Sanibel Community Association Annual Meeting Notice
The Sanibel Community Association’s (SCA) Annual Meeting will be held Wednesday, April 24, at 8:30 AM. Learn the status of your Community Association, and The Sanibel Community House. Please call 239-472-2155 to reserve your place. Reservations are encouraged, so call or stop by the Community House at 2173 Periwinkle Way to let us know you are coming. Members look for your ballot via email. (check the junk mail too!) Please submit your completed ballot by Wednesday, April 3 at 3:00pm.
If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation, please visit our web site at or stop in at this historical heart of the islands-The Community House! A donation of $1500 pays our electric bill for a month, $750 pays the garbage bill for a month, $120 pays the Pest Control bill for one month-Help us help our community. Our mission is: To enrich community spirit through educational, cultural and social gatherings in our historic Community House.