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Human-Animal Studies Newsletter
August 2018
Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the current issue of the Animals & Society Institute's Human-Animal Studies e- newsletter. I hope that this issue has information that is of use to you. Please let me know what you'd like to see! For future editions of this newsletter, please send submissions to
ASI News
Our latest book in the HAS Book Series has just arrived!

Fish, Justice, and Society , by Carmen Cusack, is an in-depth look into the fishing industry, fish, and aquatic environments. This book delves past the façade of what may be known by the average fisherman, bringing to the surface new information about numerous species and aquatic habitats. It is the most comprehensive book on the subject of fish, law, and human behavior. It is a standalone work, but complements Cusack’s Fish in the Bible (2017). It is a treatise on the subject of animal law while also serving the common fisherman information on compliance issues. From the Introduction:

Fish, Justice, and Society explains intersections between law, culture, tradition, ancient practices, and science. This book also defines “crime” in terms of cruelty, feminism, and other philosophical bases. These analyses suggest that cruelty is a discrete topic defined by codes and cases, and demonstrate that the topic of cruelty can be more expansive. Treaties and laws could prohibit a greater number of actions based on philosophical premises in addition to those already undergirding law and customs. This book examines fish as an ancient crux of human civilization and shows how humanity, including family life and sexuality, has absorbed the preeminence of fish. “Ancient” civilization is defined by mainstream society in Biblical terms. Though history and prehistory preceded these eras, such as Middle Bronze ii, Iron i and ii, Hellenistic periods, and the Achaemenid period, Biblical scriptures have informed and shaped modern society’s perception and treatment of fish unlike other influences and sources. It demonstrates how aquaculture and fishing have been central foci within human civilization and exposes the power that they continue to have over contemporary humans’ treatment of and interactions with marine life. Religious interest in fish is a powerful influence and motivator throughout the world. Secularized societies continue to embrace religious philosophies formulated, in part, to maintain ecologically balanced relationships with fish. International, federal, and state fish and wildlife agencies rely on philosophical principles to formulate and enforce laws binding humans and animals. Although animals are not subject to the law, they may be controlled in their actions and regeneration.
Carmen M. Cusack, J.D. (2010), Florida International University, Ph.D. (2013), Nova Southeastern University, is an animal welfarist, who has clerked for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and served other organizations to help animals. Her books include Fish in the Bible (2017), Animals and Criminal Justice (2015), Animals, Deviance, and Sex (2015), and Laws, Policies, Attitudes and Processes that Shape the Lives of Puppies in America (2016).

As part of our efforts to reach out to students with an interest in human-animal studies, in 2015, ASI created Sloth, a journal for undergraduate students to publish their papers, book and film reviews, and other work. Sloth is an online bi-annual journal that publishes international, multi-disciplinary writing by undergraduate students and recent (within three years) graduates that deals with human/non-human animal relationships from the perspectives of the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences. Sloth showcases the important and innovative contributions of undergraduates, giving those who are interested in human/non-human animal relationships a way to contribute to and engage with the field, as well as an opportunity to build their skills, knowledge, and resumes in anticipation of their graduate school careers. Undergraduate students, or those who recently graduated, are encouraged to submit research papers, film and book reviews, creative writing, and art. Submission and formatting instructions can be found here.
Next issue’s submissions due October 15, 2018!
We are also looking for Sloth reviewers! Are you interested in becoming a reviewer for Sloth? Reviewers might be asked to look at one or two articles per year, if and when articles come in that match your areas of specialty. If you are interested, please email Joel MacClellan at , and provide your name, contact info and affiliation, and areas that you feel comfortable reviewing.

Have you been watching our newest project, the Defining HAS Video series? We have released 19 videos so far, and have a bunch more waiting to come out. Our latest video is by Jonathan Balcombe who discusses the term sentience.
HAS News
Rebecca Cassidy (anthropology Goldsmiths, University of London) and Garry Marvin (anthropology, University of Roehampton), have a contract with Routledge to edit a book series titled Multi-Species Encounters . There are now many book series out there, exploring the relationships that humans have with other forms of life, each with its particular focus or guiding ethos. This series will also have a guiding academic and intellectual ethos. A key term in the proposed title is ‘ethnographies’. We believe that ethnographic research, long-term, deep, engagement with the lives of those we seek to understand, can produce richly-textured, nuanced, and illuminating interpretive anthropological accounts of those lives. Our interest is to bring those accounts to light in a coherent series. Yes, ‘inter-species’ is a contested term, but we are interested in accounts of how humans experience, engage with, live with, other animals, but also with plants and other living matter. So – our focus will be on ethnographic studies. Such studies will be informed by, and make use of, theoretical perspectives but what will make the series special are accounts of the relationships between humans and other lives that are generated from within particular social and cultural worlds. The editors are now looking for manuscripts that are being worked on, theses that are being transformed, or plans for monographs that are being developed. If you or your colleagues have ideas for a monograph that might fit this series, please get in contact with the editors ( and ) to discuss ideas and possibilities.

