up. Our mornings will be for working, and our afternoons will be for play! The perfect blend for the summer! As of the time of this writing, we are currently surveying parents and teens to see which date works best for everyone.
We’ll be continuing on with our FIRST YOUTH weekly gatherings, with MANY MORE activities that didn’t make the list here! Ice cream socials, pool parties, and movie nights: all to God’s glory! Let’s have the best summer yet, FIRST YOUTH!
Feeding the Fort Update
I wanted to update you all on our feeding ministries. Our Casserole Queens have continued to stay busy! We are continuing to feed our neighbors and friends in our community. Family size casserole meals have been shared not only with our downtown homeless organizations but we are also providing these meals to a few other organizations. 
The Community Services Clearinghouse has been one of our recipients. From the Clearinghouse these meals are given to cancer patients and their families. We have also been trying to support families in need in a few of our Fort Smith Public Schools. 
With the help of our very own Liz Kaylor, a social worker for the Fort Smith Public School System, we have distributed family size casseroles that they can then distribute to families in need. We have also donated over 90 casseroles to The Call. The Call then distributes these meals to families in our area that are foster families. These meals have been greatly appreciated by all!
In addition to this ministry we have continued our Red Shield Diner monthly meals for the Salvation Army. Over the past several months these meals have been cooked and assembled by our Red Shield Diner Team in our Family Life Center Kitchen. This month, they anticipate to go back to The Red Shield Diner to prepare and serve dinner at the Salvation Army. The Fort Smith Police Department Food Patrol Sack Lunch Program is also still underway. Monthly we prepare 100 sack lunches that are picked up by our FSPD officers and delivered to children in 6 different apartment complexes as they arrive home from school and exit the bus.
Our Chapel Class has also continued to prepare breakfast on the last Sunday of the month. The food is sacked and packed into our cars and then delivered to the streets and to some of our downtown apartment complexes. 

I was recently talking to someone about our outreach ministries. I explained to them that our feeding ministries are truly so much more than food. They have provided our church members with a way to let our friends and neighbors know that they are loved, that they are prayed for and that they are worthy. I feel like I can speak for everyone that has been involved in one of the above ministries to say that this last year has truly been a gift. We have been able to spread love, peace and hope to others. The food is merely the vehicle.
 Believers-2720 Lecta Street,
outside under the trees
Chapel-Roebuck Chapel
Cornerstone- Room 303
Disciples- Room 301
Friends- Room 103
The Gathering- Narthex
Roundtable- Room 201
Nursery, Infant-K (Narthex)
Children, 1-6th grade-(2nd floor above Narthex)
Youth, Grades 7-12th grade- Loft (3rd floor)
If you don’t belong to a class yet please come to the Fireside Room in the Family Life Center and join us for fellowship and a devotional. We will also discuss future class plans and ideas!
We are in the process of
Starting a Widows Club
We were very fortunate to have Cindy Toledo, Program Support Manager from the Modern Widows Club visit with us last Thursday. We are very excited about their group and the resources they have to offer.

We encourage you to please check their website and their Modern Widows Club YouTube channel.

If you would like to learn more about how Modern Widows Club can help in your widowhood you are encouraged to take their complimentary 
Widow Empowerment Quiz to gain an understanding of your current phase in your widowhood journey. All of these links are on our email newsletter, please go there for easy access.
You are also encouraged to sign up for Inside Look, Modern Widows weekly newsletter.
If you would like to sign up for our next meeting or if you have questions please call Gail Oakes at 479.782.5068
The second of the core courses on the Bible.
Beginning Tuesday, June 8 on Zoom 6:30-8:00 pm
A 6-week overview of the development of the Old Testament Scriptures. It is not necessary to have had the first of the core courses in order to take the Old Testament portion. To sign up, call or email the church. You will need to get a student book before the course begins.

More information coming the week before start.

Come join us for a great time of learning and discussion about the foundation of our faith!
In Memory of:
  • Pat Little
by Robert & Judy Dawson
Ruth Davis
Mary Booth
  • Curtis Sawyer by
Mary Booth
Jack & Louanna Green
Bob & Janice Powell
  • Hallie Standard by
Randy & Jill Cutting
Jerry & Dixie Whitman
Marlin & Janet Fretheim
  • Robert Hawkins by
Sharon Gahagan
  • Carroll West
Rohena Caperton
Lunkers & Liars
Robert Dawson Family
Carol Freebairn
Wade & Phyllis Taylor
Jeff & Laurel Palmer
Floyd Sagely
In Honor of: 
  • Denise Weakley
  • Nancy Baker
  • Louise Finney
  • Charles Ledbetter
  • Larry Weir
By Jerry & Jane Hartfield
Pastor on Call
M-F 8:30 AM-4:30 PM: (479) 782-5068
Weekends and Evenings: (479) 459-5060

When there is a hospitalization, a death in the family, or any other time you may need urgent pastoral care, we encourage you to use these numbers. The pastors rotate on-call responsibilities to assure that one of them is always accessible.
200 N. 15th St.  Fort Smith, AR 72901
(479) 782-5068 |
Pastor on Call (479) 459-5060
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 
Closed for lunch 12:30PM-1:30PM
FIRST UNITED METHODIST NEWS published weekly except the last week of the year by First United Methodist Church 200 North 15th Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901.