Worship This Sunday
June 2 - 10:30 am
Pride Sunday
2 Cor. 4:5-7 , Mark 2:23-3:4
Let's Put Jesus In The Closet
Meditation by Rev. Matt Broadbent
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For those unable to join us in person, there will be a live videocast
of the worship service at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays.
Go to the church's website, or use one of the links below.
If you miss the live service, you can find it archived on YouTube.
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The Santa Cruz Pride Festival is Sunday, June 2. We will be part of an interfaith worship service downtown in Plaza Lane at 9:30am, after which members and friends of Peace UCC are invited to march behind our banner in the Pride Parade. We’ll also have a table in the festival displays area, offering information about our Open and Affirming church and extending the
invitation to enjoy our community.
For those not attending the Pride service downtown, there will be a worship service in our sanctuary at 10:30am with Matt Broadbent leading.
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Come join Peace United families and friends for an evening of games and Pizza My Heart pizzas.
May 31st from 6:00 to 8:30.
Bring your friends. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Be there or be square.
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Pride is an expression of our mission and values! Read the guest commentary of PUCC member, Susan Thistlethwaite, in the Santa Cruz Sentinel using this link, and do join us for the interfaith service at 9:30 am and parade at 11:00 am on June 2 | |
Pentecost - Celebrating the Holy Spirit Coming as Flames to Unite All Believers!
The Busy Hands group has created beautiful banners to enhance the Sanctuary and narthex.
If you would like to be involved in upcoming projects, contact Lisa Hoesing or come Wednesdays, 3:00pm, to the Fireside Lounge.
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Zentangle Club
June 4, 2024 Meeting
It's summertime, summertime, som-som- summertime
This month Zentangle club meets on Tuesday night, June 4th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.
We can play with creating a California Summer Tile. What will your tile have on it? A surfboard, redwood trees, the ocean, the beach, maybe a beach umbrella or a beach ball? This will be fun to find out.
Come and join us for some Zentangle inspired fun, and intentional relaxation.
As usual the basic supplies will be provided.
The Zentangle Club meets on the first Tuesday of the month at:
Peace UCC, 900 High St., in the fireside lounge.
Park in the upper parking lot.
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Peace Walking Group
The Walking Women's Group invites any and all to join us on the second Tuesday of the month. For more information, and to find out where to meet us this month, contact Susie Land susietrip@gmail.com
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Don't miss out on this opportunity! Kerry Skyles, a longtime Peace member, is selling her home. The sooner you act, the better, as it's priced to sell!
It's in a resident-owned Senior Mobile Home Park in Corralitos. The semi-rural location is excellent, next to a meadow with an ocean view.
View the listing HERE
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The Vera Taylor Scholarship Committee is accepting applications from church members for scholarships for 2024-25.
Who can apply?
- If you are a full-time student or planning to become one, and have been a member of Peace United Church of Christ for at least one year, you are eligible to apply for the Vera Taylor Scholarship.
Attend a college or university or an accredited vocational school, such as culinary arts, dental hygiene, or the like, in an undergraduate or graduate-level program.
- For mini-grants to learn or enhance skills and strategies for church or community outreach activities by taking training in a program that leads to a certificate or degree for such things but not limited to Hospice, elder care, child care, working with homeless persons or prisoners, crisis hotlines and counseling, English as a second language, and immigration support.
Where can I find an application?
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Special Congregational Meeting on Peace Village
June 9th after Service
There will be a special congregational meeting on Sunday, June 9, immediately after the service in the Fellowship Hall and by Zoom (zoom details later). At this meeting, the Congregation will be asked to approve various legal documents necessary for the Peace Village housing development to move forward, directing the Moderator to sign and execute them, per her authority. It is important for everyone to attend if at all possible.
At its meeting on July 11, 2021, the Congregation approved moving ahead planning, design, and implementation of the Peace Village Housing project. Now that plans have been submitted and the project has received City approval, the Church needs to execute the documents that will provide the legal basis for proceeding. These documents include arrangements with the developer for construction and management of the apartments, parking, uses of the upper meadow by the Church, and many other details. The documents will be made available to the congregation at least one week before the meeting, the Church Representatives to the developer will provide further
information about them in the coming weeks, and a presentation summarizing them will be made at the meeting.
We are pleased to report that the Church Representatives, Church attorney Steve Cassidy, and the developer have reached consensus on the documents, vetting them carefully from multiple angles. The Church Representatives are unanimous in their recommendation that approval be given to the moderator exercise her authority to sign and execute these documents.
The meeting will make a foundational decision toward creating Peace Village. Please attend!!!
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Important Church Meetings
Mark Your Calendars
Our congregation has a lot happening in the next 2 months. To give everyone a chance to plan ahead, here is the schedule.