The School of Social Work at Colorado State University invites applications for up to two faculty positions at the assistant (tenure-track) rank. The 9-month tenure/tenure-track appointment will begin January 2019 or August 2019. Applicants are sought with an expertise in behavioral health (mental health, alcohol, and drug prevention/treatment), human-animal interventions, aging, health/well-being, child welfare, or social justice which enhance the existing research strengths in our School, College, and University. However, applicants with other research expertise are invited to apply. Candidates are required to have a doctoral degree in social work or a related discipline, demonstrated ability to conduct impactful scholarly research and publish in peer-reviewed venues, an active and well-articulated research agenda coupled with interest and ability to secure external grant funding, ability to teach at the BSW, MSW, and/or
PhD levels, and to advise MSW research projects and/or doctoral dissertations. Applicants should understand and be able to facilitate conversations around privilege, oppression, and intersecting social identities. While an MSW is not required to apply, applicants must be aware that to teach practice classes, you must have a MSW degree from an accredited social work program and a minimum of two (2) years post-master’s professional practice experience.
Applicants should have a personal and professional commitment to diversity and social justice. Interested persons should follow this link to apply. Deadline for applications: August 31.
Please address questions to Marc Winokur, PhD at:
The Messerli Research Institute is seeking a three-year PhD student/University assistant in animal ethics. Messerli is located at the campus of the University of Veterinary Medicine
Vienna and is also part of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna. It is entirely dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the human-animal relationship and consists of a Unit of Comparative Cognition, a Unit of Comparative Medicine, and a Unit of Ethics and Human-Animal Studies. The PhD candidate will be a member of the Unit of Ethics and Human-Animal Studies and work in the research group on Animal Ethics and Animal Cognition of this unit. The position will be funded by the FWF Stand-alone project ‘Morality in animals: What it means and why it matters’ (PI: Dr. Judith Benz-Schwarzburg) and the candidate is expected to develop her research in a way that incorporates the goals of this project. This project firstly aims to specify the character and cognitive requirements of moral emotions in animals. Whereas the current debate mostly concentrates on empathy as a moral emotion and on morally good behavior, the members of this project will engage in an analysis of other moral emotions, such as patience, compassion, guilt, and grief and, furthermore, consider negative moral emotions, such as cruelty, jealousy, schadenfreude, and callousness. Secondly, the project will deal with whether the attribution of morality to animals comes with ethical implications – a dimension that scholars in the debate have widely neglected. The PhD candidate is expected to develop her research project as part of this second goal. The project will analyze the ethical consequences of being a moral subject from the perspective of three important theories in animal ethics: the capabilities approach, the integrity approach, and the rights approach. This project aims to adopt an interdisciplinary and empirically-informed methodology. To accomplish this goal, the latest empirical results will be discussed in monthly lab meetings with members of the other units at the Messerli Research Institute, and two international and interdisciplinary conferences will be held as part of the project. Please submit applications via e-mail to at the latest on August 31.
The UCLA School of Law Animal Law and Policy Small Grants Program (“Program”) is seeking small grant proposals for its 2018-2019 funding cycle. The program is happy to receive applications as soon as they are ready, but we will not make any offers of funding until we have reviewed all applications after the funding period closes. This Program is designed to support legal and non-legal empirical scholarship to advance animal law and policy reform. To learn more about the Program, including previously funded projects, please use this link.
Applications are welcome from any field as long as the potential application of the research to animal law and policy reform is clear. We have a particular interest in fields such as psychology, including moral psychology, sociology, philosophy, economics, and other social sciences. In addition, this year we are especially interested in empirical research applicable to legal reform focused on animals used in experimentation, animals harmed through pest control or “nuisance wildlife management” activities, and dogs at risk of being classified as “dangerous.” Please be aware that we do not fund any type of research on live animals, and we cannot provide funding to scholars based at institutions outside the United States. We are open to collaborative projects with non-U.S.-based scholars, so long as the principal investigator is based at a U.S. institution of higher education throughout the funding period. Applications must be received by December 1, 2018, via email or mail, for the 2018 application cycle. Awards will be announced by January 15, 2019.
New Books
Following are some of the books coming out that we are excited about!

