Recess? Not for House Committee on Finance

Although for many of my colleagues, the mandatory five day recess was an opportunity to return to their Districts, for those of us on the Finance Committee, our days were packed with hearings at the Capitol. For many bills, Finance was the final committee before today's third reading floor session.

Tomorrow, the Finance committee will hear HB1800 aka "the budget bill", which

needs to be passed out of committee and the House chamber by next week Wednesday.

Coming up on Thursday is crossover, which means that all House bills that have passed third reading will be sent to the Senate for consideration and vice versa.

And finally, Friday is the deadline to introduce resolutions.

We are happy to report most of our bills are still "alive" with only a few changes since introduction. Included in these measures are the loko i'a bill (HB2626), land conservation fund bill (HB1592), teacher housing bill (HB2514), emergency management bill (HB2515), burial council bill (HB1529), suicide awareness month amendment (HB1541), firefighter staffing bill (HB1530), micro-enterprise kitchen bill (HB1591), essential medical air transportation bill (HB2544), and the Hana highway maintenance bill (HB2702).

Mahalo for your continued support and we always look forward to hearing from you!

Me ke aloha,


Rep. Poepoe Interviewed by

National Publication

Rep. Poepoe recently was interviewed by the Bloomberg Law for an article on States considering or adopting measures ensuring a constitutional right to a healthy and stable environment.

This session, Rep.Poepoe introduced HB1528, proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing individuals the right to a clean and healthy environment, the control of pollution, and the conservation, protection, and enhancement of the natural, native, cultural, scenic, and healthful qualities of the environment.

As explained by Rep. Poepoe in the article, “This amendment would ensure that the natural resources we depend on for cultural continuity are secured...clean air, pure water, healthy oceans and ecosystems, and a stable climate are basic necessities for sustaining life on Earth. Why should this not be guaranteed?”

Although the bill was not heard, Rep. Poepoe will soon introduce a resolution encouraging our State to protect this important right.

To read the full article, click here.

2024 Lāna'i Mouflon Sheep Hunting Season Opens in March

Applications for the 2024 Lānaʻi mouflon sheep hunting season will be available next month, beginning Monday, March 4, 2024. Applications can be filed online at by clicking “Apply for Hunts.”


The Lānaʻi mouflon sheep season will consist of four hunts: an archery hunt, a youth hunt, a muzzleloader hunt, and a general rifle hunt. All four hunts may be subject to a lottery drawing.


Depending on application levels, standby hunting opportunities may be offered for the general rifle season. If application levels are more significant or lower than anticipated for the general rifle season, one or more weekends may be added or eliminated.


For more information and to apply, go to:

Congratulations to HHSAA State Wrestling

Champion Diesel Del Rosario of Lāna'i

On February 23 and 24, 2024, the Hawai'i High School Athletic Association (HHSAA) held its 2024 State Wrestling Championship competition at Cannon Activities Center in Lā'ie. Diesel Del Rosario of Lānaʻi High School fought to the final and was up against a two-time defending champion in the 120-pound weight class, Evan Kusumoto of Kamehameha Kapālama.

After a back-and-forth showdown, Diesel came out on top and won the gold in the 120 Boys Title. In additions to bringing home Lānaʻi High School's first-ever state championship win this year, Diesel also took third place in last years competition. Warmest aloha and congratulations to Diesel, you have brought so much pride to your 'ohana and community!

Simplified Tax Form N-11SF

This new tax form makes it easier to receive food excise tax credits which was doubled to $220 last year. Below are the links to the form and instructions for those who qualify.

N-11SF (Rev 2023) Simplified Individual Income Tax Return (

Instructions for Form N-11SF (Rev. 2023) (

Expanding Preschool Open Doors to Serve More Children and Families

For the POD Period of July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

Applications Due: March 28, 2024


Interested families may apply online or should request an application as soon as possible from PATCH by visiting or calling 808-791-2130 or toll-free 1-800-746-5620. PATCH can also help families locate a preschool convenient for them.

OHA Grant Solicitations ARE NOW OPEN!

OHA has lowered the barriers for nonprofit organizations wanting to apply for funding! These changes include fewer eligibility requirements, decreased matching funds requirements, and more streamlined application and reporting.

Learn about the new OHA Grant Application process at one of the in-person trainings, or the online training option. Visit to apply for a grant or register for a training. Solicitations will be open till March 29, 2024

Come Visit the Capitol!

The Capitol is OPEN to the public. However, it will continue to offer hybrid options for hearings and testimony.

Capitol Hours: Building hours for the State Capitol are 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Photo identification is required for entry into the building. All guests will receive an entry wristband upon completing the security checkpoint.

Paid Public Parking: The Capitol parking lot has reopened for paid public parking.

Rep. Mahina Poepoe

District 13 House of Representatives

415 S. Beretania Street Room 331

Honolulu, HI 96813

(808) 586-6790


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