Welcome to the Enews for July 25

The latest resources, news and more.

Click on headlines or pictures for more details.  

Contact enews@leeds.anglican.org with your news. 

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Diocesan Interns celebrate year of service and fun

Our Diocesan Interns have celebrated a year full of learning, service and fun as this year’s cohort prepare to move on. At a celebration at St Matt’s in Burley, the departing Interns shared all that had been good about their year, and praised those who had supported them every step of the way. Read more here

Some £72,000 awarded to churches across the diocese

The Diocese of Leeds is pleased to award some £72,000 as part of the latest round of the Diocesan Church Buildings Grants and Loans Scheme. In the June/July round of the Scheme grants have been awarded to 25 parishes, and combined with the first round which took place this year the diocese has awarded grants of some £136,000 in 2024. Read more here

Seven decades of church and community celebrated in Mixenden

70 years of strong spiritual life and community engagement at Holy Nativity, Mixenden has been celebrated with a service of thanksgiving. And the home of Rock Mass is also delighted to have just been awarded two important grants for much-needed building works and improvements. Read more here

New round of small grants for new congregations

The diocese is happy to be able to offer new grants to those looking to start new congregations. Earlier this year the diocese awarded a number of grants to people who had started or were starting new congregations under the oversight of their PCC. They each received a small grant of £500 to support the congregation to get going. The diocese is now offering a new round of a further ten grants for new congregations. Read more here

New Chair of Diocesan Advisory Committee announced

The Diocese of Leeds is pleased to announce Andrew Hall as the new Chair of the Diocesan Advisory Committee. Following the retirement of the Ven Peter Townley, Andrew has been chosen to step into the role, and we’ve invited him to introduce himself. Read more here

New Director of Parcevall Hall warmly welcomed

A warm welcome has been given to Helen Reid, the new Director of Parcevall Hall, our Diocesan Retreat Centre. A service was held, led by the Rt Revd Anna Eltringham, Bishop of Ripon. Read more here

Loving, Living, Learning rings out in song thanks to one of our school choirs

Talented young singers at one of our primary schools have released their very own “Song for Leeds” to help celebrate our diocese’s 10th anniversary. Children in the choir of Lepton CofE Primary School in our Huddersfield Area worked with staff and supporters to create “Loving, Living, Learning” that they first performed at the diocese’s 10th anniversary service in Bradford Cathedral in the spring. Read more here

Sustainable flowers celebrated at Flower Festival

Beautiful flowers and protecting God’s creation were celebrated at a recent flower festival. The Wild Coverdale Flower Festival was well supported with well over 200 people attending the various events, which included sustainable flower demonstrations. Read more here

Church supports those going into hospital with supplies

Church members from Holy Trinity Cookridge have been looking to support those going into Leeds General Infirmary, by providing 100 emergency toiletries bags. After one of the members of the church’s crafting group was taken ill, a need for emergency toiletry supplies for those going in to hospital was identified, and the group sprang into action to meet the need. Read more here

Children charm train travellers with a surprise rendition of an Oasis hit

Pupils from one of our primary schools have made the news after they charmed train travellers with an on-the-platform performance of ‘Wonderwall’ by Oasis. Children from Baildon CofE Primary School, Baildon, sang the catchy tune while their music teacher strummed the ukulele at Shipley Station after their train got cancelled. Read more here

For more diocesan and regional news, visit www.leeds.anglican.org
Living and Learning

Introduction to Theology (ITT)

What’s next in your discipleship journey?

Ever wondered what theology means and how to study it? Need some guidance on how to dig a bit deeper? Don’t know where to start? This free and updated course is for you! Don’t miss out - sign up NOW for a September start.

A 12-session journey looking at the Christian faith, thinking about your own faith journey and developing theological skills. This is a great place to start when considering where God is calling you. Attending this course is a pre-requirement for Licensed Lay Ministry training in the diocese of Leeds and is also useful for those considering any of our other Lay Ministry pathways.

Three courses for 2024-25 are advertised on the DLP.

Follow the link for further information and booking details:

Booking Deadline extended to midnight on Sunday, September 1.

If you require any specific help or information, please contact the School of Ministry administrator at shuna.hartley@leeds.anglican.org.

Lay Pastoral Ministry Course

Starts September 2024, online

A ten-month course to develop advanced skill and leadership in those involved in providing pastoral care and support in their parishes in the Diocese of Leeds.

More details and booking information can be found here.

Lay Worship Leaders Course

Starts September 2024, online

This ten-month course enables those who have successfully completed it to lead worship in their parish under the supervision of their incumbent.

More details and booking information can be found here.

Occasional Preachers Course

Starts September 2024, online

A ten-week course for lay people who are unable to commit to becoming Licensed Lay Ministers but still feel called to a preaching ministry on an occasional basis.

More details and booking information can be found here.