Constance, D. H. (2018). Contested Sustainability Discourses in the Agrifood System . Routledge.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Malone, K., Barratt Hacking, E. (2018). Research handbook on childhoodnature: Assemblages of childhood and nature. New York, NY: Springer.
Fauville, G., Payne, D. L., Marrero, M. E., Lantz-Andersson, A., & Crouch, F. (2018). Exemplary Practices in Marine Science Education. Springer.
Grandin, T., & Whiting, M. (Eds.). (2018). Are We Pushing Animals to Their Biological Limits?: Welfare and Ethical Implications . CABI.
Harrison-Buck, E., & Hendon, J. A. (Eds.). (2018). Relational Identities and Other-than-Human Agency in Archaeology . University Press of Colorado.
Hoffer, T., Hargreaves-Cormany, H., Muirhead, Y., & Meloy, J. R. (2018). Violence in Animal Cruelty Offenders. Springer.
Linzey, A., & Linzey, C. (2018). The Palgrave Handbook of Practical Animal Ethics . Palgrave.
Lloro-Bidart, T. and V. Bansbach, eds. (2018).  Animals in Environmental Education: Interdisciplinary approaches to curriculum and pedagogy . Palgrave-Macmillan.
Sawyer, J., & Huertas, G. (2018). Animal Management and Welfare in Natural Disasters . Routledge.
Thompson, P. B., & Thompson, K. O. (Eds.). (2018). Agricultural Ethics in East Asian Perspective: A Transpacific Dialogue (Vol. 27). Springer.
Wischermann, C., Steinbrecher, A., & Howell, P. (Eds.). (2018). Animal History in the Modern City: Exploring Liminality . Bloomsbury Publishing.

To read about them, visit this link!
New Research
Following are some of the latest research articles in the field of human-animal studies:

The Journal Social Sciences will be publishing a special issue, with the theme of: "We are Best Friends": Animals in Society, edited by Leslie Irvine. Friendships between humans and non-human animals were once dismissed as sentimental anthropomorphism. After all, who could claim to be friends with a being who did not speak the same language? Animals’ emotions were also questioned. However, decades of research on the emotional and cognitive capacities of animals have made it possible to recognize human-animal friendships as true relationships involving mindedness on both sides. Friendships with animals manifest many of the same characteristics as friendships between humans. Both parties understand the other as having interests, preferences, and other aspects of subjective experience. Both enjoy the shared presence that friendship entails, with its moments of intersubjectivity that comes with knowing another being. Both friends develop ways of communicating, apart from or in addition to spoken language. Having an animal as a best friend often takes the form of companionship understood as the “pet”, but the relationship comes in other forms, too. People who work with animals often characterize their non-human partners as friends. People who work with search-and-rescue dogs, herding dogs, or police dogs develop, and even depend on, the closeness of best friendship. The same holds for equestrians of all sorts, as horses and riders must understand each other’s bodies and movements intimately. In some situations, animals provide the sole source of affection and interaction in people’s lives. Homeless people who live on the streets with animal companions often develop best friendships largely through 24/7 togetherness. In this light, this Special Issue on humans and animals as best friends seeks to explore the various forms these friendships take. Moreover, it aims to shed light on what these friendships mean for society, broadly construed. In short, how do human-animal friendships, and best friendships, in particular, expand the existing interdisciplinary knowledge of the roles of animals in society? The editor encourages researchers from all disciplines and all methodological and theoretical approaches to submit contributions. Deadline for submissions: February 15, 2019. Find out more here.

