Spring 2018
F2F Newsletter
Elkins Family's Experience with Ohio F2F

Finding Amy from Ohio Family2Family literally changed our lives. Seems dramatic doesn't it? But when you have exhausted every effort you are aware of, and still haven't gotten to the resolution, drastic is what you need.
Central Ohio Report
The first series of Transition Booster sessions have been received better than we could have hoped. An average of 30 people attend each session.

One parent put it this way, "These meetings have been so helpful and informational for us. Thank you for providing this service and for helping us navigate this new journey in our lives."
What I'm Made Of
by Rithik Sinhasan
Of awesome drumbeats and loud guitars and soothing music,
kites flying so high, and liking the wind blowing in my face.
I'm made of happy, good smells,
of deodorant, chicken nuggets and fries.
Of pleasant sunny days, going parasailing,
of trampolines, playgrounds and sprinklers,
of walks around VOA park, of rides at King's Island.
Of liking cold, snow days with no school,
Legos, reading books on Kindle, basketball and gymnastics.
Of having a restless, autistic body, lots of overwhelming sensations,
Of feeling anxious, really no telling when my body will suddenly move on its own,
of working to understand my autistic body,
of terrific memory, of bold writing, of being able to read a page with one glance.
Of wishing for total inclusion, I want to let hope have reign.
Of long drives, of Florida beaches and outdoors
I'm made of hugs and meeting people and waterfalls.
Ohio F2F Funded for 4 More Years!
A $387,000 grant will allow Ohio F2F to continue to provide training, information and education to help families of children with disabilities and special health care needs navigate the health care system and find answers to their questions, while also strengthening family-professional partnerships.
Strengthening Parent-Professional Partnerships Conference, April 13, Worthington, Ohio
Over 150 professionals and family members attended this conference and gained a better understanding on systems and attitudes to support family partnerships for children with special health care needs; relational care coordination in medical home; shared decision making and family engagement . Melody, who attended the conference put it this way, "This conference helped me feel empowered to advocate for what my family needs and initiate the solution to a problem by working with a healthcare provider." 
Helping a First Responder
by Utawana Leap, Lianna's Mom
Utawna's daughter Lianna deals with some complex medial issues. Based on some of their experiences, Utawna decided it would be best for her to put together an informational resource that she uses when interacting with those in Lianna's life (teachers, school nurse, school resource officers, any staff that would see her or help with an evacuation).  Read her full story here and access the brochure that she created.  
Upcoming Events
Saturday, June 2, 2018 - Empowering Families: When Your Child Has Complex Physical and Medical Needs, 10:00am-12:00pm, Youth Challenge, Westlake, OH

Friday, June 8, 2018 - Southwest Community of Practice: “The Power of Family to Family and Peer to Peer Support”, 10:00am-12:30pm, CCHMC Liberty Campus

We also have a variety of transition events coming up in Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus. Visit our website for details .