TEND Events

Saturday, September 7 at St Matts Leeds

We are delighted to invite all children, young people and families workers, leaders and volunteers to attend one of our TEND events this year.

This year’s theme is Encouraging Confidence and the days will include workshops, speakers, worship, reflection and the opportunity to meet others involved in ministry with and to children, young people and families. The dates and venues are:

  • Saturday, September 7 at St Matt's Leeds

Please click here for more details and to book.

Whole Church and Outdoor Worship

Saturday, September 21, 9.30am - 2pm, St Stephen's West Bowling

A workshop to explore the power of outdoor and intergenerational worship for our churches.

Join us as we gather at St Stephen’s, West Bowling to discover how all generations can worship and encounter God together, especially when we go outside and worship in God’s creation.

The workshop will be led by Engage Worship whose vision is ‘to resource the local church for creative, sustainable and world-changing worship’

The day will start at 10am, with refreshments from 9.30am.

Tickets are £10 which includes lunch and refreshments – please provide any dietary requirements when booking.

Find out more here.

What does God want me to do with my life?

Friday, October 11 - Sunday, October 13, Scargill House

A fantastic opportunity to take time out to think more deeply about God’s call on your life, with time and space in the beautiful Yorkshire countryside. Is Vocation just something for ministers, monks and missionaries? How do we discover God’s purpose for our lives? What does the Bible have to say? Can we take the stories of the great Bible characters and apply them to our situation? Over the weekend, we’ll try to get some answers to these vital questions.

We’ll be led by Derek Walmsley, who is the Director of Ordinands and Vocations for the Diocese of Leeds.

Find out more here.

For more Diocese of Leeds training visit the Digital Learning Platform
Events across the diocese

Rewilding our Faith

Saturday, September 21, 10am - 3pm, Thicket Priory

A day of study, prayer and practise around the themes of spirituality, creation and reconnecting with nature.

This one will focus on living an 'earthed spirituality': moving into engaged action for our planet.

Bring your own lunch, and suitable clothing for outdoor worship. Suggested donation £10 per day.

To book either or both days please email Steve Parkin at sparkin1955@gmail.com.

Monastic Wisdom in Daily Life: A Path to Peace and Community

Saturday, July 27, 10am - 5pm, online

We are living in turbulent times. In so many ways it seems that as a species we have forgotten how to live in well with each other and the rest of creation. And yet, in the depths of who we are, there is a wellspring of love that is always calling us to an original harmony, to replace competition with collaboration, rivalry with friendship.

1,500 years ago, St. Benedict wrote a Rule for monastic life which has been one of the most influential texts in the history of Western Europe. In a world facing so many challenges, Benedict’s simple guide for a school of love in community offers us a wealth of transformative wisdom.

With help from Benedictine teachers across the centuries, we will explore key aspects of this timeless wisdom tradition which are of huge importance for our time, including:

  • Listening: as key to spiritual growth in community
  • Humility: the path of self-knowledge, equality and peace
  • Attention and Awareness: the path of balance, harmony, wholeness
  • The Monastic Vision for today: a priceless gift for a suffering world.

Find out more here.

Exploring some aspects of Celtic Christianity

Saturday, July 27, 10am - 5pm, All Saint’s Church Earby

To book, please contact the Revd Rod Geddes at ruarig07@gmail.com

Revd Rod has a long-time interest in the history and spirituality of the Celtic Church and has led day courses in the Isle of Man and England and has led two week-long courses at Bishop’s House on the Isle of Iona, with another planned for 2026.

Please book early, in order that we can prepare materials and handouts.

Cost of course: £20 per person, to be paid on the day. All proceeds to All Saints’ Earby.

A full programme can be found here.

The Essence of Being Human retreat

Saturday, August 10, 10am - 3.30pm, High Dalby House

A taster retreat day led by Revd Dr. Linda Robinson and Revd Shena Moray. An immersive, holistic day including reflective spaces, worship and adventure into the living word of God. Please email lindarobinson@talk21.com to book. Cost is £25 including lunch and refreshments.

Taize Pilgrimage

Saturday, August 17 - Monday, August 26

The Rt Revd Smitha Prasadam, Bishop of Huddersfield, will be leading a pilgrimage to Taizé this summer.

The pilgrimage for young people and adults is taking place from Saturday, August 17 to Monday, August 26, and the Most Revd Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York, will join pilgrims for part of their journey.

Click here to download the brochure.

Walk Through the Bible

Saturday, September 21, 9.30am - 4.30pm, St Peter’s Gildersome

Sign up for a fun exploration of the Old Testament.

Tickets cost £14 per person. Do bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee provided.

Tickets available here.

People will be invited to make a donation on the day towards Church hire costs.

For more information, please contact: Revd Mark Watson, 01924 822184. 07838 441568, lordsmyshepherd@yahoo.co.uk

Creation Meditation

Thursday, September 26, 8pm - 9pm, online

This session offers an opportunity to reflect and pray with the help of Scripture and other resources and to practice christian meditation. Please email charlie.scott@leeds.anglican.org to book your place.