The journal Religions will be publishing a special issue on the subject of animals in world religions, to be edited by Dr. Anna Peterson.   In recent decades, nonhuman animals have become an important focus of scholarly work in the humanities and social sciences. Anthropologists, literary scholars, historians, philosophers, and others have examined diverse issues including the significance of animals in art and literature, the role of real animals in economics, politics, and war, human moral attitudes toward animals, and a host of other issues. Animals play an important role in almost all religions, including world religions as well as smaller native traditions. Religious studies scholars have addressed topics such as animal sacrifice, animals in sacred stories and myths, symbolic animals such as totems, animal deities, and animals as moral exemplars or villains. The literature has grown in recent years, but it remains small and scattered. This special issue on animals in world religions aims to explore important and interesting contemporary scholarship on the topic. Our scope is deliberately broad – we hope to receive articles that examine many different religious traditions, in different historical periods and geographic regions. We prefer articles that focus on concrete questions and arguments, rather than on broad surveys or overviews. We also prefer studies that look at the place, treatment, and experiences of real animals in religious communities and practices. Studies of symbolic or mythical animals are also welcome, but we are especially interested in those that add a new dimension to the literature, either by employing innovative theoretical and methodological approaches or showcasing unfamiliar topics. In all cases, the goals are to expand scholarly understanding and knowledge of the important place of nonhuman animals in religious thought and practice.The journal issue will provide a valuable complement to the existing literature, by extending the range of religious traditions addressed, by encouraging innovative approaches, and by focusing on studies of real rather than purely symbolic or mythical animals. Deadline for submissions: March 31, 2019. Find out more here.
The field of human-animal interactions and the exploration of new ways in which animals can facilitate physical, social, and psychological well-being are growing rapidly. Much of the research, however, has been applied in nature – focusing on assessing a specific issue or testing the effectiveness of interventions. In contrast, far less research has evaluated the basic psychological processes that underlie human-animal interactions. This work is critical in helping inform existing interventions and creating the foundation for the development of novel treatments. Thus, the aim of this special issue on Basic Social and Personality Psychology Research on Human-Animal Interactions, in the Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin , is to promote and advance research regarding the psychological roots of human-animal interactions from social and personality perspectives. Papers for this special issue may include (but are not limited to) one or more of the following topics: fundamental relationship processes underlying the human-animal relationship; social cognition and perception related to animals; animal stereotyping and discrimination; understanding the role animals play within the self-concept; attitude formation and attitude change in animal preferences; and contagion of emotions between humans and animals. All submissions focusing on basic research and processes underlying human-animal relations from a social and personality psychology perspective (experimental, correlational) will be considered for this the special issue. Although all types of HAIB submissions will be consider for the special issue, preference will be given for empirical and descriptive investigations. Manuscripts should not exceed 8000 words and should conform to the sixth edition of the APA style manual. Manuscripts should be submitted using the regular HAIB online system, specifying that the submission is for the special issue on basic research on social and personality psychology in human-animal interactions. Papers should be submitted by November 30 2018 with reviews to be completed by June 2019. Please direct any inquiries (e.g., suitability, format, scope, etc.) about this Special Issue to the guest editors: Anthony Coy ( ) and Christopher Holden ( ). Find out more here.

Upcoming Meetings
Are you going to a conference this year? If so, we would love your help with distributing ASI flyers to promote our human-animal studies programs! If you’d like to help, please email . Thank you!

Bees and Honey in Religions and in our Contemporary World . Sept. 6, 2018, Melanchthon Academy in Cologne.

CAWSEL. September 9-21, St. Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge.

Sentience - Where Does Sentience Start? September 12, Mary Sumner House, London.

Horses, moving . September 25-27, Museum of Archaeology.
Animals and Us: Research, Policy, and Practice Conference . October 11-13, University of Windsor.

Animal Law Conference . October 12-14, Chicago Marriott, Chicago, IL.

British Animal Studies Network Meeting: Animal Machines / Machine Animals. November 2-3, Phoenix Arts Venue, Exeter.

Equine History Collective Conference . Nov. 30 – Dec. 1,  Cal Poly Pomona.
New Directions in Animal Advocacy . December 10-11, Sydney, Australia.

Graduate Workshop: Knowing Through Animals : The Animal Turn in History of Science. February 2nd, 2019, Center for Science and Society, Columbia University. For more information, email

Canadian Animal Policy Symposium , March 1, 2019, Vancouver, BC

Animal/Language: An Interdisciplinary Conference . March 21-23, 2019, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. Please submit all questions to .

