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What's New at One Challenge

April 2024 Edition

Annual ReportOne Purpose

One Challenge is all about ONE. It’s in our name! We love to help churches and organizations come together to multiply disciples, stimulate movements, and saturate whole nations with healthy churches. Toward this end, we serve as catalysts, connectors, coaches, and behind-the-scenes facilitators. Collaboration leads to acceleration!

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Matching Grant Opportunity!

The Seed Fund allows One Challenge to embrace possibilities and respond to needs as God instructs.

Until the end of June, every dollar beyond normal giving to the Seed Fund will be matched by a generous friend, up to $45,000—dollar for dollar—seed for seed. This means we could potentially raise $90,000 to reach people with the gospel and the love of Jesus.


God is already at work! We are excited for how his blessing will continue.

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Steps of Obedience,

When God Says Go

When the Holy Spirit whispers to you, listen closely. It might be through a voice, a feeling deep in your gut, or an opportunity that keeps knocking on the door of your conscience.

On the path toward living a missional life, the first step is obedience.

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South Korea's Glorious Challenge

What OC workers are witnessing now is an unexpected opportunity with great potential for building God’s church and kingdom in the "Stans" as new believers, who were discipled in South Korea, return to their homelands with the Good News.

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Daily Prayer

We have highlighted some of the ways you can pray for different teams and places in the world. Know that your prayers matter – everyday.

Pray Now

One Challenge

PO Box 36900

Colorado Springs, CO 80936

(719) 592-9292

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