June 2 – Pride Sunday
June 9 –Congregational meeting to review and approve implementation documents for Peace Village Housing Project
June 30 – Annual Meeting to review and approve budget, and to vote on new Council officers
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Stewardship Status Report
We are an open and affirming community, a gathering place for faith and renewal, a community attending to people in need, a progressive Christian environment that embraces our interfaith colleagues and Santa Cruz neighbors, and a community that anticipates continuing growth through the provision of service and mission. It is in giving that we receive.
Pledge season is an opportunity to open our spirits of generosity and ensure that our church continues to be a vibrant community and grows. This is a moment of opportunity.
We are grateful for your past support!! Now, we need a completed form from each household, whether your pledge is the same or changing. Please submit your pledge form. If you need a copy, you can use THIS LINK
Faithfully yours,
Lisa Hoesing, Lisa Johnson, Pastor Dave Pattee, Maryse Postlewaite, Bill Walton, Bob Lange.
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Authentic Living, Loving Service:
An Exploration of Joy, Community, and Service
with the Expressive Arts
10:30am - 12:30pm, for four Saturdays - June 29 through July 20
Joy shared is joy multiplied. When our authentic passions merge with our desire to make a difference, the delight grows exponentially! It is no accident that you love what you love in this life - it's an integral part of who you are, and a resource for purposeful living.
You're invited to join this 4-week series, using the expressive arts to explore how the things that bring you joy integrate with your way of being and serving in community. We'll play with movement, sound, drawing, and writing as expressive media, discovering and rediscovering what makes us come alive, and how it can gain fuller expression. No prior artistic training or experience is required - just a willingness to play, enjoy, and learn something new.
To register please contact Lanakila@lanakilamusic.com.
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Loving God, keep us in the Amazing Grace that is ours through Jesus Christ
- Prayers for a full recovery for Ingrid Parker.
- Continued prayers for Mira Haslam’s brother-in-law Richard, and peace and calm for her daughter Angela's family and for her granddaughter Layla's safety;
- for Josie Thomas (Schilling) and for Lori Iles (Rogers), that they may keep their faith during long job searches;
- for Hilda and the family of Joe Trevino, entering hospice;
- from the Walton family for Dom, for son Johnnie’s heart valve repair so he can be on the active kidney transplant list, and for friend Vicki in hospital with an intestinal blockage;
- for Carol Moss, Brooke Graff’s recovery, Susie Land, and Lisa Johnson’s grandson Dustin for cancer treatment.
- Prayers for all who grieve the loss of loved ones and homes, are at the effect of violence and war, all who are oppressed and bullied, unhoused and incarcerated, experiencing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual illness, addicted and at the effect of fear.
- Prayers for peace and an end to all war, especially for mercy in Gaza and Palestine, and for hostages and their families.
With gratitude
- For the healing we receive in our bodies, minds, and spirits.
- For all who donate their time, talents, and treasure to God’s work for our church.
- For all those who serve the Good in their paid and unpaid work, stepping up in churches and all forms of service to others.
Thank You, in Jesus’ Holy Healing Name, Amen!
You may request prayers by emailing Prayers@PeaceUnited.Org,
calling Lynn Walton (600-7343), or calling the church office (426-2010).
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We Want to Hear Your Voice
Sign Up to Be A Liturgist!
We would love to have you as a liturgist (reader) in one of our Sunday morning worship services. It's a wonderful way of serving!
Sign up for a Sunday to read live and in person and we'll connect with you by e-mail on the Tuesday prior, sending all the information you'll need for getting ready.
If you'd like to give it a try, click on this link to choose a date.
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Watch Out For Scammers
Peace United staff and leaders will never solicit you by e-mail, asking you to purchase or send gift cards or electronic funds for any purpose. Contact the church office if you have any concerns about emails you may receive.
Read More
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Office Hours!
Monday through Friday, from 9 am - 2 pm staff are in the office, attending to the business of our church: monitoring e-mail, answering telephones and/or responding to messages, working on the dozens of different projects and connections that keep our ministry moving forward.
If you plan to come into the office, please call ahead to schedule a time when we know someone will be in to assist you. You can reach us by e-mail using the list below or by phone, 831-426-2010.
Pastor Dave works from the church office, Monday through Thursday, and most weeks will have office hours on Saturday too, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Friday is his day off. In case of emergency, the pastor is available by cell phone, 773-255-8095. If you would like to schedule a meeting or would like to "drop by", please contact us via email using this link to make an arrangement.
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Small Groups and Ministries of Outreach
Use this link to find information about our various small groups and
ministries here at PUCC.
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Peace UCC Facilities Calendar
To view our availability or request space on our campus click here!
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Our conference staff and the offices have
moved to a new address. The new address is
1320 Willow Pass Rd., Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520
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Sign up here to further peace and justice around the world | |
Find out more about global ministries here.
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Get a daily devotional here.
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