Find out more here


Give To Go Green is a match-funding pilot project from the Church of England. In round 1, eleven churches in the Diocese of Leeds raised £57,000 for carbon-cutting building projects, which were match funded by the national Net Zero Carbon Programme. The Diocese of Leeds is taking part in round 2 of this project. Find out more here.

Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is the way in which the Diocese of Leeds wants to support churches to move forward in mission, ministry and sustainability, in a way that is prayerful, intentional and, within the grace of God, possible.

Barnabas offers every church resources and support at different levels, with a view to us all working towards the diocesan vision of Confident Christians, Growing Churches, Transforming Communities. Find out more here.

We have produced our Leeds @ 10 Booklet, which marks our 10th anniversary by sharing stories from across our diocese, from our cathedrals and more, and looks to the future. It includes thoughts from Bishop Nick. Copies of the booklet are being distributed to every parish in the diocese. It is made of recycled paper and was kindly funded by an external donor. Find out more here.

Join us as we pray for our diocese, and for those in our overseas link dioceses. Our diocesan prayer diary prays for all parts of the diocese, and we also have prayers for our overseas links. Find out more here.

Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is the way in which the Diocese of Leeds wants to support churches to move forward in mission, ministry and sustainability. Watch this video to hear more about what Barnabas is and how is can help.
...is the name of Bishop Nick's blog and his most recent entries can be viewed here.

Chief Officer - Wellsprings Together

As our Chief Officer has moved on, we are looking to recruit to help take Wellsprings Together to the next level. We're looking for a new Chief Office Wellsprings Together is an established, growing, regional charity with a vision to see faith transforming communities. We work across the Anglican Diocese of Leeds in both urban and rural areas with a desire to see the flourishing of all who live there. The Chief Officer role is an exciting opportunity leading the dedicated Wellsprings Together team to implement this vision. Accountable to the Trustees of the charity, the Chief Officer is responsible for coordinating and supervising the work of the Team, delivering on the strategy and vision of the charity, managing stakeholder relationships, securing funding, and the effective management and leadership of the charity including budgetary responsibilities. Find out more about this role here

Director of Fundraising & Development - Bradford Cathedral

Following the appointment of The Very Revd Andy Bowerman as the Dean of Bradford, the Cathedral has recently developed a new vision and forward strategy. An important part of this strategy is looking at how the Cathedral can play a full part in, and realise the potential of Bradford’s year as the UK City of Culture in 2025. The Director of Fundraising & Development will sit on the Cathedral’s Senior Management Group, playing a key role in delivering our vision and strategy, maximizing the opportunities afforded by 2025, and helping shape and resource our future, serving the City and its community. Find out more about this role here

Events & Marketing Assistant - Bradford Cathedral

Following the appointment of The Very Revd Andy Bowerman as the Dean of Bradford, the Cathedral has recently developed a new vision and forward strategy, looking ahead to 2025 when Bradford will be the UK City of Culture and beyond. The Events & Marketing Assistant will work with the Director of Development and the Events & Marketing Officer, supporting the Cathedral’s strategic focus on hosting high quality events, growing commercial income through venue hire, and helping to deliver bespoke Cathedral events aimed at raising funds to support the Cathedral’s ministry and mission. Find out more about this role here

Useful Links & Information


For safeguarding issues, contact our advisers on:

safeguarding@leeds.anglican.org or call 0113 353 0257 

Jenny Leccardi - Safeguarding Adviser

Narinder Lyon - Safeguarding Adviser

Nikki Rose - Safeguarding Adviser

Sam McMorland - Assistant Safeguarding Adviser

Click here for Safeguarding Training in 2024

Moves and Appointments

The Revd Caroline Pinchbeck has been appointed as Interim Vicar for the Benefice of Aldbrough St John, Forcett and Melsonby (0.5) in the Ripon area and as Diocesan Rural Change Enabler (0.5) in the Diocese of Leeds

The Revd Lottie Jones has been appointed as Interim Priest in Charge of the Stanningley Benefice in the Leeds area

The Revd Michelle Lepine has been appointed as Vicar of St Edmund’s Church Roundhay in the Leeds area

The Revd Felicity Cowling–Green, currently serving as Team Rector of Almondbury with Farnley Tyas in the Huddersfield area, will resign this post in September 2024 to become part time hospital Chaplain at Sheffield Children’s Hospital in the Diocese of Sheffield

Contact us with your news

Please contact the Communications Team with your news for future editions. The Enews is published twice a month. The next edition will be sent out on August 8. All news stories to communications@leeds.anglican.org. Many thanks!

© Anglican Diocese of Leeds, 2024

Church House, 17-19 York Place, Leeds, LS1 2EX

 0113 200 0540

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