British Animal Studies Network Meeting: Emotion . April 26-27, 2019, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Maritime Animals: Telling Stories of Animals at sea . April 26-27, 2019, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, UK.

Decolonizing Animals: AASA 2019.  June 30 — July 3, 2019, Ōtautahi/Christchurch, Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Animal Rights and Animal Politics in Asia: International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS 11). July 16-19, 2019, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands.
IAHAIO symposium. October 24-26, Amsterdam
Calls for Papers: Conferences
Graduate Workshop: Knowing Through Animals: The Animal Turn in History of Science.
February 2nd, 2019, Center for Science and Society, Columbia University. Building on recent literature on animal bodies in history of science and STS, the workshop is set as a collaborative effort to unpack methodological issues in the study of human-animal relations in the production of knowledge. The workshop is designed to support the process of dissertation writing by exploring some thematic and methodological aspects of the discussion of animal bodies and materiality in science. The workshop will include an opening presentation by the Max Plank Institute for the History of Science’s researchers about animal bodies and human knowledge, and the sites/context where questions of animals and knowledge arise. This presentation will be followed by three sessions of case study discussions (two graduate students will present their case studies in each session). Graduate students will be teamed up before the workshop, based on similar methodological approaches. Each team of presenters will select three bibliographical items that relates to their work, and co-write an abstract for the discussion they lead. Discussions will engage with the selected literature while drawing on concrete examples from the students’ research.  The Center for Science will provide partial reimbursement of participants’ travel expenses (depending on cost and distance of travel). Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided.  Graduate students interested in participating should send a short dissertation abstract and CV to Alma Igra . Please also mention 3 tentative readings you would like to discuss as methodological references. PhD candidates in history of science, STS, history of medicine, sociology of science and critical animal studies are particularly encouraged to apply.
British Animal Studies Network Meeting: Emotion . April 26-27, 2019, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. If you are interested in giving a paper addressing the topic ‘Emotion’ from whatever disciplinary perspective please submit your title, with an abstract of no more than 200 words and a brief biography (also of no more than 200 words). These should be included within your email – i.e. not as attachments. Please send them to . The deadline for abstracts is January 18, 2019. Presentations will be 20 minutes long and we hope to include work by individuals at different career stages. Sadly we have no money to support travel, accommodation or attendance costs.
Topics covered at this meeting might include (but are not limited to):
·        the history of animal emotions
·        human and / or animal attachments
·        the representation of animal emotion in human art, thought and culture
·        the ethical role of animal emotions (real or represented)
The organizers would welcome papers that deal with such issues in contemporary and historical settings, and would especially like to see papers that address these issues from contexts outside the UK, including the Global South. Papers are welcomed from across animal studies, including disciplines such as (but not limited to) geography, anthropology, sociology, literary studies, art history, classical studies, history, science and technology studies, ethology, philosophy, psychology, behavioural sciences and ecology.
The BC SPCA is excited to be hosting the first Canadian Animal Policy Symposium on March 1, 2019. This event brings together policymakers and policy students from across Canada to discuss best practices in policies concerning animals. Taking place in Victoria, the symposium will offer webcast participation to facilitate national dialogue. The organizers are now inviting speaker submissions! If you have policy experience designing, implementing, modifying, or overseeing legislation concerning animals, please provide your information and topic to our event team. Proposal forms are available on the symposium website, . Travel grants are available. Presentations and roundtables at the symposium will consider the development of evidence-based, innovative provincial policies that impact animal well-being. Key animal policy matters for discussion include:
-         Wildlife and habitat management
-         Establishing and implementing standards for the health and well-being of pets, farm and research animals
-         Trade agreements for animal-based food products
-         Animal protection legislation
-         Regulating exotic animal breeding and importation
If you have any questions, please direct them to .

Animal/Language: An Interdisciplinary Conference. Held in conjunction with the art exhibition “Assembling Animal Communication." Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 21-23 March 2019. Animal/Language aims to create an interdisciplinary dialogue on the relationship between “animals” and “language” that considers both what connects and what separates these two key terms. The conference hopes to generate new scientific inquires and creative synergies by initiating conversation and exchange among scholars in the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. Proposal Submission Deadline: September 30. Proposals for 20-minute papers should be no more than 300 words long and include 3-5 keywords identifying your discipline and topic(s). All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously; please provide author name(s) and affiliations in your submission email, but omit them from your abstract itself. Please submit all proposals (in .docx or .pdf form) and questions to .

Animal Rights and Animal Politics in Asia: International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS 11). University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands, 16-19 July 2019.
At the forthcoming International Convention of Asian Scholars there will be an entire day dedicated to Animal Rights and Animal Politics in Asia (ARAPA). We are holding four distinct sessions for participants that will cover didactic (head-based) topics such as philosophy, politics and law, and participatory (heart-based) topics such as activism and mentoring. 
Please send an abstract of up to 400 words and a bio of up to 250 words. Please include any links to personal or professional web pages (if you have them). Send your submissions to Dr Tamasin Ramsay  with “ICAS 2019” and the session you are submitting for in the subject line. Final date for submissions is September 1.
We will send you further information will be given upon your acceptance. Meanwhile please visit these official websites of the conference and the institute to find out more.
1.    International Institute for Asian Studies ( )
2.    International Convention of Asian Scholars ( )
*The ICAS deadline is October 10 if you wish to submit an independent paper directly to ICAS. However, to be part of our ‘Animal Rights Animal Politics in Asia’ day, please submit to the above email address before September 1.
IAHAIO symposium 24-26 October, Amsterdam . IAHAIO would like to invite researchers, practitioners and anyone involved in the delivery of AAI programmes to submit an Abstract for presentation of a poster at the Symposium. To submit an Abstract, please click here . The deadline for Abstract submissions is August 13. All abstracts will be reviewed by an independent panel and applicants will be notified of the outcome by Monday 17 September. If you have any queries, please contact
Decolonizing Animals: AASA 2019, June 30 th — July 3 rd 2019, Ōtautahi/Christchurch, Aotearoa/New Zealand. The next biennial conference of the Australasian Animal Studies Association will be held in Ōtautahi / Christchurch, Aotearoa / New Zealand – a city and a country that embody the impacts of colonialism on human and nonhuman animals alike. Please send abstracts in the form of an email attachment (MS Word or compatible – not PDF please) containing your name; your institutional affiliation (if appropriate); your proposed paper title and abstract (approximately 350 words); a brief autobiography (no more than 150 words); and four keywords identifying the main themes of your paper to Associate Professor Annie Potts, AASA 2019 Conference Convenor, at . Closing date for abstracts: September 30.
Calls for Proposals: Books
Submissions are sought from academics, scholars, research aspirants and animal advocates for the edited collection, Approaches to the Literary Animal. The rise and expansion of Animal Studies over the past decades can be seen in the explosion of various articles, journals, books, conferences, organisations, courses all over the academic world. With the publication of Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation in 1975 and Tom Regan’s The Case for Animal Rights in 1983, there has been a burgeoning interest in nonhuman animals among academics, animal advocates, and the general public. Interested scholars recognise the lack of scholarly attention given to nonhuman animals and to the relationships between human and nonhuman, especially in the light of the pervasiveness of animal representations, symbols, and stories, as well as the actual presence of animals in human societies and cultures. Animals abound in literary and cultural texts, either they are animals-as-constructed or animals-as-such. However, we can approach any literary text from a theoretical lens where the representation of nonhuman animals is the main operative analytic frame. In literature nonhuman animals are given the titular role, they carry symbolic function, they speak human language and so on. But these create problematics and bear the politics of representation. Papers should be within 3000-4000 words following the latest MLA style sheet and must have abstract of 250 words with keywords. The papers should accompany relevant endnotes, references and authors’ bio-note. They will be scrutinised and reviewed thoroughly and checked for potential unethical practices. Selected papers will be collected in a book (with ISBN) to be published by a reputed publisher. Submission Deadline: October 31. Submit to:

Cristina Hanganu-Bresch is soliciting chapters for an anthology to be published with an academic press and which will cover a wide range of rhetorical perspectives on veganism as identity, practice, ideology, and discursive ecology. Please send inquiries and chapter abstracts not to exceed 300 words to Cristina Hanganu-Bresch, by September 30, 2018. Full CFP here.

As you can see, there is a tremendous amount of activity and progress going on today in the field of human-animal studies, and we always invite your input and participation. Your donation to the Animals & Society Institute will enable us to continue to expand the field in many more ways and work in conjunction with others around the world who share these goals.

Thank you for supporting our Human-Animal Studies efforts!

Margo DeMello
Human-Animal Studies Director